【Erica:"If you knew what happened in the past two days, you would not be surprised by a mere disobedient god."】

Erica sighed as she said this.

Thinking back to three days ago, she was still anxious about the legendary beast, and the awe of the gods was engraved in her bones since she was a child.

At that time, she certainly could not have imagined that so many changes would happen in just three days.

The improvement of her own strength is already the least worth mentioning thing.

The killing of gods that seemed like a miracle in the past has become numb after being repeated many times.

Toosaka Rin and the others have only seen two battles of killing gods, and they were both one-on-one. Naturally, the threshold was not raised, and the killing of gods was still attractive to them.

However, anyone who has seen Su Mo batch processing like flowing water, killing seven or eight disobedient gods in one breath, and cutting down these gods at once like cutting wheat, will find it difficult to raise any awe of the disobedient gods.

At the moment, there is only one battle with the disobedient god, and there is no suspense.

Although, with Erica's current strength, if she is against the disobedient god, the probability of winning is not too high.

But this does not prevent her from thinking that the other party is weak.

After all, she has seen too many

【Madoka:"I don't know why, but I feel like Erica has worked hard."】

【Toosaka Rin:"I'm curious about what happened that made Erica's cognition completely change to the shape of Su Mo-sama."】

【Erica:"It's hard to describe this in five, six, seven words. You will know it later.""】

Although there was only one disobedient god in front of her, Erica was sure that Su Mo's next batch of gods would not be too far away.

After all, there were still four godslayers who had not surrendered, and they could all be used as key materials for the god summoning ritual.

【Toosaka Rin:"Riddler, get out of Fuyuki City!"】

【Rin Toosaka:"Eh, an owl?"

Rin, with sharp eyes, keenly noticed something incongruous in the live broadcast.

It was still daytime, how could an owl take the initiative to fly into the base camp of the Red Copper Black Cross?

Before seeing Rin Toosaka speak, Erica had already sensed a strange aura.

Looking at this huge owl, she held the hilt of the sword and asked with the most basic etiquette.

"Excuse me, what is the imperial body?"

"Humph! You are standing in front of me, but you don't know my name? As a witch of Hermes, your eyes are so bad?"

Hearing Erica's question, the owl in front of her suddenly spoke in a very feminine tone.

【Madoka:"Wow, the bird is talking!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"What kind of god is this with an owl as a familiar?"

The group was quite interested in the owl in front of them and began to guess which god of disobedience it was.

Before they could guess any clues, Su Mo at the scene had already given the answer.

"Athena, the goddess of bright eyes, you are here as expected.

Athena's nickname is the goddess of radiance, which actually means"the goddess with shining eyes". The original meaning is"the goddess with owl eyes".

Therefore, the owl is the most representative symbol of Athena.

"As expected of the King of Rakshasa, he seems to have some good eyesight."

Hearing that Su Mo recognized him, the owl nodded in satisfaction, and then transformed into a little silver-haired girl who looked no more than twelve or thirteen years old.

Although she looked extremely young, she showed a stronger aura than the average disobedient god.

【Toosaka Rin:"Is this the famous goddess of victory Athena? She looks a little cute."】

【Xiaoyuan:"Indeed, you look very young!"

Athena was unaware that she was being criticized by others. After officially revealing her body, she looked at Su Mo with an extremely serious look on her face. Her dark eyes were fixed on the divine tool in Su Mo's hand - the Gorgon Stone.

"Son of a Fool! Since you deliberately used this divine tool to attract me, you must have aimed at my power and prepared for a fight, right? I must take back what belongs to me, so you——"


Before Athena finished her threat, she saw Su Mo casually throwing the Gorgon Stone, which was very important to her, at her.


Athena was stunned. The most powerful wisdom in her mind could not figure out why.

She had already prepared herself to snatch the Gorgon Stone even if she had to face Su Mo head-on. She did not expect that such a precious divine tool would be given to her so casually.

"Don't you want this? I'll give it back to you."

Su Mo waved his hand, looking like he didn't care.


Athena subconsciously thought it was a trap, but after carefully examining the Gorgon Stone, she found that there was nothing wrong with the divine tool itself.

So, she was a little confused.

Instead of using the Gorgon Stone to complete her godhood immediately, she asked in confusion:

"God Slayer, what are you going to do?"

The sudden kindness made her confused.

"I'm just expressing my basic sincerity."

Su Mo said very frankly

"There is something that requires your cooperation, so I want to ask if you are willing"

""You're just asking me, and you're giving me this divine tool? Aren't you afraid that I'll reject your invitation?"

Athena asked doubtfully.

In any case, the other party's behavior was too risky.

After obtaining the Gorgon Stone, she was more than twice as strong as before!

"Of course not, I believe the goddess of victory will not do such a thing. Moreover, this divine tool is just a gift to get you to stop and negotiate. It was originally yours. Whether you agree to my invitation or not, it belongs to you."

Su Mo naturally didn't care about this little enhancement.

If Athena agrees to the invitation, it will be fine. Even if she doesn't agree to the invitation, Su Mo can obtain all her enhanced godhood by killing the gods.

No matter what Athena chooses, he will not lose at all.

Athena may not have thought of this, but Su Mo's tone still made her very happy. There is almost no god who doesn't like to see his credibility recognized by others.

With the corners of her mouth slightly raised, the young silver-haired goddess clenched the divine tool and asked with great interest

"What could be worth the price you pay just to have me involved?"

"The matter itself is very simple, but I have to confirm your personal opinion."

Su Mo carefully observed the goddess in front of him and asked

"Before that, I would like to ask, as a goddess of the Trinity, what you are pursuing now is to unify the godhood of the three goddesses, Medusa, Metis, and Athena, and regain the glory of the Earth Mother... right?"

In the world of God Slayer, Athena's godhood is obviously the godhood of the Earth Mother that was defeated and split by the Steel Hero God.

As the ancient Earth Mother, she was originally a goddess king widely believed in the Mediterranean, but in the process of mythology, the matriarchal clan was replaced by the patriarchal clan, and the mythology was gradually devalued.

In the end, her godhood was directly split into three parts, one goddess of wisdom, one goddess of victory, and one was simply slandered as a monster.

Unlike Guinevere, the Earth Mother who chose to submit to the Steel Hero God, Athena is a very rebellious type.

Therefore, she chose to rebel against the myth and tried to complete her godhood and return to the original ancient Earth Mother posture.

"You actually know this?"

Hearing Su Mo touching her wound, Athena would have been very angry if it was normal.

But now, Su Mo gave her such a heavy gift as soon as they met, and the tone of his inquiry was quite serious, not sarcastic.

She naturally couldn't use a too tough tone.

"Very good."

After confirming his thoughts from Athena's answer, Su Mo asked

"How far are you willing to go to regain the glory of Mother Earth?"

"What do you mean?"

Athena was a little confused.

As the god of wisdom, she couldn't guess Su Mo's thoughts at all.

"What I want to ask is... I can give you a chance to rebel against Zeus, the Hero of Steel, do you dare to rebel against all the gods?"

After hearing this, Athena was completely stunned.

Rebellion against all the gods, this was the first time she heard someone dare to say such an exaggerated word.

Even if it was a godslayer, at most he would kill one or two disobedient gods and regard it as his own honor. But this man in front of her actually set his sights on all the gods?

"How do you want to rebel against the gods?"

Athena asked directly out of curiosity without saying whether she would agree or not.

Seeing her reaction, Su Mo was certain that his speculation was correct. In the matter of rebelling against the gods, Athena was far more radical than he thought.

In this case, there was no need to use Pandora and Guinevere to help her strengthen her confidence.


"My idea is this……"

In a very concise language, Su Mo fully expressed his plan, without hiding anything and not bothering to hide anything.

"Your target is actually the God Realm?"

After hearing Su Mo's thoughts, Athena felt even more deeply the madness of this godslayer in front of her.

As the mortal enemy of the gods, he took the initiative to step into the base camp of the gods. Isn't this courting death?

"How about it, are you interested?"

Su Mo asked directly

"If you really have the ability to stir up a storm in the divine realm, I don't mind helping you find the way to the divine realm."

Athena said

"But how do you prove your strength? Moreover, the premise of letting me return to the God's Domain is to let me return to the myth. Do you think I will give up this journey for this illusory idea?"

If these two points cannot be solved, it will be useless to say anything.

She is willing to be a traitor to the gods, but she is not willing to be a traitor to the gods with no future.

If it is something else, Athena does not mind helping, but returning to the God's Domain is clearly a matter of her life. Without enough trust, she obviously cannot agree.

Su Mo has already considered this.

"Proof of strength? Return to the myth? Isn't this a simple matter?"

He spread his hands slightly, speaking as if it was a matter of course.

"It is still the most ancient battle etiquette, the winner gets everything, the loser can only surrender. The moment you lose, these two problems will no longer be a problem"

""It's a very good proposal."

Although she still felt that Su Mo was too confident, Athena did not reject Su Mo's proposal.

As the ancient mother goddess of the Trinity, she also had her own confidence.

If Su Mo could really beat her in her prime, then why not listen to him? Accepting defeat is the basic quality of a goddess of battle.

If the other party fails, then it is his turn to obey her orders.

Ordinary godslayers and disobedient gods are like mortal enemies, but facing Su Mo who was so generous, Athena felt that even if Su Mo lost, he was not unqualified to be her attendant.

"Let's change the venue!"

After deciding to fight, Su Mo casually opened a space channel.

On the other side of the channel was his favorite battlefield - Sardinia.

Seeing that Su Mo and Athena had talked and that they still had to fight, the group members immediately perked up.

For them, killing gods was still a relatively new thing.

【Toosaka Rin:"Here it comes! I bet on Master Su Mo to win!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"You are not allowed to bet on the same result, place your bets now!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"How do we bet on this?"】

【Erica:"Is it possible that she is just trying to steal money?"

Seeing the group chat still as excited as ever, Su Mo blocked all the messages and focused almost all of his attention on Athena.

Anyway, there wouldn't be any important information in their chat group, so he might as well think about how to make Athena call him in the God's Domain.

It was because of this idea that Su Mo missed a very important message in the chat group.

【Welcome new members to join the chat group]. Được

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