In the Age of Gods, kings often had a status equivalent to that of gods.

Although some of the Scythians and Sarmatians at the time were nomadic peoples, they were still matriarchal. Just like the Amazon warriors in mythology, even women had the obligation to fight.

Therefore, the god of war they worshipped was naturally a female god of war.

This is why Lancelot in front of them has stunning beauty and a proud figure that surpasses Erica.

However, with the expansion of Rome and the spread of the legend of King Arthur, Guinevere put a new vest on this female god of war, making her the legendary Knight of the Lake, Lancelot, who was mistaken for a man.

The origin of this change in the godhood is actually quite complicated. She didn't expect that she would be seen through so easily.

But no matter what, defeat is defeat.

"I admit my defeat. Come on, King of Rakshasa! Take your medal from my corpse and boost your bravery! This is the right of the winner!"

After this undisputed defeat, the White God of War had no intention of struggling. He simply closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

Just as the Steel Hero God seized power from the Earth Mother Goddess, it was natural for the defeated God of Disobedience to be deprived of power by the God Slayer.

The winner can naturally plunder everything.

The only thing that made her a little worried was the god Zugneville whom she protected.

However, she had delayed for a long time. The child must have left with King Arthur, right?

Thinking of this, she was slightly relieved and waited for the return of the myth.

However, Su Mo did not kill her on the spot.


In Rome, Marquis Vauban, whose godhood was sealed by the 607 Golden Sword, was taken to the underground prison, facing the Sword King Tony across the wall.

The God of War Lancelot was taken to the hall of the Red Copper Black Cross Headquarters Castle.

"God Slayer, what do you mean by this?"

The female military god, with her hands shackled and her divine power completely sealed, showed a puzzled expression.

"Don't you intend to kill me and take my power?"

After asking doubtfully, she looked down at her surging chest, and after a moment's pause, she revealed a look of realization.

"Could it be that what you are interested in is not my power, but this body?"

"Although it is the loser's duty to serve the winner, I have no similar experience. If you want, you can only do it yourself."

She said very frankly.

For modern people, this is too much of a moral and shameless statement.

But for the heroes of the Age of Gods, especially the Hero God of Steel, this is not a big deal.

Killing the enemy and obtaining his property and wife and daughter is a common rule in the Age of Gods.

Even in later generations, this custom is deeply circulated.

If Su Mo really asked for his body as a trophy, the goddess in front of him would not cooperate, but she would not refuse either.


Erica, who had arranged for Marquis Vauban, heard this as soon as she walked in.

She couldn't help but lower her head and look at herself.

To be honest, her figure was first-rate among her peers and even mature women, with a D rating at least.

However, compared with the female military god in front of her, it was too far behind.

If she was still a slender girl of fifteen or sixteen, the other party had a mature figure of about seventeen or eighteen years old. Whether it was the curvature or the curve, she could not match it.

So, she was a little anxious.

""Master! After all, the other party is a disobedient god, be careful of her conspiracy!"

Erica advised in a roundabout way.

If she attacks in bed, especially at a critical moment, even the weakest woman may kill a man. Not to mention, the goddess in front of him is the most powerful god of war, so he must be on guard.

Hearing this, the female god of war looked at Erica, shook her head, and said very straightforwardly

"Witch, I understand your concerns. Don't worry, I have no intention of competing for favor! However, you must not tarnish the honor of a warrior. I swear in the name of my Lord that since I have admitted defeat, I will never do such a deceitful thing!"

Most gods value reputation more than life, and the god of war is even more so.

Lancelot does not mind serving the winner, but he minds being slandered by others without reason.

If Erica was not Su Mo's subordinate, part of the exhortation was also out of loyalty. With her character, she might directly propose a duel and defend her own reputation with her life.

"……Sorry, my Lord, I am sorry for offending you."

Hearing that the other party directly pointed out her hidden desire to win favor and made a guarantee, Erica's face turned red and she immediately admitted defeat.

The promise of the God of War is still quite valuable.

Su Mo ignored the small verbal confrontation between the two.

However, Su Mo was still able to answer the common questions of Erica and Lancelot.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of giving up your power."

As he spoke, he raised the platinum blade and stared at the remains of the world-saving sword.

"However, as the god closest to the source of steel and the original sword, your godhood is very special."

"Being able to use the Savior Sword so freely, if I am not mistaken, you also have the qualifications to become the final king, right?"

At this point, he turned his gaze back to the face of the White God of War.

The goddess showed visible astonishment.

"Do you even know this?"

Although she mentioned the title of the Last King before, she never said the true meaning of this god.

I thought that the current God Slayer would not know this secret, but I didn't expect that Su Mo not only understood the meaning of the Last King, but even understood its essence.

Yes, although the Last King is the ultimate weapon used by the gods to wipe out the devil, it is not a fixed position that can only be held by a certain god.

In fact, in different parallel worlds, the candidates for the Last King are different.

Some are the God King Mithra, and some are Jian Yu Lei Shen.

But no matter how you choose, those who are qualified for the position of the Last King and have the qualifications of the Last King candidate have one characteristic.

That is, they must be the closest to the source of steel and the source of sword.���As the original steel hero god

, Lancelot also has the corresponding qualifications. The final king of this world just happens not to be her.

"I just happened to know it."

Su Mo said calmly

"The dispute between the Hero God of Steel and the Earth Goddess is one of the main contradictions in this world and an important factor affecting the power of the gods."

Even if the power of the God of Disobedience does not depend on its status in mythology, the power of the Celtic mythological human knight Lancelot is actually stronger than the main god Athena in Greek mythology. This is too exaggerated. There is only one reason why the God of War is so powerful, and that is the attribute enhancement of the Hero God of Steel.

In this world, the closer the Hero God is to the source of steel, that is, the original sword, the stronger his strength is.

"Therefore, I intend to use your godhood and the fragment of the Savior Sword to create a second mythical spell.——【Sword of the Original】"

He stated his purpose frankly

""Mythology ritual?"

Lancelot was a little confused and didn't quite understand what it meant.

Erica's eyes widened.

"The second one?!"

You know, the last mythical spell that Su Mo constructed was the Sword of Victory that was powerful enough to kill all the gods in an instant. She had personally witnessed its power, which was definitely not a force that ordinary gods could resist.

Who would have thought that Master Su Mo would have a new inspiration so soon?


Su Mo nodded slightly.

If the Sword of Victory is a mythological ritual constructed by combining the godhoods of the gods mastered by Su Mo with the essence of victory as the core.

Then, the Sword of Original is a mythological ritual constructed by purifying and strengthening all the powers of the Steel Hero God with the source of steel as the core.

The two have different cores, so the effects of the rituals are naturally different.

Compared with the Sword of Victory, which pursues victory in battle, the function of the Sword of Original is to fix the characteristics of the Steel Hero God in a ritual.

In this way, even in another world, Su Mo can still seize the godhood of the loser through the characteristics of the Steel Hero God.

It can even be said that the characteristics of killing gods can be expanded to all the heavens and worlds.

Looking at Erica's surprised posture and Su Mo's attitude that he did not intend to keep it secret, Lancelot wanted to continue asking.

But at this moment, a stern girl's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Master! I'm back!"



After getting Su Mo's permission, two people who made Lancelot feel very familiar approached from outside the door.

Her eyes swept across the golden-haired girl whose divine fluctuations were very familiar but whose appearance was very unfamiliar, and soon fell on the trophy on the girl's shoulders - a girl who looked no more than twelve or thirteen years old.

It was an overly familiar petite figure.

The other party seemed to have lost strength at the moment, but had not lost consciousness. When she saw herself, her red eyes also looked very surprised.

The female military god sighed, and spoke together with the petite God Ancestor who had come to his senses

"My beloved son, how come you were caught too?"

"Uncle, how come you were also captured?"

After the unanimous questioning, there was a few seconds of silence. The ancestor of the gods, Guinevere, and the god of war ,

Lancelot, realized that the other party had also become a prisoner.


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