Just like gods forgiving sinners, and like angels welcoming the righteous.

Under the brilliant sword of light, the black mud melted like snow. The black giant immediately melted and collapsed, returning to pure magic power that was colorless and tasteless, flowing in the base of the Holy Grail.

The incarnation of the evil god roared in pain, but the incarnation of the good god recognized the goodness of the incarnation of the evil god and personally ended his eternal pain.

This mythical scene, like a sacred religious ceremony, stunned everyone in front of him.

"Even the head of the evil god can be recognized... Is this the generosity of the gods?".

Even the knowledgeable Altria was deeply touched.

"……People come to admit, people come to allow, people come to bear the sin."

Thinking back to what Su Mo said just now, Artoria was suddenly confused.

If everything is decided by humans themselves, whether it is their victory or failure, it is all their own choice.

Then is her idea of returning to the day of choosing the king and rewriting history too hasty?

If the demise of Britain is the path chosen by the people, then as a king, should she rebel against the people for the country?

If so, how can she be a king?

When Artoria was confused, although she was eccentric, Toosaka Rin, who had little experience, did not feel too deeply.

Seeing that the enemy in front of her was completely defeated, she immediately noticed that where the black giant disappeared, there was actually something like a book left behind.

She immediately stepped forward with her legs, swung her ponytails and picked it up.

Then, as if to show her courtesy, she raised her hands and handed it back to Su Mo.

"Lord Su Mo, he seems to have dropped something."

The background color of the book cover is pure black, with a white flame burning in the middle. The part where the white flame and the black back cover meet is the outer flame of the fire, showing a gradient orange-red.

The style of the flame is a typical Zoroastrian holy fire emblem.

From the side of the book, you can see the title of the book in Persian.

Lin didn't know Persian, so naturally he couldn't recognize what it was.

But Su Mo recognized it from the beginning.

Or rather, the book in front of him was one of the biggest purposes of his coming here.


Su Mo read out the meaning of the ancient Persian text.

Hearing this, Lin immediately reacted.

"Isn't this the Zoroastrian scripture?!"

For magicians, the Avesta and the Bible are》、《Kojiki》、《Theogony》、《The Iliad and other religious scriptures are as famous as them, and are compulsory courses that must be understood when you are a child.

"Not bad."

Su Mo nodded.

"It is also Angra Mainyu's Noble Phantasm - the Record of All Things."

As a Servant, Angra Mainyu had extremely low combat power before he polluted the Greater Holy Grail, and he could be considered the lowest level among all the Servants.

In fact, even after polluting the Greater Holy Grail, his combat power was not high.

With the massive magic power of the god level, he was actually defeated by the servants in the original book. This is already the type of negative combat power.

Even the Noble Phantasm he possessed, the rare one that can be named after the holy book"Avesta", the"Record of All Things", is the most useless type, without any damage power. The effect of this Noble Phantasm is to automatically record everything that the owner encounters, and it has no other function except shorthand.

It can be said that in the Third Holy Grail War, he was a complete cotton ball.

Any Servant who kicked him could kick him to death directly, and he didn't even need to release the Noble Phantasm.

After listening to Su Mo's description, Lin showed a disappointed expression.

"If it only has the effect of shorthand, wouldn't that be equivalent to having no effect at all? Moreover, if this evil of this world is just a substitute for the evil god, then this treasure should also be a pseudo-script, right?"

If it is the original scripture held by the gods, it is impossible for it to be only this level.

"From a universal and rational perspective, there is nothing wrong with what you said.

Su Mo agreed with Lin's comments.

"However, whether it is a pseudo-book or an original book, it is not that important. As long as it is filled with enough correct knowledge and can exert the same power, the pseudo-book may become or even replace the original book."

In the Type-Moon world, there are too many stories of counterfeits killing the originals.

But for Su Mo, it doesn't matter whether it is a pseudo-book or an original book, what matters is the knowledge contained in it. The

"Avesta" in his hand is like a seed that has not yet sprouted.

Although it has not yet recorded content that can rival the original book, Su Mo believes that with the continuous advancement of his research on the power of mythology, this pseudo-book will sooner or later grow to the level of the original book, or even surpass the original book.

What's more, the"Avesta" in front of him is not really without the ability to hurt people.

Perhaps [All Shows The"Record of All Things" is a treasure that has no lethality.

But another use of"Avesta", that is, Angra Mainyu's last treasure,"Forged Transcription of All Things", is still somewhat useful.

As long as he is not dead, he can rebound all the damage he has received to the opponent's origin.

For the weak, this treasure is full of traps, and any servant can give Angra Mainyu a fatal injury, making this power useless.

But for the strong, this treasure is a bit too strong.

Even for Su Mo, this is enough to rival or even surpass the power of mythology.

"Using a pseudo-scripture to surpass the original myth?!"

After hearing Su Mo's words, Lin was stunned for a moment and was shocked.

If anyone else said this, she would only think that she was overestimating herself, but if it was Su Mo,���Mo said this, she really thought Su Mo could do it.

After putting away the Avesta, Su Mo looked at Altria, who looked a little confused.

"The current Holy Grail is enough to fulfill your wish. Let's not talk about whether Alaya will allow you to do this. Let me ask you, do you still insist on the wish you once made?"

In Su Mo's opinion, Artoria can be said to have been deceived by Alaya and worked for it for nothing.

After all, even if Artoria won the Holy Grail War, Alaya would not allow her to rewrite history and create a strange loss belt.

That would be a troublesome situation determined by human nature.

"My... wish?"

Facing Su Mo's gaze that seemed to see through everything, the girl who had given everything for the country shook her head blankly.

"Sorry, Master, I don't know."

Hearing this expected answer, Su Mo stretched out his hand to the Daimao King in front of him.

"Since you are still not sure of your own thoughts, do you want to sign a new contract with me?"

"Re-sign... the contract?"

Altria was puzzled.

"That's right."

Su Mo explained patiently.

"Our previous contract was a master-servant contract that lasted until the end of the Holy Grail War. Since you still have doubts about your wish, do you want to sign a new contract?"

"In the new contract, you need to serve as an experiment... I mean, you need to offer your loyalty as a servant, and I will give you the answers you want during the journey!"

It was a very frank conversation, but Rin on the side felt that something was wrong.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but it always felt a bit like kidnapping.

Moreover, what Lord Su Mo wanted to say at the beginning was obviously not a servant, but an experiment!

In addition -

Erica, this idiot, actually went offline because of such a small bug.

You are about to be robbed, did you know that?

Trying hard to suppress the intense complaints in her heart, Rin's eyebrows twitched a little.

As a friend, she should have reminded Erica, but Su Mo was also her benefactor, which made her very embarrassed.

While Rin was struggling and hesitating, Altria quickly made a decision.

She immediately knelt on one knee and posed the etiquette of a knight's loyalty.

Unlike the short-term contract of the Holy Grail War, this is a long-term master-servant contract.

"Master! I am willing to accept your suggestion. In the name of the Knight King, I will defend your will with my life until the moment the contract ends."

She was so honest that she seemed to have forgotten to ask Su Mo when the contract would end.

During their short time together, she seemed to have misjudged Su Mo's style of doing things, thinking that he was a kind god with great compassion and an extremely upright style.

The request for companionship proposed by the god was naturally no different from a gift, and there was no reason to refuse.

"I accept your allegiance."

Su Mo tapped Artoria's shoulder three times with the Sword of Oath of Victory to complete the ceremony.

At the same time, a mythological ritual based on the wild boar incarnation and centered on the god of contract Mithra was activated, successfully snatching the sovereignty of Artoria from Alaya who failed to fulfill the agreement.

From now on, even without the help of the Command Spell, Su Mo can force Artoria to obey his orders as a master.

Of course, with the current power difference between the two sides, even without the master-servant contract, Artoria would not be able to resist him. After successfully harvesting the Queen of Saber Hair, Su Mo turned his attention to the structure of the Holy Grail in front of him.

At this time, there is still about a year before the Holy Grail War officially begins, and there is no rush to end the war.

Compared with the Holy Grail War, which has no suspense, there are more things worth studying in front of us.


I remember that the Greater Holy Grail was a magic tool designed by the Winter Saint, Justissa, which means... its structure itself contains the incomplete third law?".

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