After the excitement, Pandora suddenly asked curiously

"By the way, how do you plan to study the Godhead? I know that Xiao Su Mo is very powerful, but you must also pay attention to safety!

Compared with the disobedient gods who cannot maintain their existence if the Godhead dissipates, the danger of the godslayer interfering with the Godhead is obviously much smaller. The Godhead is not a necessity for them.

Therefore, Pandora was not very worried.

But this time, she was obviously relieved too early.

"Of course, it depends on these instruments."

Su Mo immediately showed his two experimental instruments.

One is a golden sword that can block and cut the godhead, and the other is an exile that can shatter the godhead.


A question mark suddenly appeared on Pandora's head.

"Although I heard you say this before, you don't really want to use these weapons to interfere with the godhead, do you?"

"Why not?"

Su Mo asked casually.

"The golden sword can separate the godheads, seal them and protect them at the same time. The exile can break the connection between the godheads. The two work together to dismantle any godhead.���polymerization"


Pandora was completely dumbfounded.

Even if it was theoretically feasible, what was the difference between this and directly attacking the Godhead? Was this kid's method of studying the Godhead so radical?

""Why, do you have any other good ideas?"

Seeing Pandora's question, Su Mo asked, and casually raised the golden sword of killing gods.

He just asked casually, but he didn't expect how easy it would be to cause misunderstandings with his actions at this moment.

Looking at the glittering golden sword in Su Mo's hand, Pandora suddenly realized a problem.

In this small space where the two of them were alone, if Su Mo was the researcher, then who was the material being studied?

Miss Pandora trembled immediately.

Seeing Su Mo raising the golden sword high and about to chop it down, she knelt on the ground with a plop and hugged Su Mo's thighs directly.


" Woooa...……


At this time, the sound of the golden sword piercing through the chest

"What are you thinking about?"

Su Mo's voice rang out.


Pandora looked up in confusion when she found that she was unharmed.

Then, she found the golden sword stuck in Su Mo's chest and his hand holding the hilt.

Pandora realized that she seemed to have thought too much.

Su Mo's experimental subject was not someone else, but himself.

What a Langmie, just like a doctor who performed a thoracotomy on himself.

"Don't worry, analyzing the godhood requires first-hand information, so the caster himself is the best experimental subject, it is not your turn to do it."

Su Mo briefly explained, then drew out a golden sword and stabbed it into his abdomen

【The two godheads represented by [The Legion of Hades] and [Reincarnation] were directly sealed and locked by him.

In this way, he could accurately select the godhead he wanted to operate, and then he could use the"Exile" to dissociate it, so as to carefully observe the internal structure of the godhead.


Pandora was stunned.

After she came to her senses, she immediately got up from the ground and looked at the wound on Su Mo's body with a little heartache.

"Even if it's for research, there's no need to do this, isn't it painful?"

Compared to research, she cared more about Su Mo's feelings.

Seeing that Su Mo was about to stab her with the third sword, she stomped her feet and gritted her teeth.

"Otherwise, you can use mom as a test subject. It's ok, as long as you are gentle, I can bear it!" She is still a girl, but when she said this, Pandora's expression was really full of maternal radiance.

"No need, this pain value is within my estimation. The golden sword mainly targets the godhead and will not cause irreversible damage."

Su Mo naturally shook his head and refused.

"Besides, as I said before, you are not qualified as a test subject."

"Of course, if you really want to help, you can help me record the information I dictate later."

""Yeah! No problem!"

Pandora wanted to insist, but after hearing what Su Mo said, she quickly took out a pen and paper and knelt down in front of Su Mo.

"you say!"

"The basic divine unit with the property of being indivisible must have a single core... The dissociated divine unit still has potential connections, and it is preliminarily estimated that its induction speed is the speed of light.……"

With repeated adjustments and attempts, Su Mo's understanding of the Godhead gradually deepened.

The basis for the effectiveness of comprehension is the accumulation of knowledge.

Only after acquiring sufficient knowledge can he gain more skills to master and mobilize the power of the Godhead and create more powerful skills.


Su Mo was immersed in his research in the underworld.

Several people in the chat group were still chatting in their daily group chat.

【Toosaka Rin:"It's been a week here, hasn't Lord Su Mo come back yet?"

Just as the time in the netherworld is not synchronized with the real world, the time in each world in the chat group is also not synchronized.

【Erica:"No, but it’s only my second day here!"】

【Erica:"The day after Master Su Mo was gone, I missed him."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Ah! So corny!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Erica, is this how you get on top of someone?"】

【Erica:"Hehe~ Are you envious?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I'm not envious - damn, I can't say that! When can I be as shameless as you?"】

【Small circle:"……"】

【Kanae:"There is still hope for Rin in this regard.""】


【Toosaka Rin:"?"】

【Erica:"Okay, no kidding! I really miss Master Su Mo."】

【Erica:"If my lord doesn't come out soon, I will soon be regarded as a godslayer who succeeded in killing gods!"

Erica complained bitterly in the headquarters of the Copper and Black Cross Magic Society in Rome, Italy.

Su Mo didn't say it, so she would naturally not tell the outside world that the godslayer was Su Mo, but hiding it like this made others suspect her.

After all, when the two disobedient gods were conquered, she was the only one who was there the whole time, so she couldn't escape the connection no matter how you looked at it.

Although Erica tried her best to explain, no one believed her.

After all, her strength did improve a lot after getting Su Mo's blessing!

In the eyes of ordinary magicians, her current strength is not much different from that of a godslayer.

After hearing Erica's complaints, everyone understood her situation and began to comfort her or give her advice.

A few minutes later

【Toosaka Rin:"Erica, you don't have to worry anymore, Master Su Mo should be coming out soon."】

【Small circle:"?"】



【Erica:"How did you know?"

Even she didn't know when Su Mo would return to the real world, how did Toosaka Rin know in the other world?

【Toosaka Rin:"It's very simple, you will know if you look at the group mall"】

As soon as this was said, everyone opened the group mall.

Soon, they found the basis for Toosaka Rin's judgment.

【Kanae:"Divine Fusion Technique》、《Mythology ritual construction foundation》、《Power Disassembly Guide》……"】

【Kanae:"The price is not less than 100,000 points."】

【Madoka:"Big Brother suddenly released a lot of products at once!"】

【Madoka:"Rin-sister, what you mean is that big brother has completed the research and is now organizing the results?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"That should be the case, but no one can be 100% sure about Lord Su Mo's affairs."】

【Madoka:"Rin-sister is so smart!"】

【Erica:"I have to admit that Xiaolin's speculation makes sense."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Of course, who do you think I am?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"By the way, Erica, don't forget what I told you before!"】

【Erica:"What did you call me?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Erika-sister!"】

【Erica:"Don't worry, Sister Lin, I won't forget!"】

【Erica:"Ah, Master Su Mo is back, let's talk later!"

Just as she was about to tease the rare Tosaka Rin who was keeping silent, Erica suddenly sensed an abnormal spatial fluctuation and an extremely close breath approaching.

She immediately jumped up from the sofa, and under the shocked eyes of her fellow members of the association, she knelt on one knee in a respectful posture to greet the man who finally returned.

"My Lord, you are back!"

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