While Su Mo was refining his magic power and constantly correcting and optimizing the techniques provided by Erica through his insights, everyone in the chat group was discussing the entry

【Toosaka Rin:"Even though Sister Kanae said so, it's still difficult to enter the rank!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Only those with the strength of a single enemy can enter the chat group's evaluation system. I doubt that even with my father's strength, it would be difficult to reach the entry level."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Even with my talent, it will take at least ten years of growth to reach the entry level."】

As far as she knew, even in the entire magic world, those who could reach the entry level were very rare.

Judging from the strength of Erica, the Great Knight, perhaps only magicians at the color level could reach the entry level.

Rin Tohsaka was confident enough in her talent, but she did not think she could reach the entry level within ten years.

【Kanae:"Compared to us, Xiaolin, you are already very lucky."】

【Kanae:"At least you still have the inheritance of the Tosaka family, and an institution like the Clock Tower that can provide teaching."】

Seeing Toosaka Rin sighing about the difficulty of her goal, Kanae felt empathy and more of envy.

Compared to Rin, who was almost destined to become an entry-level strongman, her hope of becoming stronger was even slimmer.

After all, the upper limit of the breathing method was here, and even if she wanted to move forward, she couldn't find many reference paths.

If she continued like this, let alone coexisting peacefully with demons, even killing the upper ranks would not be an easy task.

Hearing Kanae's envy, the young Rin shook her head.

【Toosaka Rin:"That's true, but I can't wait that long!"

She's not being ungrateful, but there's an imminent crisis she wants to resolve.

If this crisis can't be resolved now, even if she becomes invincible in ten years, it will be meaningless.

【Kanae:"Yes, you and I both have things we need to do."】

The chat group was silent for a few seconds as the two of them sighed with concern.

Then, Erica, the strongest person at the moment, broke the silence.

【Erica:"Don't be so sad, I told you before that I will help you!"】

【Erica:"Although there are some problems with Kanae, there shouldn't be too many problems with Rin!"】

【Erica:"As long as you have enough points, I can come to your place and help you."】

After comforting the two friends from another world, the blonde girl raised her lips slightly and began to tease

【Erica:"But, Rin-chan is really arrogant!"】

【Erica:"You want to become a strong person within ten years. Do you want to replicate my achievements? Do you admire me so much?"】

【Erica:"Just a reminder, I became a great knight at the age of 16. Except for some abnormal monsters, I am a genius second to none in the whole world."】

【Erica:"If you want to keep up with me, you have to work harder!"

As one of the two proud Milan players, Erica was indeed confident enough to say such a thing.

As expected, Lin, who felt looked down upon, immediately got angry.

Some sentences like"Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't bully a poor loli" popped up, making the atmosphere in the group lively again.

While the group was getting lively, Erica glanced at her points balance and suddenly noticed a prompt

【Erica:"Great! Another hundred points!"】

【Erica:"At this point in time, it should be the newcomer who purchased the magic refining technique!"】

【Erica:"Thank you for your patronage! @Su Mo"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I'm jealous!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Damn it, I also sell the magic power refining method, why don't you buy mine!"】

【Madoka:"Is it possible that we can't use the skills that Sister Rin sells?"】

【Kanae:"Rin's method requires the activation of magic circuits, but we don't have any magic circuits!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Guuu! I know, but I just can't accept it!"

In terms of versatility, the magic power extraction method in the God Slayer world is undoubtedly stronger.

In the setting of the Type-Moon world, although there is no reproductive isolation between magicians and humans, there are also great differences. Many magicians even think that they are not of the same race as ordinary people.

Although the skills in the group mall have the feature of automatic learning, if the prerequisites are not met, many skills are useless after purchase

【Madoka:"It seems that Big Brother is also like me, longing for the world of magic...!"

Madoka, who almost said that she longed for a"magical girl", covered her face in embarrassment.

【Kanae:"Ms. Erica's magic refining method is indeed useful, but it also depends on each person's talent and physique."】

【Kanae:"Although it is the first time that there is automatic learning assistance, it is still unknown whether it is possible to successfully refine magic power in one go."】

【Xiaoyuan:"Yes! I almost failed the first time."】

【Madoka:"But once you succeed, you'll realize how magical it really is!"】

【Kanae:"That's right, although I have only extracted a little bit, this little bit of magic power, when used to strengthen the physique, is more effective than the breathing method with all the concentration."】

【Kanae:"When I raise my magic power to its upper limit, my strength will definitely be much stronger."】

【Kanae:"At that time, I might be able to defeat the Upper Ranks!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Come on! I believe in Sister Kanae!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"Come to think of it, big brother, why haven't you said anything for so long? Does it take so long to refine magic power for the first time?"】

【Kanae:"No need, I'll finish it quickly"】

【Xiao Yuan:"Me too"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Could it be that the newcomer failed?"

As a strong-willed person, she could understand the unwillingness to show up after failure.

If Su Mo succeeded, he should have announced the good news by now.

Even if the flow of time in each world is chaotic, he wouldn't have stayed silent for so long.

After finally coming into contact with the magic world, he failed in his first attempt. He must have doubted his life!

Thinking of this, everyone began to comfort the newcomer.

【Xiao Yuan:"@Su Mo, don't worry, big brother, even if you fail the first time, you will succeed after trying a few more times."】

【Kanae:"That's right, the magic power refining is just a matter of how much, generally it won't fail, Mr. Su Mo, don't be discouraged"】

【Erica:"I thought I learned how to buy a package from the mall.……"】

【Erica:"@Su Mo, did you really fail?"

With everyone's concern, Su Mo, who had been silent, finally spoke up.

【Su Mo:"Thank you for your concern, my magic power refining has not failed."】

Hearing this, the gentle and kind-hearted Kanae and Madoka breathed a sigh of relief and were happy for their new companion.

【Kanae:"Success is good enough"】

【Madoka:"Congratulations, big brother!"

Rin, who has a somewhat eccentric personality, did not believe it directly.

"Why did you say it now if you succeeded? Could it be that you are too embarrassed to keep it up for the sake of face?"

Based on her own experience, she felt that this possibility was greater.

However, she was not so EQ-less as to say this guess out loud.

At this moment, a newcomer in the group spoke again.

【Su Mo:"Speaking of which, I have something I want to consult you."】

【Kanae:"What’s the matter?"】

【Erica:"Same question"】


【Su Mo:"When I was refining my magic power, I had a little insight."】

【Su Mo:"I want to ask, if I consign these insights as merchandise, can I just sell them directly? Do I need to write them down on paper?"

As soon as this was said, the entire group fell silent.

Everyone was stunned.

Only Toosaka Rin asked a question in time.

【Toosaka Rin:"Huh?"

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