"Generally speaking, this is enough. Do you understand? Do you want mom to explain it again?"

After patiently explaining, Pandora looked at Su Mo who was thinking and asked with a blink of her eyes.

Su Mo shook his head silently, indicating that he didn't need it.

Seeing that he seemed to be thinking about some difficult problem, Pandora thought that Su Mo didn't fully understand it for a while, so she immediately spoke to comfort him.

"It's normal that you can't understand it at first! After all, it took me more than a thousand years to build it and thousands of years to optimize it. It's not that easy to understand."

"Not to mention, the construction of this spell requires the vast wisdom of an excellent Mother Goddess, and I am the only one who can really do this. Without this amount of knowledge, it is normal to understand slowly!"

Although it is known that Su Mo used a large number of spells to kill Veleslana, those spells are only sanctuary-level magic after all, which is still far from the power of gods.

In addition, Pandora did not know how long it took Su Mo to master so many sanctuary-level magic.

Therefore, it is inevitable that she misjudged Su Mo's ability.

"Anyway, mom is always here. If you need anything, you can come to mom directly! I can teach you until you learn it!"

Speaking of this, Pandora patted her chest with shining eyes.

Obviously, her real purpose was to let Su Mo come to see her more often.

This is her most studious child and the only child who can always remember her.

A few seconds after Pandora's voice fell, Su Mo finally woke up from his meditation. Looking at the girl's expectant eyes, he shook his head.

"No, I've learned it."

"It's not a problem, I'm always free... Wait, what did you say?"

Pandora thought Su Mo was going to refuse, but she was stunned. She couldn't believe her ears.

How could he learn it so quickly?

Although she didn't hide anything, many details were omitted in the overall explanation. Even if she just listened to them, she might not be able to learn them completely. How could Su Mo learn it just by listening once?

"I said I have learned it."

Su Mo repeated this sentence again and explained casually

"I was just wondering if there is any way to optimize this technique."


Pandora was stunned again.

She had been optimizing for thousands of years and felt that there was no room for further optimization.

Su Mo was only seeing this technique for the first time, and it was a miracle that he could understand it at once, but he was actually talking about optimization now?

"That's right."

Su Mo nodded calmly.

"I want to remove the restriction that you can only get one power at a time."

Except for the extremely rare oddity like Veleslana, most of the gods of disobedience have multiple powers to use, but after defeating them, the godslayers can only get one power, and they can't even choose it themselves.

Although the power itself is still given according to the affinity, basically no godslayer will hate his own power.

For children, this kind of multi-choice scenario may be interesting.

But Su Mo is an adult, he wants it all.

As a winner, he can't receive all the spoils of the loser. Is this reasonable?

Hearing Su Mo's thoughts, Pandora immediately held her forehead and looked at Su Mo with a caring look.

What is this child daydreaming about?

"Don't think about it. I've studied it for two thousand years. This restriction can't be removed!"

The girl waved her hand and advised Su Mo not to waste his energy.

As the mother who created the God Slayer, Pandora's position was naturally tied to the God Slayer.

God knows how she got through all these years, watching her children being killed one by one by the God of Disobedience.

If she could really remove the restrictions and give her children cheats, she would have done it long ago.

And since she didn't do it, there was naturally only one reason.

"It's simply impossible!"

Pandora looked Su Mo in the eye and emphasized this point again.

She knew that Su Mo was good at weaving, so she was a little worried that he would go astray.

It was okay for her to waste thousands of years trying useless things, but the God Slayers often couldn't live for thousands of years, so Su Mo couldn't waste his time on such an impossible thing.

Through Pandora's eyes, Su Mo knew that she said this purely out of concern, but he still shook his head.

"I mean, I've done it."


Pandora was completely dumbfounded as she watched the newly compiled spell in Su Mo's hand and the usurpation ring that was switched to control in an instant.

What did Su Mo just say?

No! That's not right! What are the rules of the spell in his hand?

"This is impossible!"

Pandora said this, but her heart was already shaken. Su Mo's method of arranging the spell was a new idea she had never thought of. Maybe it was really possible to remove the restrictions!

"When the Steel Hero God usurped the authority of the Earth Mother God, there was no limit on the number of people. Since the prototype is like this, it doesn't make sense that there must be a limit on the number of people when the God Slayer usurps authority."

Looking at Pandora's wavering expression, Su Mo spoke calmly.

"Theoretically, this is correct, but in reality, if the number of powers is not limited, stability cannot be maintained!"

Pandora analyzed the technique and raised questions.

"If you want to expand the techniques specifically targeting the Earth Mother Goddess to the entire group of gods, adjustments in numbers should be necessary!"

"That's because your thinking is wrong."

Su Mo shook his head

"Forcibly expanding the scope of application will naturally come at a price, but mirror analysis can circumvent this"

"The paradigm of the Steel Hero God replacing the Earth Mother Goddess can certainly help usurp power, but wouldn't the succession of the Civilization God replacing the traditional tribal gods also be able to do the same?"

"There is such a thing?!"

Pandora felt like she had opened the door to a new world.

At this moment, she had verified Su Mo's theory of the technique. Although she didn't fully understand it, she was sure that this was indeed a way to remove the restrictions of the technique.

After confirming this, thinking back to what she had said before, Pandora suddenly felt very embarrassed.

She swore that something was impossible, but he did it in just a few minutes.

So, is this child really a human?

Why does it feel like even gods are not as outrageous as him!

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