"No way? You actually hypnotized Kafka? Who are you?"

Feeling the movement here, even Silver Wolf didn't bother to continue asking for her weapon. She threw half of her body on Su Mo's arm, turned back in surprise, and looked at Kafka who raised her hands in surrender, as if she had seen something that was absolutely impossible to happen. As we all know, the manipulator of the Word Spirit Technique is most likely to be immune to the Word Spirit Technique. What kind of monster can defeat Kafka in this field?

Faced with this question, Su Mo shook his head.

"It's just the spirit of words."

The words of God have the power that mortals cannot disobey, and this feature is possessed by even the most ordinary God of Disobedience.

Even if an ordinary God of Disobedience says a random word, it is an oracle that cannot be violated by humans, even if it is a Great Knight-level existence. Therefore, the God of Disobedience is an existence that ordinary humans absolutely cannot resist, and most people cannot even have the heart to resist.

Su Mo's spirit of words is naturally not that simple. In the field of mythology, he has mastered the power of the Cross.���He combined the basic characteristics of the words of God and the unique characteristic of the words of God that can be spoken at will. The words he spoke have a compulsory nature that is superior to power.

In addition, the original words of the dragon spirits also have power comparable to power or even superior to it. These words and spirit-type skills are combined together to become a skill that even Kafka has no resistance to.

If Su Mo now really wants to, he can even destroy an entire planet with just a word.

Whether in the field of mental control or in the field of real control, this power is beyond common sense.


Hearing Su Mo's calm tone, Silver Wolf smacked his lips slightly.

After exchanging a glance with Kafka, they both realized that something was wrong.

This time, they were the only two in the team, but both of them failed.

What should they do? Even if the other party didn't want to kill them, it seemed very likely that they would be sent to the Interstellar Peace Company and earn more than 10 billion credit points.

After realizing this, Silver Wolf hesitated and spoke.

"That... I can give you one, no, ten accounts with a balance of 20 billion credit points, can we make peace?"

A man who can bend and stretch is a hero. As for those credit points, it's not her money anyway.

Hearing this, Kafka's mouth twitched slightly.

This kid is still playing tricks at this time. Isn't he a little too bold.

Giving the account password is not really giving money. With such a large amount of funds, the Interstellar Peace Company will definitely track it down. If Su Mo agrees, the subsequent responsibilities will be all on him.


Hearing this request, Su Mo looked at the girl in front of him with some amusement.

"Do you remember the question you asked just now? If you can answer it, I can consider it."

Hearing this, Silver Wolf was slightly stunned, and then immediately remembered the question he asked before the attack.——"Tell me, who is worse now?"

If I have to answer it myself now, wouldn't it mean that I have to admit that I am a loser?

She blushed immediately.

"Impossible! You might as well kill me! I would rather wait for Sam to come and save me than admit defeat!"

For the hacker girl, the only thing she couldn't admit was that she was a rookie.

Seeing her stubbornness, Kafka felt tired.

With the strength shown by Su Mo, even if Sam and Blade came, they would probably be captured on the spot and could not be rescued at all.

At this time, after executing the order of Su Mo's avatar, she barely recovered the ability to speak.

Things like negotiations should be handled by adults like herself.

So, after adjusting her mood, she planned to speak.

"Excuse me——"

Just as the two words were spoken, the girl's soft murmur suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

The three looked in the direction of the sound and found that the gray-haired girl who had been sleeping before had just woken up and was rubbing her eyes sleepily, looking at the scene in front of her.

The first person the gray-haired girl saw was the black-haired and black-eyed man in front of her.

Just like the imprinting phenomenon of birds, her eyes when looking at Su Mo quickly became intimate and unguarded. The remaining knowledge area in her brain made her understand the other party's identity.


Su Mo was slightly stunned. He didn't expect this result.

In the game, the Star Core Spirit didn't regard March Seven as a mother!

Then, the gray-haired girl moved her eyes to the silver wolf next to Su Mo, and focused on the silver wolf's slender figure.


She said doubtfully, as if she had failed to make a judgment. She shook her head slightly and turned to the purple-haired lady closest to her.

After seeing Kafka's gentle and broad mind, she felt relieved and called her affectionately.


Hearing this call, Kafka's originally gorgeous and dangerous eyes turned gentle and helpless on the spot.

After confirming her parents, the gray-haired girl looked back at Silver Wolf with energy and confirmed the identity of this girl.



Silver Wolf subconsciously looked down at his chest, veins on his forehead becoming visible.

"What standard does this little brat use to judge?"

Bullying her because she's young, right?"

The cheerful gray-haired girl was unaware of Silver Wolf's dissatisfaction. After looking back and forth at the three people in front of her, she noticed Silver Wolf hanging on Su Mo's hand. She immediately said to Su Mo in a serious tone.

""Dad, don't bully my aunt. Even if she's a little shorter, we're all family!"

Hearing this, Silver Wolf finally couldn't stand it anymore. She even gave up asking for her weapon and glared at the gray-haired girl.

"Damn it, Kafka, don't stop me, I'm going to punch her!"

The Star Core Hunters started a civil war, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.


After a few seconds, the situation finally returned to normal.

It was not because Kafka stopped Silver Wolf, but because Silver Wolf had never fought against the Star Core Spirit.

She was just a little girl without power, not even as tall as the other party, not to mention that the other party was possessed by the Star Core, so his physique was definitely not bad, and he could hold Silver Wolf down with one hand.

"Since Mr. Su Mo has no ill intentions, I will be frank with you. I hope you can adopt Xing and take her on a new journey on the Starry Sky Train."

After exchanging names, Kafka leaned forward and made a request to Su Mo.


After reading the gray-haired girl's name, Su Mo took a look at the future king of the trash can.

""Wow, mom, are you going to divorce dad?"

The gray-haired girl looked at Kafka with tears in her eyes. She was clearly a grown woman, but when she acted like a spoiled child, she acted like a child.


Hearing the girl's words, Kafka's face darkened.

As expected of this child, even if she has lost her memory, she can still be so abstract.

She has explained their relationship several times just now, but Xing seems to have not listened at all and still thinks Su Mo is her father.

"Let's put adoption aside for now. If we place the child on the Starry Sky Train, there shouldn't be any problem."

Su Mo nodded and did not reject the other party's request.

"But can you tell me why you did this? Why do you want her to join the pioneering camp?"

Su Mo asked curiously

"This is the best outcome for both the child and me.

Kafka gave this answer

"Although I don't know the details of this ending, this future is related to the Star God."

If it were to anyone else, Kafka would not reveal these secrets, but now she has become Su Mo's prisoner, and Xing has recognized this guy as her father.

In this case, the future related to Xing is almost always related to the man in front of her, so it is unnecessary to conceal it.

If she was not afraid of causing too much change to the script, she might not even hide the final plan.

·········Request flowers0········

"I see"

·········Request flowers0········

Su Mo roughly guessed the other party's purpose despite such ambiguous words.

While admiring the courage of the Star Core Hunter, he nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with the child, but in exchange, I need you to do me a favor."

"What help?"

"Please ask the slave of fate for me... Will I still be in his future scripts?"

Su Mo asked with a little curiosity.

If he could include himself as a variable in the fate script, then the opponent's strength would be worth paying attention to.

If he couldn't do it, then the opponent's ability would be questionable.

Su Mo, who had mastered the authority of many gods of fate, could spy on fate.


Kafka nodded immediately. She was also very interested in this question. This question would not affect the people she cared about, so she would naturally not refuse.

"Can I ask——"

After the negotiation, she was very interested in Su Mo's background and was about to ask a few more questions.

Suddenly, she heard a young girl's voice.

——"Excuse me, where is Lord Su Mo? Oh! Thank you!"

This iconic lively voice was obviously from March 7.

She immediately put away her doubts and looked at Su Mo..........0.........0

"Sorry, Mr. Su Mo, I should go back. It is not appropriate for us to deal with the Starry Sky Train at this time."

The biological mother cannot see the adoptive mother... Maybe there is such a rule?


Hearing this, Xing immediately cried out pitifully like a piece of candy.

Seeing this, Kafka skillfully reached into her coat, took out fifty credits, and handed them to Xing.

"Be good and go play with daddy!"


Xing, who received fifty credit points, saluted neatly, and then immediately ran to Su Mo's side.

Fifty credit points bought out her reluctance.

He is indeed the king of bad jokes.

"Goodbye then."

Su Mo did not try to persuade them to stay. The moment he spoke, the restrictions in Silver Wolf and Kafka's bodies were all lifted, allowing them to regain their strength.

"Oh, take this away!"

Seeing that Silver Wolf seemed ready to leave, Su Mo raised the driver in his hand and prepared to return it to him.

Unexpectedly, Silver Wolf, who had just cried and made a fuss to take it back, did not reach out to take it away.

Instead, she puffed up her cheeks and waited for Su Mo, with the fire in her eyes as if she was looking at some eternal opponent.

"Humph! I don't need your charity. Just wait for me. When I defeat you next time, I will take away what I lost myself!"

Obviously, she has the arrogance of a poor person who does not accept charity.

Su Mo was a little surprised by this.

"So you don't need weapons?"

"It doesn't matter, I have a backup!"

After saying this, Silver Wolf took a deep look at Su Mo and remembered this opponent firmly in his heart.

Then he immediately activated the backup hidden energy, and the goggles on his head opened a space transfer channel, leaving Su Mo with a chic back.

At this moment——

"Goodbye, Mom! Goodbye, Auntie!"

Xing, who was standing next to Su Mo, waved to the two of them.

Hearing this, Silver Wolf stumbled and almost fell.

Unfortunately, the dimensional channel had been closed, so he couldn't go back to trouble Xing.

One second after the two star core hunters disappeared, the hot-haired girl rushed in.

""Master Su Mo, are you okay?"

Looking at the girl who suddenly appeared and looked at Su Mo with concern, Xing was puzzled for two seconds, then his eyes widened.

"Dad, is this the second mom you found?"

Hearing this, San Yueqi also widened his eyes, glanced back and forth at Su Mo and Xing, covered his mouth and said in surprise


I haven't seen you for just two minutes, and Master Su Mo gave birth to such a big daughter?! Eight Eight.

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