If she was not mistaken, the magic that Su Mo cast should be related to the [Hermes Boots] he had just bought.

Erica had long known about Su Mo's strong comprehension.

But she still couldn't imagine how Su Mo could deduce a common status magic that was just used to speed up and reduce body weight to the level of space movement. It's not that there is no magic that can achieve the effect of space transfer in the God Slayer World, but this kind of magic is at least at the level of great magic. Even a great magician must choose the right time and place, and spend a lot of resources and people to help before it can be launched successfully.

Even a monster of the level of God Slayer, even a martial arts master like Luo Hao, who is a genius, has been immersed in magic for many years before he was able to successfully practice a similar method of shrinking the earth.

Su Mo in front of him, however, completed it in just a few minutes.

Just thinking about it makes people... Well, this alone is not really shocking.

Facing a monster who has been promoted to the level of a paladin on the first day of contact with magic, no matter what he can do, Erica is unlikely to be surprised.

However, the others were still shocked.

【Kanae:"Is this the divine beast that Erica mentioned?"】

【Kanae:"Such a strong aura, it's terrifying even through the screen. Has Erica been fighting monsters of this level before?"]

Demon Slayer, Kanae's expression was shocked.

Even though she knew before that Erica's enemy this time was a divine beast, knowing and seeing are still two different feelings.

In her opinion, this level of power is comparable to the gods she imagined.

In front of a divine beast of this level, let alone the upper ranks that their Demon Slayer Corps has never really succeeded in conquering, even the legendary Demon King - Muzan Kibutsu, is as fragile as an ant.

Not only Kanae, even for Toosaka Rin, who is at a higher world level, this is an unprecedented experience

【Toosaka Rin:"The so-called second-level, powerful enough to break a city, is it really that powerful?"

Looking at the broken city and the waves that were separated along the way, she began to re-understand the meaning of the mythical beast.

"Even in the Holy Grail War, most of the legendary heroes are no match for this level of existence in terms of strength and status!"

Even the heroes of the Age of Gods were famous for conquering monsters, and there were very few who were truly qualified to conquer the mythical beasts.

Only the top heroes could have the power to rival the mythical beasts, or even the gods.

【Toosaka Rin:"Come to think of it, Master Su Mo is also a second-level"

【Toosaka Rin:"That means Master Su Mo's power is comparable to that of a divine beast?!"】

According to previous records, with Su Mo's current strength, he doesn't need to summon heroic spirits to fight through the entire Holy Grail War alone?

Thinking of this, Toosaka Rin began to have some ideas in her mind.

Compared to the outdated first-level powerhouse Sister Erica, it might be more reliable to ask Master Su Mo, a second-level powerhouse, for help.

Of course, the premise is that the other party is willing to help her.

【Xiao Yuan:"I'm so glad that Sister Erica is okay, big brother is awesome!"

Xiao Yuan, who was most concerned about her friend's safety, breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, her attention was not attracted by the mythical boar planted in the sea like everyone else, but by Su Mo himself.

【Xiao Yuan:"Ah! Brother Su Mo is so handsome!"】

【Madoka:"Sorry! I didn't mean it."】

After taking a closer look at the handsome man with black hair and black eyes, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

After she finished speaking, she realized her mistake and immediately covered her mouth, her face flushed red.

What if she made such a frivolous comment on others' appearance and made the big brother angry?

Fortunately, the other people in the group ignored Xiao Yuan's embarrassment and began to agree with her.

【Toosaka Rin:"Indeed!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I didn't expect that Master Su Mo is not only incredibly intelligent, but also extremely beautiful!"

Half out of sincerity and half for her own little thoughts, the young Rin began to flatter him enthusiastically.

Seeing the two of them speak like this, the originally conservative Kanae couldn't help but agree.

【Kanae:"Indeed, Master Sumo is as handsome as a god!"]

It was the first time for Kanae to praise a man she didn't know, even if it was just the most ordinary words, it still made Kanae blush.

At this time, her sister Kocho Shinobu was playing with her step-sister Kanao.

Noticing her sister's excitement and sudden blushing, and thinking about why her sister often stared blankly for no reason during this period, Kocho Shinobu suddenly had a bold guess.

"Is my sister... thinking about sex?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible. Shinobu Kocho was petrified on the spot.

Damn it! Where did this wild man come from, worthy of her sister's dream?

However, my sister has indeed reached the age to get married, and it seems that nothing can stop her.

Girls of sixteen or seventeen are already past the age suitable for marriage in this era, and are considered old.


Seeing Kocho Shinobu's changing expression, Kanae tilted her head slightly, as if to express her doubts.

Seeing Kocho Shinobu ignored her for a long time, she held it in for a long time before walking in front of Kanae and lightly repeated the two words Kocho Shinobu had just said.

""Thinking of spring?"

What does this mean?


Almost at the moment when Kanae said this word, Kocho Shinobu felt the murderous gaze from her always gentle and beautiful sister.

With Kanae's intelligence, she could tell at a glance that Kocho Shinobu taught her this word.

There was no one else here except her.

I asked you to take her out to play, but you took this child into the ditch?

"Sister! No, please listen to my explanation!"

"I didn't mean to teach Kanao bad things, I was saying that you are thinking about love... Oh no, sister, I was wrong!"

With the panic of Kocho Shinobu, the Butterfly House surrounded by wisteria flowers became lively again.

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