"It's going to crash, it's going to crash!"

"Akuya senior!"

Just as Akuya was about to smash to the ground, Chris appeared in time to jump into the air and hold her in advance.

After Sato Hikaru saw that the two of them landed safely, he did not continue to pay attention to the two, but turned his head and shouted: "Dakhnes! On. "

"Oh! Leave it to me! "

Dakhnes, who had long been ready, galloped all the way to the shore, raised the big sword in his hand and pointed at the multi-headed water snake.

"Big guy, show me! [Lure the enemy]! Whatever the attack, come at me! [Mockery]! "

Two skills went down in succession, but only four of the eight snakeheads who had been staring at Hikaru Sato were attracted to her.

Then, without waiting for Daknes to make the next move, two swoops were two poisonous water arrows of rather bad colors shot towards Daknes.


Yoyo, who was standing behind Dakhnes, raised his staff in time and released a gust of wind, directly blowing all the two water arrows crooked.


However, although the water arrow was blown crooked, the two huge snake heads that outflanked the left and right immediately after it could not be stopped.


However, in the face of this level of crisis, Dakhnes not only did not have the slightest timidity, but also excitedly shouted: "Look I block it all for you, [Iron Wall]!" "


At the moment when Dakhnes held his long sword in front of him, two snake heads collided at the same time, and a puff of smoke and dust suddenly stirred up in place.

This scene made Chris and the others look away with some worry.

"Don't be in a daze, since there is smoke, it will definitely be fine, everyone just do their best to support!"

After greeting, Hikaru Sato raised his staff to the other four snake heads who were still staring at him in the distance: "Double casting, wall of fire!" "

The increased Sky Shading Fire Pillar erupted from the magic array in front of the staff, directly blocking between Sato Hikaru and the four snake heads.

However, when Hikaru Sato wanted to take advantage of the opportunity when the pillar of fire blocked the view, he got out of the multi-headed water snake's field of vision and then sneaked away.

A sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart, and he did not hesitate to directly rush towards the distance with all his strength.

Zizi Zi Zi ~

As soon as Hikaru Sato, who had landed on the ground and rolled to stabilize his figure, he saw that the boulder he was standing on before was already full of green slime and a trace of white smoke was emitting on it.

If it were any other monster, Hikaru Sato might think it was spitting out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

But if the opponent is a multi-headed water snake, then the puddle of green slime on the stone is undoubtedly venom.


Looking at the boulder that dropped in height in an instant, Sato's face turned green: "Did this guy spit out all the gastric juice, sulfuric acid is not so exaggerated!" "

While complaining, Hikaru Sato put his staff on the ground a little: "Quadruple casting, earthen wall!" "

Looking at the four rock walls rising in front of him, Hikaru Sato was temporarily relieved: "The wall of fire can't stop your breath, and you can't stop the earthen wall"


Before Hikaru Sato's words were finished, the earthen wall blocking in front of him suddenly shook violently, and it was directly covered with cracks under the impact of the head iron of the multi-headed water snake.

"Groove, isn't it?"

Unexpectedly, his earthen wall was so vulnerable in front of the multi-headed water snake, Sato Hikaru quickly raised his hand and cast spells on the earthen wall repeatedly: "Fivefold casting, water jet!" [Power increase] [Range increase] [Magic increase] Super - freeze! "

Water jets and ice freezes are just rudimentary magic.

But from Hikaru Sato's hands, the effect immediately changed dramatically.

First, under multiple casts, a large amount of clean water was poured on the soil wall that was already covered with cracks, soaking the soil wall even more solidly.

Then he immediately followed up with an ice magic whose power was increased to the limit, and directly raised the power of this primary magic to the next level through the moisture on the earthen wall.

Directly transformed those four ordinary earth walls into a super powerful enhanced version of the ice wall in one breath.

Boom, boom!

The multi-headed water snake on the other side tried to hit several times.

However, the earth wall, which had previously been cracked and expanded with each impact, was left untouched no matter how it collided.

"Whew... Finally blocked. "

Seeing this scene, Hikaru Sato also breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately shouted not far away: "Chris! "

"Oh! It's up to me next! Binding! "

Chris unleashed her binding at the snake head that was constantly pounding the ice wall, and the chain flew out of her hand and directly entangled the snake head closest to her.

Then, just like repeating the previous scene where Hikaru Sato rescued Akuya, Chris was directly thrown out when the snake's head struggled and hit the ice wall.


Hikaru Sato, who did not expect this scene, was shocked and wanted to come to the rescue.

However, the Chrissy who was thrown away was still in mid-air, but there was still leisure to smile and give a thumbs up to Hikaru Sato.

"Leave it to me with peace of mind!"

Seeing this, Hikaru Sato did not stop his movements and continued to prepare the magic before.

"Hehe, thank you, big guy!"

Thanking the snake head who threw herself off, Chris, who grabbed the chain, swung in the air, and directly jumped over the head of the multi-headed water snake with a chain, and finally fell above the snake's head on the far side: "Binding!" "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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