In the spacious farm, ducks with green onions on their backs are tied up in standardized cages, making quite a lot of noise.

Outside the cages, various strange machines and robots are constantly running and shuttling, feeding these ducks, and everything seems orderly.

“Could this be… a Farfetch’d?”

The Sword Saint looked at this scene and couldn’t help but widen her clear and bright eyes, feeling quite surprised.

She had read the story of Su Qing in the group and vaguely guessed the identity of these ducks.

This is a high-end ingredient that can provide a lot of experience and is a very rare monster.

But in this factory in front of her, she didn’t know how many she saw at a glance, and she couldn’t count them at all, which made her feel a little unbelievable.

“Yes, it is the Onion Duck.”

Li Yan nodded slightly and smiled, saying,”I have been raising them for several months, and there are quite a lot of them.”

He specially bought a few pairs of this species that is convenient for leveling up adventure cards.

After several months of industrial breeding, their number has reached millions.

If it weren’t for the technology of artificial food and unlimited energy in the Infinite City, it would be really difficult to raise so many Onion Ducks.

And the reason why he raised so many Onion Ducks was to consume them for other people in the Infinite City.

In addition to Vegapunk and his party, there are other people in the Infinite City, and there are quite a few of them.

These people were brought in by Li Yan from the Eastern country in the world of the Academy of the Dead, and their number is close to 100,000.

After the outbreak of the doomsday, order collapsed. In addition to the threat of corpses, a large number of survivors also released the demons in their hearts.

And these 100,000 people did not give up their humanity even in the doomsday, and they upheld their justice.

For Li Yan naturally did not mind accepting all of these people into the Infinite City for reward and salvation.

When these people saw the immortal Li Yan, they were all shocked and almost thought they were dreaming.

They did not expect that in this doomsday, an immortal would come to the world and intend to save them.

Naturally, they did not hesitate at all, and entered the Infinite City after paying homage.

After discovering that life in the Infinite City was so wonderful, they completely devoted their faith and became Li Yan’s fanatical believers.

Li Yan was quite satisfied with this. Not only did he do a great deed and made his thoughts clear.

He could also study the power of faith, which would help his future plans.

In addition to serving them as food, Li Yan also planned to create a group of Taoist soldiers and dependents in the future to handle trivial matters for him. These Onion Ducks can be used to enhance the strength of the Taoist soldiers and dependents. 037

“What the real Lord means is……”

The Sword Saint’s eyes lit up when she heard this, and she looked at Li Yan with excitement and anticipation.

She was a smart woman, and Li Yan brought her here on purpose, probably to let her level up by killing the Farfetch’d.

“The Saint guessed right.”

Li Yan nodded slightly, but then he thought of something, smiled and warned,”But Saint, don’t talk too much in the chat group, Youyou might be sad.” Youyou couldn’t resist the cute creatures like the Onion Duck and couldn’t bring herself to kill them.

If she knew that the Sword Saint raised her level by killing a large number of Onion Ducks, she would probably be very sad. It’s better not to shout about things that are not conducive to the unity of the chat group, and make a fortune in silence.

“Thank you, Master. I will!”

The Sword Saint nodded immediately upon hearing this, and a gentle smile appeared on her fair and delicate face.

She naturally understood what Li Yan meant, and felt that Li Yan was indeed thoughtful.

This made her feel emotional, and she respected Li Yan even more, and developed a better impression of him.

“The Saint can upgrade her level here. Don’t worry about killing too much. If you are tired, you can go and rest.”

After Li Yan gave a warning, he left in a flash.

With these Farfetch’ds, the Sword Saint’s adventure card level should be able to reach the maximum level when he leaves this world.

“”The True Lord is really efficient.”

Seeing Li Yan leave, the Sword Saint praised him in her heart.

Then she looked at the Onion Duck that was tied in the cage, showing a look of joy, and took a step towards it.


On the other side,

Li Yan returned to the main hall and continued to practice.

Not long after, Nashida also left Vegapunk and returned here.

She had a smile on her face, and it was obvious that she had gained a lot and was very satisfied.

“It seems that Your Majesty has made a good harvest.”

Li Yan slowly opened his clear and warm eyes, smiled and said hello


Nashida smiled and nodded, saying,”Such a vast and magical knowledge is incredible. I’m afraid it can build a brilliant civilization.”

“But the amount of knowledge is too huge, I still need a lot of time to study and digest it.

Although she is the god of wisdom and knowledge, the amount of knowledge in the Infinite City technology tree is enormous.

Even for her, it is difficult to digest it for a while, so she had to separate from Vegapunk.

“Thank you, Li Yan”(agec)

Nashida fell into Li Yan’s arms, hugged his neck, and touched his face lightly like a dragonfly touching water, thanking him

“As long as Your Majesty is happy.”

Li Yan smiled and held Nashida’s white and tender hand and said,”And I also want to see what kind of magical technology Your Majesty and Vegapunk can develop.”

“I will try my best.”

Nashida nodded her head, her face full of seriousness.

After a few moments of tenderness, although they enjoyed their romantic time, they still started to get down to business.

That was to discuss and study the many divine powers seen today.

Although such a large number of divine powers were not the core, it was also very rare to be able to peek into many mysteries.

This discussion lasted until the next morning.���The discussion just ended.

Both of them were a little reluctant to leave. They had gained a lot and decided to explore more divine powers today.

Not long after the two of them finished discussing the Dao, the Sword Saint also came to the hall and joined them.

“Saint… have you been in the breeding farm all night?”

Li Yan looked at the Sword Saint and shook his head helplessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

The Sword Saint who appeared in front of him had greatly improved her strength and had reached the third level.

However, although her white jade-like face was excited, she also looked a little sleepy, obviously she had not slept all night.

His original intention was to let her slowly kill the Onion Duck in the next few days to increase her level, but he did not expect that she was so eager to kill the Onion Duck all night.


The Sword Saint’s fair face flushed when she heard this. She lowered her head slightly, and scratched her cheek with her left hand a little embarrassedly.

She also understood what Li Yan meant, but when she killed the Onion Duck, her strength and level increased rapidly.

This change made her unable to stop, so she stayed in the farm all night.

However, it must be said that the Onion Duck is indeed a good monster for leveling up.

Although it was only one night, her adventure card level has reached the maximum level.

Otherwise, she would probably continue to kill and become an emotionless duck butcher.

“Saint, please go and rest first. Today, Nashida and I will just go out and walk around.”

Seeing this, Li Yan shook his head and smiled, waved his hand, and told her to go and rest and recuperate.

Anyway, the main purpose of him and Nashida today was to explore the authority of the gods, and leveling up with the Sword Saint was just a side job.

Since she had already reached the maximum level, it didn’t matter whether she followed them or not, and it wouldn’t have much impact.

“How can this be possible?”

Upon hearing this, the Sword Saint hurriedly shook her head and said,”Since you have agreed to take Zhenjun and His Majesty Nashida on a tour, how can you give up halfway?”

“This is too rude. I can still hold on. After all, I have become much stronger and have more energy.”

She was not wrong. After her strength increased, although she was a little sleepy, she could still hold on.

“Don’t be stubborn, take a good rest, we don’t have anything important for you to do.”

Nashida smiled and soothed with a tender and gentle voice:”This is only the second day, we should stay in this world for a while”

“This… okay.”

The Sword Saint gave up reluctantly after hearing this.

She was still willing to listen to the advice of the kind-hearted god Nashida.

However, she still apologized to the two of them:”I’m really sorry.”

“It’s okay, it’s just a small matter, go and have a rest.”

Li Yan and Nashida waved their hands casually, not taking it to heart.

The Sword Saint saw that the two were so easy-going and had no airs of a god, and she was even more amazed and respectful in her heart.

“Then I will go to rest first, and I will show you around tomorrow.”

She apologized again and left the hall, and went to rest under the guidance of the artificial intelligence.


In the wild, on the open plain. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Li Yan and Nashida were strolling leisurely, while releasing their divine thoughts to observe the authority in the sky.

In the process, they would occasionally pick some flowers and plants on the plain, or catch some small animals, and observe and study them.

When they were free, they would find a clean place to sit down and hug each other.

It was like an outing, it looked very leisurely and warm, making them feel very comfortable and fulfilled.

While being warm with Nashida, Li Yan also took the time to open the chat group and took a look.

In the chat group, the chat was quite heated.

Poison Island Sword Princess:”What happened? How come the Sword Saint has reached the third level in just one day?”

The Visible Girl:”The Sword Saint is at the third level? How is it possible? Let me see… It’s true?! How can it be so fast?!”

Kasumi Shiko:”Although I am not surprised that the Sword Saint can reach the third level, it has only been one day, it is too fast, many times faster than us!” The

Incorruptible Saint Queen:”……Yesterday, the Sword Saint and I were both at the first level, but today she is already at the third level?! What happened? Sword Saint, please help me!”

The Man with the Blue Lightning:”It is indeed too fast, even we feel it is fast. If the people in my world knew, they would probably cry!””

Ice Sniper:”Could it be that in the Sword Saint’s world, there are monsters that can provide a lot of experience? And in large numbers?””

Gray Dust Witch:”Well… although it is possible, I don’t think so.””

Butterfly House Pharmacist:”I don’t think so either. In this group, I can only associate this kind of counterintuitive thing with Zhenjun. Could it be that Zhenjun helped?””

Deputy Leader of the Sand Sand Group:”I’m afraid this is the only possibility, right? Otherwise, I really can’t think of anyone else who can help the Sword Saint to the third level so quickly.””

Gem Hunter:”+1, but what method did Zhenjun use to make it so magical?””

Everyone:”Zhenjun Taisu, Zhenjun, did you do it?”


The group members did not expect that the Sword Saint had just joined the chat group yesterday and had already reached the third level today.

This speed was really frightening and unbelievable.[]

It was much faster than the training route they planned for the Sword Saint and Calca yesterday, and it was simply incomparable.

The only thing they could think of for such an abnormal thing was that it was related to Li Yan, and they hoped that the Sword Saint and Li Yan could help them solve their doubts.

On the other side, the Sword Saint had rested and regained her energy.

After seeing the message in the group, she thought about it and began to reply.

Sword Saint:”Well, you guessed right, it was indeed the help of the True Lord.”

Sword Saint:”The True Lord is traveling in my world now, and he helped me to upgrade my level, so I was able to reach the third level so quickly.” The deputy leader of the Sand Sand Group:”It is indeed related to the True Lord. No wonder the strength has increased so quickly, I am envious!”

Everyone:”Envy +1, it took us a long time to increase our strength to the third level.”

Ice Sniper:”But although it was the True Lord who took the Saint to upgrade, I think the experience points given by the monsters are also very high. Otherwise, I really can’t imagine how many monsters the Saint has to kill in one day.” I’m afraid you’ll vomit after killing so many monsters, right?”

Busujima Saeko:”Probably. When I think about how we first started to work hard to learn supernatural powers, I can’t help but feel sad. The gap is too big.”

Kasumi Shiko, Visible Girl:”+1, I was really tired at that time.”

Butterfly House Pharmacist:”Learning supernatural powers is already very hard and difficult. You are lucky to have an adventure card that allows you to directly enter the supernatural world. I spent a lot of effort and sweat to learn the breathing method.”

Gem Hunter, Ash Dust Witch, Incorruptible Saint Queen:”We all understand this feeling.”


The incorruptible Saint Princess:”Does that mean I’m the only one in the group who’s not at level three? Saint of the Sword, can I go to your world to level up together?”

Saint of the Sword:”You can come to my world anytime you want, but I can’t decide whether the True Lord can help you level up. You need the True Lord’s consent.”

The incorruptible Saint Princess:”True Lord Taisu, could you take me with you?”

True Lord Taisu:”Sure, it’s a small matter.”

Li Yan looked at Calca’s request with a calm expression and gave a reply.

There are a large number of Farfetch’ds in Infinite City, and a batch would be killed regularly to prevent their numbers from being too large.

It’s not a big deal to let Calca do it, and he can also get a favor, so he naturally won’t refuse.

“That’s great!”

Calca, who was in the bedroom of the palace, was delighted when she saw this and quickly responded.

The honest Saint Princess:”Thank you, Master! I’ll be there right after I finish some trivial matters!”

Kasumi Shiko:”As expected, Master is still so reliable and reassuring!”

Butterfly Pharmacist:”Indeed, thank you for your help all the time! Attached: Picture (picture of Butterfly Shinobu praying devoutly with her hands clasped together).”

Deputy Head of the Sand Sand Group:”+1, thank you, Master!”



When the group members saw Li Yan helping them again, they remembered his usual care and help for them and expressed their gratitude.

They really admired Li Yan, and were full of goodwill and gratitude.

However, they did not plan to go to the world of the Sword Saint to level up together like Calca.

Because their adventure card levels were very high, they had reached a bottleneck and needed a lot of experience to improve.

They felt that although the Sword Saint had reached the third level in one day, she was probably only around level 30 and had learned advanced magic.

This experience was like a drop in the bucket for their current level and was not useful at all.

They still planned to focus on other extraordinary systems first, which were more cost-effective.

Of course, if they knew that the Sword Saint had reached the maximum level, they would probably feel quite regretful.

Li Yan glanced at the replies of the crowd, smiled slightly, and closed the chat group.

He hugged Nashida’s small, soft and fragrant body, relaxed, and was warm with her.

(ps: Please subscribe, everyone���beg).

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