After waking up, he felt refreshed.

Lu Chen wanted to sleep for another minute or the last 100 million minutes…

But when he looked at the time, he shuddered and lost all his sleepiness.

The time shown on the watch was 11:30 at night! It was 12 noon when he returned to the safe house. He slept for almost 12 hours!

“It seems that he is really tired.”

Rubbing his eyes, Lu Chen looked around.

It only takes 6 hours to expand the safe house. Logically, it should be completed when he sleeps.

However, the scene he saw was still the small room.

It was just that on the originally blank wall, there was an extra… a door?

Lu Chen tried to concentrate and observe, but no information emerged. It seemed that he had to test it himself.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen gently pulled the door handle and pushed the door open.

Outside the door was a short corridor with a small room on each side.

Lu Chen went in and took a look, and was surprised to find that one of them was a toilet and the other was a bathroom.

“Very good, dry and wet separation… very particular.”

In this way, there is no need to worry about the smell and hygiene issues, and you can wash freely in the safe house.

Across the corridor is a spacious living room, which is about three times the size of the safe house.

The furnishings in the living room are very simple. Apart from the most basic tables and chairs, there are no additional decorations.

It seems that Lu Chen himself needs to add bricks and tiles to this space and continue to renovate it.

With the addition of the newly expanded area, together with the original rooms, the entire”Survivor Base” has an”I”-shaped structure.

Although it looks a bit out of place and there are no windows.

But it finally looks like a place to live.

Compared with now, the previous space is almost the same as a cell.

“Oh, there should be a reminder message about the completion of the expansion… Let me look for it.”

Lu Chen flipped through the information list on his watch and found the reminder message that he had missed because of sleeping.

【The safe house has been expanded into a mid-level survivor base called”Gathering House””】

【The current survivor base has the following additional functions】

【1: You can invite other players to visit the current base】

【2: When teleporting, players at the base will be teleported to the same dangerous area】

The first function was already described in the original drawings, but the second additional function only appeared after the expansion was completed!

“Doesn’t this mean that as long as Mai and the others gather here and teleport… they can go to the same ‘Doomsday City’ area?”

After reading the prompt information, Lu Chen suddenly became excited and his spirits lifted!

This is a kind of”informal team formation” function. Although there is no function that can only be enjoyed by a team, it can at least ensure that the players in the gathering place will not disperse and run to other dangerous areas.

“It’s also a solution”

“Although it is a little different from what I imagined as ‘joint action’… but there is no other way now.”

After making some preparations, Lu Chen opened the friend list in the chat room and found that there was indeed an invitation option.

“I don’t know how they will appear… Anyway, send the invitation first”

【You have sent a base visit invitation to the player”Sakurajima Mai” and are waiting for acceptance……】

【You have sent a base visit invitation to the player”Fengbin Hehua” and are waiting for acceptance……】

Soon, Sakurajima Mai’s chat box popped up.

“Are you awake? I’ll come right away… Clicking ‘Confirm to accept the invitation’ should be correct.”

Before Lu Chen could type a response, a strong white light suddenly bloomed from the direction of the living room, attracting his attention.

【The player”Mai Sakurajima” has entered your survivor base】

【You can terminate the player’s access at any time]

Two lines of information appeared at the right time, and Lu Chen suddenly understood.

The restrictions behind are obviously to prevent someone from harming the owner of the safe house in this way.

Although Lu Chen did not think that Sakurajima Mai would do anything to him.

Considering the difference in strength between the two… the other way around is almost the same.

Leaving the small room of the safe house, Lu Chen came to the living room and saw the black-haired girl who was scanning the surroundings.

It’s strange to say, they had been together for a long time before returning to the safe house.

But seeing Mai’s figure in the safe house, it was another feeling.

“How was your rest?”

Seeing Lu Chen, Sakurajima Mai asked with concern.

“The sleep quality is quite good……”

Hearing this, Lu Chen shrugged and said casually

“That’s why I’ve waited until now to send you an invitation.”

“It’s not too late.”

Sakurajima Mai nodded slightly and said in a low voice

“I actually just woke up not long ago, although this kind of routine is not healthy for me…”

“Then we are accomplices now.”

Lu Chen smiled, his eyes passed over the curvy body of the girl in front of him, and fell on the handbag she was carrying.

The handbag looked bulging, as if it was filled with a lot of things.

“This is the change of clothes for Hehua.”

Seeing Lu Chen noticed the handbag, Sakurajima Mai gave him a meaningful look.

“You can’t let her wear that nurse uniform all the time… unless it’s your special hobby.”

This pointed complaint made Lu Chen touch his nose in embarrassment, not knowing how to explain it.

Fortunately, Mai Sakurajima did not continue to pursue this topic, and instead began to visit the expanded survivor base.

“Independent bathroom… I really hope my safe house can be like this.”

Sakurajima Mai sighed sincerely.

For girls, the need to wash the body and maintain clean and tidy sanitary conditions is second only to the water and food needed to sustain life.

This is especially true for professional actors like Sakurajima Mai who pays special attention to their own image.

“Actually…if you want to take a shower.”

After thinking about it, Lu Chen suggested very seriously.

“You can bring some clothes to use the bathroom.”

“Don’t worry, given our relationship, I won’t charge you rent.”

“……Is this what I should be assured of?”

As if she had expected Lu Chen to say this, Sakurajima Mai rolled her eyes at him.

But then she crossed her arms, as if she was thinking about something.

“But this is the only way. Rather than watching my body ferment… I don’t mind if you peek at me while I’m taking a shower.”

“……Why is the premise ‘I will definitely peek at you while you’re taking a shower’?”

“What, you are no longer satisfied with just peeking?”

“Although I said that, Miss Mai, even your ears are starting to turn red.”

Looking at Mai, who was obviously very shy but still pretending to be mature, Lu Chen smiled and shook his head.

“Unless this is your special hobby, I won’t do such a thing as peeping.”

That’s because Lu Chen has always been open and aboveboard.

However, this sentence successfully made Sakurajima Mai feel relieved, and she seemed to be really considering whether to use Lu Chen’s base as a”bathroom”.

At this moment, another white transmission light bloomed.

A petite and beautiful girl who was half a head shorter than Sakurajima Mai made a brilliant appearance.——


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