A few days passed in a flash.

Lin Fan's cursed body was upgraded to A-level as he wished!

And the cooldown of the system's copy function was also up.

Lin Fan immediately called out the panel and copied the curse skill of Gojuan Ji without any hesitation.

【Congratulations to the host for successful replication!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the spell!】

【[Spell]: Inject spell power into the language, so that the language generates a curse and takes effect. (The power and the amount of spell power consumed are proportional to the importance of the words spoken by the user and the difference in strength between the user and the opponent.

The stronger the words, the greater the backlash to the throat. The greater the difference in strength between the user and the opponent, the shorter the time the spell will take effect.

If the opponent forcibly destroys the warlock with strength, it will bring huge backlash to the throat and body)

【When the host uses it, he can flexibly use the skill by silently reciting or speaking the spell to turn it on or off.

When it is turned on, every sentence the host says next will be regarded as a spell!

When it is turned off, the spell ability disappears. 】

Lin Fan smiled.

Now he can make his words come true.

This is really a good ability!

Then Lin Fan's eyes fell on Yuji Itadori, who was training hard at the side.

Feeling Lin Fan's gaze, Yuji Itadori trembled all over!

He broke out in a cold sweat!

After Lin Fan's meticulous"care" in the past few days.

Yuji Itadori finally realized what it meant to live a life worse than death!

At the beginning, he still had a firm belief in wanting to become stronger.

But this belief was ruthlessly crushed on the third day!

It's not that Yuji Itadori's belief is not strong enough.

It's that Lin Fan's training method is too abnormal!

If it was just ordinary physical exercise, it would be fine.

At most, he would train to exhaustion every day, and he could endure the heart-wrenching pain in the morning!

But he really couldn't stand Lin Fan's inhuman training method!

His method is so perverted!

This is definitely not for human training!

Even animals can't stand it!!!

Lin Fan has already become Yuji Itadori's nightmare.

Whenever Yuji Itadori saw Lin Fan looking at him, he would immediately shudder and break out in a cold sweat.

Lin Fan smiled and waved:

"Come! Come here, knotweed.!"

Yuji Itadori's face immediately showed resistance and fear, and he shook his head desperately!

Lin Fan smiled faintly, and suddenly his words seemed to have magic, and the ethereal voice immediately came to Yuji Itadori's ears:

Come here!

Yuji Itadori suddenly found in horror that his body suddenly became out of control!

His upper body was still fine and under his control.

But his lower body moved out of control!

And walked towards Lin Fan with extraordinary persistence!

No matter how Yuji Itadori tried to stop it, it was of no avail!

He forcibly pulled his legs with both hands, gasping for breath, but it was still useless!

Yuji Itadori was immediately panicked, what the hell was going on! ? ? ?

He shouted in horror:

""Shit! Fan!

Come and help me!

I seem to be possessed!!!"

Lin Fan just smiled quietly as he watched Yuji Itadori walk towards him little by little, without any intention of helping him.

Yuji Itadori looked at Lin Fan unmoved, still shouting desperately:

"Damn it! Fan! Come over and help me!

I feel like my body is being controlled by someone!

Could it be Sukuna who did it?"

At this time, Ryoumen Sukuna appeared with a mouth and an eye on Yuji Itadori's profile and retorted:

"Don't blame me for everything!

This has nothing to do with me!

You idiot, don't you realize that the person who makes your body out of control is right in front of you?"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori was stunned.

Then he asked in confusion:

"You said Lin Fan did it!?

How is that possible!"

After Yuji walked uncontrollably in front of Lin Fan, he stopped. Ryomen Sukuna curled his lips, what a fool!

Then his eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Fan and asked: (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"Boy! Why didn’t you use this ability last time?

The spell that injects the power of the spell into the language?

You are really frightening and exciting!"

Lin Fan chuckled and answered casually:

"Last time, it wasn't that I didn't use it, but that I didn't know how to do it. Now I just learned it.

So........You have to get stronger quickly~!

Otherwise, I will beat you up next time we meet!"

Ryoumen Sukuna showed an evil smile, and did not pay attention to Lin Fan's threatening words.

Only with a strong enemy can there be hope.

The loneliness of being invincible can make people toss and turn in bed.

Ryoumen Sukuna wanted to regain his strength as quickly as ever, and he wanted to become stronger!

He wanted to make this kid regret the crazy words he said today!

Ryoumen Sukuna smiled and said:

"It won't be long....Don't we still have you?

I think you may want me to regain my peak strength more than I do......Don't regret it then......."

The face of Ryomen Sukuna gradually disappeared.

Lin Fan was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then he laughed happily.

Is his intention so obvious?

Even he himself has discovered it?

Interesting, interesting!

At this time, Yuji Itadori's voice sounded timidly:

".that.....Fan, those.....Did you do all this?"

Lin Fan put away his smile and did not reply.

Instead, he continued to use the spell to say:

Turn left!

Yuji Itadori turned left in confusion!

Turn right!

Yuji Itadori immediately cried and turned right!

He knew it!

It was Lin Fan who did it!

What kind of horror is this?���Power!

This monster!

Turn around!

Yuji Itadori obediently turned around again.

Sing a song of Conquer!

Yuji Itadori didn't move at all, with a puzzled look on his face.

Conquer what? What conquest?

Lin Fan was slightly stunned for a moment, then he realized that Yuji Itadori didn't know how to conquer anything.

So Lin Fan got a bad taste in his mouth and said directly:

Dance Gangnam style!

Yuji Itadori was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he danced with a look of despair on his face, and danced Gangnam style

(Zhao Qian Zhao) At this time, Gojo Satoru just came here and was ready to visit Yuji Itadori.

He happened to see Yuji Itadori dancing Gangnam Style with a look of despair on his face......It's done quite standardly!

Gojo Satoru looked confused.

He walked to Lin Fan, handed him a bag of desserts he bought on the street, and asked:

"Yuujin, this is......"Has he gone crazy?"

Lin Fan smiled and waved his hands,"No, no, I just learned a new ability and tried it out on Yuji."

Gojo Satoru asked curiously after hearing this:

"What ability is that?"

Lin Fan answered without any hesitation:


Gojo Satoru's eyes widened.

Although he was wearing an eye patch and others couldn't see it, it was not difficult to see his surprise at this moment!

PS: Please order all!!! Please order by yourself!!! Please support!!!.: ༒༺ღMa Quân Diệt Thếღ༻༒

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