A few days later.

After Yuji Itadori dealt with his grandfather's funeral, Gojo Satoru took Lin Fan and Yuji Itadori on the journey to the Tokyo Metropolitan Jutsu College.

When they arrived in Tokyo, they did not see the bustling city, but went directly to a place with beautiful scenery but few people.

Yuji Itadori looked at the surrounding environment and exclaimed:"This is deep in the mountains and old forests, are you sure this is Tokyo?"

Gojo Satoru explained slowly:"The suburbs of Tokyo are also like this."

Yuji Itadori looked around, and it seemed that he had not seen Megumi Fushiguro on the way here.

So he asked with some doubts:"Where is Fushiguro?"

Gojo Satoru replied with a faint smile:

"He has received treatment from the magician and is sleeping soundly now."

Yuji Itadori nodded.

They were almost at school, and Gojo Satoru simply introduced the school information to Lin Fan and Yuji Itadori.

"Sakura Tokyo Metropolitan Technical High School of Jutsu is one of the only two institutions of Jutsu education in Sakura Country.

On the surface, it is a private religious school.

There are many sorcerers here, and after graduation, they also use this place as a starting point for their activities.

Of course, this place is not only about education, but also about executing tasks and assisting sorcerers to complete tasks.

Therefore, the school occupies a very important position in the world of sorcery.

It has trained many excellent sorcerers.

Anyway, you will have to have a face-to-face talk with the principal first.

If the negotiation is successful, you can enter the school directly.

If the negotiation is not successful, you will be rejected for admission!

You have to work harder!"

As Gojo Satoru finished his explanation, the three of them had arrived at the gate in front of a retro courtyard.

On the wall were written the twelve big characters of Tokyo Metropolitan Technical High School of Jutsu.

When he arrived at the gate, Yuji Itadori was horrified when he heard that he would be rejected.

Yuji Itadori pointed at himself and shouted:

"I will be rejected?

Then I will be executed immediately!"

After saying this, she cried to Lin Fan:

"I am so miserable!

If I had known that Senior Sasaki and Senior Iguchi were fine, I would not have eaten that finger!

By the way, Fan!

Why didn’t you tell me earlier!"

Lin Fan shrugged and said:

"You didn't even give me a chance to speak.

Who made you so impulsive?"

Yuji Itadori wiped his face dejectedly,"What a sin!"

""What? Aren't you the leader?"

A voice that didn't belong to the three people suddenly interrupted.

Everyone stopped in their tracks.

Two-faced Sukuna appeared on Yuji Itadori's face, opened a mouth, and continued to taunt:

"It's really boring if it's not ranked by strength."

Yuji Itadori quickly covered his mouth on the side of his face, and then apologized to Teacher Gojo Satoru:

"Sorry, teacher, I didn't expect him to suddenly appear."

Gojo Satoru pinched his chin with interest, looking at Yuji Itadori's face and thinking:

"Your body is really interesting."

At this time, Ryoumen Sukuna's mouth grew out from the back of Yuji Itadori's hand covering his face, and continued:

"I still owe you one. When I take over this little devil's body, I will kill you first.

The second one is you, kid!"

Ryoumen Sukuna's words were full of threats and provocations, but Gojo Satoru just smiled faintly and replied:

"It's such an honor to be remembered by Sukuna."

Lin Fan also chuckled nonchalantly.

Who doesn't know how to say harsh words?

I hope you can recover your strength quickly.

Otherwise, it will be fun to fight you when I become invincible.

Yuji Itadori quickly covered the back of his hand again.

Then he asked Gojo Satoru:"Is this guy famous?"

Gojo Satoru explained lightly:

"Two-faced Sukuna is a fictional demon with four hands and two faces.

But he is indeed a real human being.

But that was a thousand years ago.

In the heyday of magic, all the magicians gathered to challenge him, but they were defeated.

So he was named Sukuna, and after his death, the 'dead wax' passed down as a cursed object can't even be destroyed.

There is no doubt that he is the king of curses."

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori asked curiously:

"So who is stronger, him or you, teacher?"

Gojo Satoru thought about it seriously, and then said:


If Sukuna regains all his strength, it will be a bit difficult."

"Then, teacher, will you lose?"

Gojo Satoru answered confidently without even thinking:

"No, I will win."

Lin Fan couldn't help but agree.

It's not that Gojo Satoru is too conceited.

He really has such strength!

From the comprehensive comparison of Gojo Satoru and Ryomen Sukuna's panel abilities.

Gojo Satoru can indeed beat Ryomen Sukuna.

His skills are simply BUG-level.

Although Ryomen Sukuna is already very strong, it can be said that he has the strongest killing skills!

And he has infinite cursed power, which is simply abnormal!

But he definitely can't beat Gojo Satoru.

Similarly, Gojo Satoru can only win, he definitely can't kill Ryomen Sukuna.

Even if he becomes a cursed Even the dead wax in the physical state cannot be destroyed.

How can we talk about killing Ryomen Sukuna?


If the two of them appear at the same time, a state of checks and balances will be created in the world of magic.

This is probably why Geto Suguru took the trouble to resurrect Ryomen Sukuna.

Soon, the three of them walked into the main room of the courtyard.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw a middle-aged uncle who was making a rag doll.

After everyone came in, the door closed automatically!

The middle-aged uncle with glasses who was making a rag doll said without raising his head when he saw everyone coming in:

"Too slow, Wu!

You are 8 minutes late."

Yujin Itadori looked confused.

What the hell are these dolls? Could this uncle making cute dolls be the principal?

���He watched calmly from the side.

According to the following plot, this night moth is going to teach Yuji Itadori a lesson.......What kind of aesthetics does this person have?

This doll is so ugly!

Doesn’t it make you feel disgusted when you look at it?

Lin Fan looked at Ye Mo Zheng Dao’s panel.

【Name: Noctua shindo

【Talent]: Puppet Master (A+)

【Skills: Puppetry (A)

【Favorability]: 10 (not a bad first impression).............................................

【Puppet Master]: He has outstanding ability in making puppets (cursed corpses), has his own unique understanding, and can open up his own path

【[Puppetry]: Can create and control cursed corpses.............................................

Lin Fan looked down on her..............................................

PS: Thank you Wuming for the monthly ticket!!!

Thank you Haohao for the monthly ticket!!! Please give me a monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, reward, and message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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