Sanctuary, in the Papal Palace.


, da, da..." Dismask walked into it carrying a huge sarcophagus, and then placed the sarcophagus in front of Saori.

"Lord Athena, the coffin of silence has been brought!"

Saori looked at the sarcophagus, feeling the divine power contained in the sarcophagus, and also nodded, and said: "Hard work on you, Dismask." Well, trouble you to carry this sarcophagus to the statue of the goddess!

"This... All right! "

Dismask was a little helpless, so he had to carry the sarcophagus to the deepest part of the Holy Domain - where the statue of Goddess Athena was!

Speaking of which, Dismask actually does not know the existence of the coffin of silence.

Just as in the mythical era, Athena gave the Golden Saint Seiya of Goat the Holy Sword, the Golden Saint Seiya of Cancer Palace was also given the artifact of the Coffin of Silence by Athena.

It is a legendary coffin left from the mythological era, and its divine power is extremely powerful, as long as the enemy is called, if the enemy answers, it will be sucked in. Without the outside to open the coffin lid, no one will want to escape from the inside, and it will turn into nothingness and disappear in a moment or three.

This function is quite similar to the purple gold gourd in the oriental mythological novel "Journey to the West", the magic weapon of Taishang Laojun.

Of course, this artifact was found all because the yarn was the credit of Athena.

Ye Zhao's words are just knowing its existence from the plot of "Hades Myth ND".

Where exactly, Saori was sensed by the small universe of the goddess...

A moment later, the golden saints of the Holy Domain also gathered at the statue of the goddess.

When Ye Zhao appeared with the two sisters of Xiangzi Hibiki, and instantly, everyone couldn't help but light up their eyes, and their expressions were full of excitement.

"Pope, is it finally time to act?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could I have summoned you!"

Ye Zhao said with a smile, and then turned to look at Mu.

"Mu, what did the teacher say over there?"

"According to the teacher's observations over the years, it has been determined that 27 of the 108 magic stars of the Demon Sealing Tower have already run out first. Among them, including the strongest underworld triumvirate!

Mu Kai said, since he wanted to attack the underworld, it was naturally necessary for Ye Zhao to understand the number and combat strength of the enemy first.

"Not to mention the other underworld fighters, the three giants, and the twin gods, even this power is enough for our Holy Domain to go all out! However, with Hades in hand, the initiative is destined to be in our hands!

While speaking, Ye Zhaoren also took out a bottle of red liquid from the sleeve pocket of his robe, which was exactly the divine blood of Saori as Athena.

Ye Zhao poured divine blood on his hand, and then smeared it on the golden holy clothes of Kamiao and the others.

Although their golden holy robe was intact and did not need to be healed at all, under the power of divine blood, the golden holy robe also exuded a divine aura at this moment!

"Pope, this is..."

"It's just pre-war preparations!" This is Lord Athena's divine blood, aka spirit blood. Because it is the miraculous blood that condenses the small universe of God, it has great power and immortality, and can make people obtain god-like power! Of course, the same is spirit blood, and the strength of power depends on the owner of the divine blood itself. The more powerful the god, the stronger the effect of spiritual blood will naturally be! The goddess we serve, Lord Athena, is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, and the blood of the main god is naturally extremely powerful! The Holy Robe is smeared with the blood of the goddess, which can make the Holy Robe even stronger. If you can comprehend the eighth sense and burn the small universe of the eighth sense to the limit, you can even cause a miracle and make the holy robe enter the dream form! "

Dreamy form?"

"Hmm! That was the form closest to the divine robe, and it was also the strongest form of the holy robe—the divine robe! Saint Seiya in sacred clothes can even rival the gods! Of course, with your current abilities, it's still too early to reach that level. However, with the blessing of this golden holy robe full of divine aura, you can also maximize your power in the next holy war!

As soon as the words came out, Ye Zhao also looked at the yarn under the statue of the goddess.

At this moment, Saori's eyes were full of resentment, which made Ye Zhao somewhat embarrassed.

In order to get enough goddess blood, he put it from Saori several times.

After all, in any case, the current yarn weaver is only 10 years old, and the amount of blood flowing in the body is naturally impossible to compare with that of adults.

Therefore, in order not to leave a psychological shadow on her, Ye Zhaoren also bleeded many times.

Whenever the blood was put into a certain amount, Ye Zhao would treat her, and then bleed, and then treat, and repeated several times, which was such a big bottle of divine blood.

Although this will not make the yarn weaving too painful, it is also really uncomfortable!

Of course, if you want to talk about grudges, in fact, Ye Zhao is the same.

He originally thought of using the kung fu of healing yarn weaving to enhance his strength.

Unexpectedly, the system gave him a big surprise.

Name: Ye Zhao

Age: 10 years old

Strength: 500 (upper limit) Speed: 500 (upper limit) Physique: 500 (upper

limit) Spirit: 132547 (beyond the limit

) Human Small Universe: Eighth Sense 122458 (Beyond the Limit) (To be activated: God's Small Universe 2336250)


God's Eye, God's Hand, God's Word, Nian Power, Athena's Exclamation (Single), Root Power, Taiji Heavenly Dao...

Fate: The God of Medicine (to be activated)

Originally, Ye Zhao still wanted to heal the yarn weaving and directly become a god.

Even if he couldn't directly promote the main god, Ye Zhao, who was promoted to become a second-level god, was satisfied.

But he didn't expect that the system would not recognize other laws at all.

The medical god system, as the name suggests, will only cultivate Ye Zhao, the host, to become a medical god.

Unless it is the law corresponding to the god of healing, the law system of other gods will be rejected.

This also led to the fact that even if Ye Zhao healed Saori, he could not obtain laws such as war and wisdom from her.

And without the law, Ye Zhao naturally could not become a god.

And the small universe is also divided into types, divided into human small universe and god's small universe.

If the small universe of human beings is the seventh sense, then the small universe of God is the "will of the gods" liberated by the Big Bang.

The will of these gods is the most divine force in the entire universe, a realm that only God can reach, and the essence of God.

For God, even if the divine body, godhead, divine power, and divine position are all lost, or even the form and god are destroyed, even the Yuan God does not exist, it will still not die, but will fall into a long slumber.

It's just that what this power is, even Ye Zhao, who has seen the plot of "Saint Seiya", can't tell clearly.

Perhaps, the only one who can truly and completely analyze the essence of this force is the supreme existence of the plane of Saint Seiya, the only supergod who transcends all time and space, Chronos!

But anyway, as far as Ye Zhao's situation is concerned, as long as he does not become a god, he will always be a human being, and he can only use the human small universe.

And the power of God, the small universe of God, he will not be able to use it at all.

Even if he already has a small universe of gods at the level of the Lord God in his body, it is empty and cannot be used, and it is helpless!

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