A moment later, Ye Zhao also explained his intentions with Weis.

"So it is! Unfortunately, Lord Beerus has been sleeping for many years, and... If nothing else, he would probably have to sleep for a long time.

Weiss opened his mouth and said, although he had only just come into contact with Ye Zhao, from Ye Zhao's breath, he could not feel any evil.

Therefore, as long as Ye Zhao was not here to make trouble, he didn't mind welcoming the other party warmly.

"Sleep, wouldn't that be more interesting? If you wake him up, he should be very angry!

"I advise you not to do this, Lord Beerus would be horrible if he were woken up!" At that time, I don't know how many planets and even galaxies will suffer from the disaster of innocence!

"Don't worry, I'll stop him then."

"Although I can see that you are a great god, but even if you say so..."

Weiss was a little embarrassed, in fact, he didn't mind teasing Beerus. It's just that if Beerus messes around, things will get out of hand.

Although he can stop it, it is always a problem!

"Rest assured, there will be no problem. When you're done, I'll treat you to dinner! "


Weiss was a little puzzled, but Ye Zhao grinned. Having watched the anime, he naturally knows what Weiss and Beerus are hobbies.

This came to Beerus, and it was natural to come prepared.

At that moment, Ye Zhaoren also reached out to the space belt and handed a bag of snacks to Weis.

"It's snow cakes, a puffed food, and although it's just a snack, it still tastes good. How about it, try it!

"Well, the appearance is very ordinary, is this thing delicious?"

"It's not delicious, try it or not!"

Ye Zhao said, but Weiss didn't think much about it, directly tore open the bag, and stuffed the milky white snow cake into his mouth.

"What, how is it so delicious! The crispy texture and rich milk aroma are really fantastic!

Weiss looked excited, his eyes wide as a copper bell.

The corners of Ye Zhao's mouth twitched, nothing else, Weiss's expression was too exaggerated.

but... Very good, I like the way you haven't seen the world!


"Delicious, really amazing!"

"So, can you let me go?"

Ye Zhao glanced at the room where Beerus slept, and Weiss couldn't help frowning slightly, looking a little embarrassed.

In any case, he was also a servant of Beerus, and to betray his master like this was really ...

"Ten kinds of snacks, enough for the tube!"


As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Weiss agreed.

Big deal, just knock Beerus unconscious afterwards. As a domestic servant, he naturally ensured the sleep of his master.

In this regard, Ye Zhao also happily ran to the room where Beerus slept.

"Sleep soundly, kitten! So..." Ye

Zhao took out the paprika, then pulled Beerus's tail and sprinkled it on his stomach and nostrils.

Five minutes later.

"Ah..." A

harsh scream resounded throughout the palace, and then the entire room was shattered by the explosion.

"Oh, good morning, Lord Beerus!"

Ye Zhao flew into the air and greeted Beerus, who was chasing him.

In this regard, Beerus's eyes were red, and a cat's face was bruised. If he had hair, he would have blown up at this point.

"Bastard, is this a human thing? Unforgivable, it must slaughter you!

"yes, come on!"

Ye Zhao didn't care, but still said with a smile.

And the powerful energy of Beerus also began to erupt, and at this moment, energy balls also appeared from around him, and then continued to attack towards Ye Zhao.

"It's quite spectacular to watch, but unfortunately, it's too slow! Lightning Lightspeed Fist!


Beerus only felt his eyes flicker, and in the next second, the energy bombs he released were all detonated in an instant, and he was also blasted out by Ye Zhao's light-speed fist, smashing a big hole on the planet.

"Oh, it's amazing, it's possible to make a simple punch attack reach the speed of light."

Weis, who had been watching the battle from the side, couldn't help but speak, at this moment, he already believed that Ye Zhao could stop Beerus.

Not to mention anything else, with the combat skills of this light-speed field, even if Ye Zhao is still not Beerus's opponent, self-preservation is absolutely no problem.

However, in Weis's view, things are not necessarily going in that direction.

From the moment he sensed Ye Zhao's divine aura, he already knew that Ye Zhao was not an ordinary god.

"Hey, Weiss, what's going on with that guy?"

Beerus, who got up from the ground, said with an unhappy look, he didn't believe that Weiss would not know Ye Zhao's arrival.

And Ye Zhao was able to enter his room, which must have Weis's approval, which Beerus was extremely sure of.

"Well, there was a little accident! But...... Lord Beerus, if you don't cheer, you will be defeated by Ye Zhao! Especially the Freedom Extreme Skill, if you can't enter that state perfectly, if you want to dodge, resist the attack of the lightspeed field, and even the attack of the godspeed level, for you now, you can't do it!

Weiss opened his mouth and said, in his opinion, although Ye Zhao's lightspeed attack was powerful, it was not impossible to resist. If it is easy to achieve perfection, you can easily fight against it.

At least, he can do it himself.

Beerus's words can only be regarded as mastering some fur at present. It's still far from that realm!

"Hey, I'll clean you up later!"

Beerus looked unhappy, but he also dragged Ye Zhao's lightspeed fist, and now he was undoubtedly much more sober and calm.

Looking at Ye Zhao at this time, although he was still full of killing intent, he was no longer as impulsive as before.

"Little ghost, if you can hit me, you can also be proud. Next, let you see the horror of destroying God!

As soon as the words came out, Beerus's body also flashed purple energy, completely covering his body. It is as if there is a purple light film protecting the body, completely separated from the air.

"Destroyer Mode, it looks interesting!"

Ye Zhao could see the current state of Beerus at a glance, although he had never used this mode in the original plot, but not using it does not mean that he would not be.

In a state where the power is incomplete, the use of the God of Destruction mode can also play a certain protective role in itself.

At that moment, Ye Zhao also punched the speed of light again.

It's just that when the power of the Lightspeed Fist hit Beerus's body, that power was directly destroyed by the destructive energy on Beerus's body, and directly turned into tiny particles and dissipated between heaven and earth.

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