"It's incredible, but... I didn't expect us to meet again, the two of the Ghost Killer Team!

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Kanae looked at Ye Zhao and couldn't help but ask.

She couldn't understand Ye Zhao's means, but Ye Zhao did resurrect Tong Mo, there was no doubt about it.

"Do what? I now think that for this land, ghosts are more useful than ghost killers. Therefore, I decided to help the ghosts to destroy the ghost killing squad and include the ghosts in the country's defense force!

"What, how?"

Kanae and Shinobu only felt extremely frightened, and the whole person gasped.

"It seems that he is an amazing character!"

Although he didn't know all of them, Tong Mo also knew that Ye Zhao was not simple.

It's just that as soon as his words came out, the invisible force crushed him to the ground.

Tong Mo couldn't even see Ye Zhao's face, only his feet.

"Mean things, pay attention to your identity!"

Ye Zhao said, and then looked at the butterfly sisters.

"Butterfly Kanae, Butterfly Shinobu, from now on, you two sisters and I have nothing to do with each other! Go back and tell your lord, Isayashiki Yaoya, that from today onwards, the Ghost Killing Squad is officially disbanded, and the Isayashiki clan is officially removed from this land!

"What, how can this be? Do you know the harm of ghosts to this land? Do you know how many people have been eaten by ghosts in these hundreds of years? You are a god emperor, if you don't kill ghosts, how can you condone ghosts in this land?

Kanae asked, but Ye Zhao sneered.

"Is that all you want to say?"

"Isn't that enough?"


Ye Zhao's face was full of disdain, and his words also made Kanae bite her lips and feel unhappy.

Shinobu on the side trembled in her heart, and she felt that she seemed to have broken through a catastrophe.

"May as well tell you, Kanae, that in the next thirty years, the world will fall into two great catastrophes, and all the countries of the world will be forced to participate in wars, and these two catastrophe will cause tens of millions of human deaths in total, and the island countries are no exception." In peacetime, the existence of ghost killing teams is indeed quite necessary. But now that the catastrophe is coming, the role of the ghost killing team is minimal. Let me ask you, what else can your ghost killing team do besides killing ghosts?


Kanae opened her mouth, not knowing how to reply.

Of course, compared to this question, Kanae was actually more shocked by the information provided by Ye Zhao.

If there really is such a catastrophe, their ghost killing team is really useless.

And if you think about it, the ghost killing team does not seem to have any other contribution to the country except for killing ghosts.

"Isn't it easy to answer? However, this is also true! On the other hand, if you look at the ghost, it is different. Although they have eaten a lot of people over the centuries, that's all. In the ensuing catastrophe, a strong army is inevitably needed to get the country through the disaster. Ghosts have powerful regeneration abilities and are not afraid of swords, guns and cannons. Even, as long as I modify it, I can completely overcome the weakness of sunlight! If such an undead legion is put on the battlefield, the achievements it can achieve are naturally self-evident. So...... It's a pity, Megumi Kana, the so-called times make heroes. Compared to the Ghost Killer Team, this time I chose Ghost! In the past, they caused a lot of persecution for the people of this country, but now, in order to make this country survive better, I can only give up on you!

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, if he wanted to say that he was deliberately retaliating, there was indeed a little ingredient.

But on the whole, he actually considered the problem from the overall situation and did not play tantrums about it.

At the very least, turning the ghost army into an army and allowing them to play a greater role can be considered exhaustive.

Think about it, if such a demon army suddenly appears on the Western battlefield, whether it is gunfire and shelling, it can be restored in an instant, presumably the faces of the generals of various countries will be very wonderful!

"Well, that's the way it is! You two sisters can go back and tell Yoyaya Shiki that if he is dissatisfied with my decision and intends to resist, then be prepared!" Anyway, it won't take me much effort to destroy your ghost killing team!"


Kanae wanted to say something, but just as she was about to speak, the scene in front of her changed instantly.

When the two sisters reacted, they found that they had appeared outside the gate of the main hall.

"Sister, did I do something stupid?"

Shinobu looked a little stunned, Kanae couldn't help sighing, and then patted her shoulder as a sign of comfort.

She didn't feel that Shinobu had done anything wrong, although it was a little out of line, but if she could really eliminate all the ghosts on the condition of marrying Ye Zhao, it would be a good thing.

It's just that the reversal of things is too unexpected for the two of them, and compared to this problem, she is now struggling with how to go back and explain the situation here to Yaoya Shikiki...

In the main hall, after Ye Zhao teleported the two sisters away, he summoned the contemporary god emperor, Ye Song, and explained the situation to him.

After learning that Ye Zhao was planning to add an army of evil ghosts to the family, Ye Song also gladly agreed.

He already knows a lot about future developments from the modern history textbooks that he has given him.

Therefore, Ye Song knew very well that if the Ye family of the island country could really have a demon army, then they would definitely play an unimaginable role on the battlefield.

No ruler would refuse to have such an invincible legion, and Ye Zhao also assured him that he would ensure the safety of this evil army without fear of being swallowed back.

Speaking of which, after Ye Song and their bloodline remained in this land to rule the island country during the Warring States Period, the bloodline of the gods inevitably diluted.

After all, they have been intermarried with foreign women, and even girls from the clan of priests cannot make the strength of their divine blood in this vein endure for a long time, and can only make the family members prosper!

And this caused the life expectancy of the Ye clan in this vein to plummet, and it was simply impossible to live for hundreds of thousands of years like the Ye clan people in the Ye Realm, let alone awaken any superpowers.

Today, Ye Song's clan life expectancy is a little stronger than ordinary people, living at most more than 100 years.

And the few remaining god bloodlines can only ensure that they are physically strong and will not easily get sick, and in other aspects, they are no different from ordinary people.

On the other hand, the Ye clan in the Ye Realm is often illuminated by Ye Zhao's all-rule light, so even if it has been passed down for eight or nine generations, the bloodline of the gods is still extremely powerful.

Even Ye Yuan, the descendant of the eighth generation, also became a member of the dragon son because he awakened the small universe.

Although ordinary clansmen are inferior, they are also powerful superpowers, and they are only stronger than the blood ghost art of ghosts...

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