And just when Ye Huangmaru and the others fell into the siege of Naraku, in the future modern, capital hotel, Ye Zhao was opening the mirror of the world to see everything.

"That stupid boy, his brain has completely inherited the capital of Yudu, he really has a father and a son!"

"Don't talk about it! If you really want to say that if there is a father, there must be a son, aren't you the father of Yudu! Ling

Yue, who was sitting next to Ye Zhao, also spoke, looking at the coffee she had brewed, she took a sip and directly poured it into the trash.

Dogs don't like to drink this thing!

"No, in addition to appearance, he inherits more of your part, at least on the inside!"

"Well, don't talk about this, how long are we going to stay in this era?"

"Don't worry! Although we have traveled through the times, it is only the world that we have affected. The realm of leaves that I have opened up is not affected by the flow of time in this world. Therefore, we can completely travel back in time from the Leaf Realm. Of course, you can also go back from the well of bones, there are methods!

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, in his opinion, this world is only his temporary residence after all, although it is somewhat useful, but it is of little significance.

Therefore, even if he disturbed time and space, he would not care too much.

"Then again, Xiaoyezi, you created the world and formed an armed legion like the Net Fighter, what is it for? In this world, I don't think I am qualified to dispatch such armed forces!

Ling Yue asked, which was also where she had been wondering all along.

At least, she didn't find the world useful for a place to get net fighters.

That kind of power is too strong, only one is needed, it is enough to completely destroy this world.

"You also said that it is 'this world', and in the future, we will go to other worlds." Net fighter, just preparing for the future! Moreover, the grassroots forces of the descendants of our Ye clan, although the basic ones all have good superpowers, this is not enough to become a force that influences the world. The Ye clan will continue to develop in the future, and the population will continue to surge, and at that time, more living space will be needed! The world is very weak, although there is some land, but the resources are actually very poor. I can't see what ordinary people need, and the rest is only the power of faith of some living people. It's just that the power of faith is useless to me, but it still has some effect for you! No matter how small mosquitoes are, they are also meat, and they use the power of faith to achieve a group of inferior gods to carry out grassroots management, which I think is still very good!

"I'm sorry, I'm a low-class god like Ye Ji!"

"No, I didn't underestimate you!"

Seeing Ling Yue's unhappy face, Ye Zhao also hurriedly spoke.

Although, what he said was the truth.

At that moment, Ye Zhao also took out the pocket watch of the horse and made a nick on the pocket watch with his nails.

"What are you doing?"

Ling Yue was a little puzzled, but the corners of Ye Zhao's mouth raised, and the light of all rule opened, directly eliminating the nicks on the pocket watch.

"Heal the horse's pocket watch successfully, you gain the skill: Time Acceleration!"

"You gain a skill: Time stops!"

"You gain a skill: go back in time!"

"You get a skill: space-time positioning!"


The voice of the system continued to sound in his mind, and at this moment, Ye Zhao even missed a little, missing the sound of the system.

After all, after sleeping for more than two hundred years, he had almost forgotten the sound of the system.

"I can acquire the power of the items I heal, both living and non-biological. Actually, I should have done this a long time ago, but in ancient times, I didn't need to use this power at all! However, in the time and space that we have traveled through today, this power will become indispensable sooner or later! It's a pity..." Ye

Zhao had some regrets, although the time skills obtained from the pocket watch were very good, but after all, this was only the ability of the pocket watch, not the horse, let alone Kairos.

Of course, if it was Koronos' disciple god, Kairos, Ye Zhao would definitely be bolder than he is now.

After all, Kairos is also a supergod, and after healing the supergod, Ye Zhao will naturally become a supergod.

At that time, what else would he dare not do!

Not to mention shuttling through time and space, even if it is to divide time and space, reshape history, or even divide the flow of time, and recreate parallel worlds, it is not difficult for supergods!

"It's too early to say this, the current population of the Ye clan is not suitable for managing too much land. If you want to truly develop the population of a world, even if you sleep for another two hundred years, you may not be able to do it!

"Take your time! Time has long been meaningless for us!

"It's also... However, let's deal with the problems of those two children first! Ling

Yue pointed to Ye Huangmaru and Kagome in the World Mirror, Ye Yue was her biological son, and Ye Huangmaru was her direct descendant.

She didn't want to care about the juniors who were too late, but if the grandchildren were too late, Ling Yue still cared a lot.

Not to mention, Kagome will soon become her granddaughter-in-law, so she can't see death without saving it!

"Don't worry, I have arranged everything, there is no need to worry at all!"

Ye Zhao said, and then the others also poured themselves a glass of juice.

Like Ling Yue, Ye Zhao didn't like to drink coffee...

Sengoku period, Kaede no Village.

Looking at Naraku, who was fighting more and more, Ye Huangmaru at this time also hated his incompetence a little.

It was clear that the enemy was in front of him, but he had no way to eliminate it, which made his heart full of unwillingness.

As for Kagome, although she had already used a bow and arrow, and her own spiritual power had indeed played a role in purifying evil thoughts, it was not enough to defeat Naraku.

For nothing else, Naraku can multiply and split indefinitely, but Kagome's arrows are numerous, and when they are finished, they are gone.

Therefore, even if Kagome's arrow can completely kill Naraku, but the elimination of the individual, Naraku is the least afraid.

During his period of infinite division and proliferation, unless the group purification is eliminated, there is not much threat to him.

"What's wrong, Ye Huangmaru, where did the momentum go before?"

Naraku shouted, which made Ye Huangmaru grit his teeth with hatred.

It's just that at this moment, others can't do anything.

For the safety of Kagome, he has also given birth to retreat.

That's right, even if you can't eliminate Naraku, if Ye Huangmaru wants to leave, then no matter how many individuals Naraku divides, they can't stay.

With his skills, even if he took Kagome and Kaede and left, it was more than enough.


Just as Ye Huangmaru was preparing to turn into a giant dog and leave with Kagome and Kaede in his hand, dozens of Naraku's individuals in the rear were suddenly hacked to death.

This sudden situation directly made Ye Huangmaru, Naraku and the others stunned in place.

When Naraku saw the person coming clearly, he was also so frightened that his liver trembled, and his whole face turned pale.

Not for anything else, the weird markings, the reddish sword, it's not who Dad Ji Guoyuan Yi is!

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