Time passed, and the sky gradually turned dark.

In the zodiac, Kamiao had already put on the golden holy robe of Aquarius and rushed to his palace.

According to the rules, the Golden Saint Seiya must guard his palace. Without the order of Athena or the Pope, it is impossible to leave the palace at will, let alone leave the Holy Domain.

However, such rules only exist in times of war or in special circumstances.

On weekdays, the Golden Saint Seiya is actually quite free.

Because their status is high enough and their strength is strong enough, if they want to move freely, they only need to notify the Pope with the telepathy in their superpowers.

Most likely, such a leave pope will also approve!

And just when Kamiao passed by the Scorpio Palace, the person also suddenly stopped.

At this time, the Golden Saint Seiya Miró of the Scorpio Palace was blocking in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"How's it going, visiting the apprentice is back?"

"Hmm! The two disciples accepted by the Crystal Saint Seiya are very good, and if you practice well, it should not be difficult to become a Saint Seiya!

Ka Miao said with a smile, people at every level have corresponding social circles, and the Golden Saint Seiya is naturally no exception.

And among the golden saints of the zodiac, Miró is Kamio's best friend. In their spare time, the two often compete with each other to improve their skills.

"You guy is really outrageous, obviously it's still so early, he even has an apprentice!"

Milo complained that the current Kamiao was actually the same as him, only 14 years old.

And Kamiao's disciple, the Crystal Saint Seiya, is only 12 years old!

As for those two apprentices, Elzak is currently 11 years old, has awakened the small universe, and is a genius who is righteous, and Kamiao has not bragged to him, saying that he is likely to reach the realm of the Golden Saint Seiya in the future!

Although the newly accepted disciple (Glacier) Milo does not know, since Kamiao said that his qualifications are good, it must not be bad no matter how bad it is.

It was only a matter of time before his two apprentices became Saint Seiya!

In this regard, Kamiao didn't say much, just smiled, and then looked serious.

"Miro, I remember that among the masterstrokes of your cultivation, there is a lightspeed fist that can instantly balance the opponent!"

"Indeed there is! That move is called absolute restraint, or clamping down on the movement wave, the scarlet movement wave. The principle is that through the power of thought and the speed of light fist, the target brain domain is instantly stimulated, which can not only paralyze the target body instantly, but even the small universe cannot burn. Even superpowers can be suppressed together! How, what's the problem?

Milo asked, because the two had competed and tried each other's skills, and they knew the bottom of it.

Today, Kamiao suddenly mentioned this, which surprised Milo a little.

"There are indeed some questions for you! When I went to the medical center for treatment today, I happened to see that guy from Dismask coming there nonsense!

"Dismask? Not to mention, with that guy's temperament, he would really do this!

"That's not the point, the point is that Ye Zhao! Although that kid is very young, the small universe is unexpectedly powerful. In an instant, that kid controlled Dismask, moreover, he still used the power of thought!


Milo looked surprised, Ye Zhao's small universe when he was in the medical center, most of the Saint Seiya of the Holy Domain could actually sense it, and Milo was naturally no exception.

It's just that the small universe is strong, but the Golden Saint Seiya is not vegetarian.

You know, the strength of the Golden Saint Seiya and the silver and bronze Saint Seiya are not in the same dimension at all.

I want to become a glorious Golden Saint Seiya and comprehend the seventh sense, the knowledge of the end, which is the foundation.

Unlike the bronze and silver Saint Seiya, who only has the speed of sound and several times the speed of sound, the Golden Saint Seiya, who comprehends the seventh sense, has the speed of light movement and the speed of light nerve response.

To put it bluntly, a warrior who has not reached the speed of light realm, no matter what kind of trick he uses, is equivalent to standing still in front of the Golden Saint Seiya.

And the destructive power of the Golden Saint Seiya is also incredibly powerful!

In general, kinetic energy is equal to mass multiplied by the square of velocity.

The speed of the Bronze Saint Seiya can reach the speed of sound, and the stronger Silver Saint Seiya is about two to five times the speed of sound. Saint Seiya throws his fist at such a speed, it is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the destructive power is, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a crack in the mountains and seas.

But compared to the Golden Saint Seiya, it was completely excessive.

The Golden Saint Seiya's fist speed and movement speed reach the speed of light.

From a physics point of view, the mass of an object is related to its speed.

The mass of the object will increase with the increase of speed, and when the speed of the object is close to the speed of light, its mass will tend to infinity, so it is impossible for a mass object to reach the speed of light!

However, the existence of the Golden Saint Seiya breaks this physical rule, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a miracle warrior.

In this way, the destructive power of the Golden Saint Seiya's outbreak is naturally unimaginable.

To put it bluntly, every punch of the Golden Saint Seiya has the terrifying power to destroy the stars.

Of course, whether it is gold, silver, or bronze Saint Seiya, all warriors who can become Saint Seiya must completely control the power of the small universe.

The Saint Seiya's fist can tear the sky apart, and the feet can shatter the earth, which is really not nonsense.

If you do not control these forces, you will destroy the earth you guard.

Therefore, every attack of the Saint Seiya must be perfectly concentrated to control its own power, which is also the correct combat method for Saint Seiya.

Without microscopic control down to the atomic level, you can't become a formal Saint Seiya.

Of course, not everyone dares to destroy the earth.

In the "Saint Seiya" plane, it is dominated by Greek gods.

The four realms of heaven, earth, underworld, and sea are the realms controlled by the Olympian gods.

No matter who dares to destroy any of these four realms, it is equivalent to a full-scale war with the Olympian Protoss.

Even the main gods such as Hades and Poseidon in the God Race did not dare to destroy the earth, but only destroyed the human beings in the upper realm and robbed them.

Destroying the earth and destroying mankind are completely different things!

Pull away.

At the moment, Milo was very shocked that Ye Zhao could control the golden Saint Seiya of Dismask with his power.

Because even Mu, who was the best at reading power that he knew, was difficult to do.

However, thinking of the small cosmic strength that Ye Zhao erupted, Milo was somewhat relieved.

"Kamiao, since you have witnessed all this with your own eyes, then, with the strength of Ye Zhao's small universe, combined with the power of Shangnian, it is not an incomprehensible thing to control Dismask!"

"If it was just like your stunt, controlling the target for a few seconds, tens of seconds, then I would naturally not be surprised. However, Ye Zhao, he directly let Dismask stand for more than three hours, and he is still standing up over there!

"No, it can't be!"

Milo's eyes widened in disbelief!

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