Unlike the other mythological legions in the Saint Seiya plane, Ye Zhao's clean fighter, the battle suit he wears, the dragon fighting suit, is actually all the same style.

Except for the fact that the combat suit changes according to the body type and gender of the wearer, the overall situation is actually the same.

And the whole is dark purple, like a very dark robe, but it has a bit of the appearance of the Czech Fried god cloak.

Its materials are made from the branches of the World Tree, Loki's divine blood, and the bones and minions of the Dragon Bone Spirit.

In this world universe created by Ye Zhao himself, Ye Zhao was able to fully exert the power of the upper lord god.

Because he had healed Hephaestus' lameness, Ye Zhao also had a god-level forging technique.

Although he had been sleeping for more than two hundred years, under the guidance of his will, these dragon cloaks were no different from the ones he had personally made.

All of these dragon cloaks have the strength to match the golden holy robes, and because Inuyasha has a tradition of using the tough minions of youkai to create demon soldiers, Ye Zhao also equipped these dragon cloaks with corresponding weapons.

Although it is not like the golden holy robe of Libra, it has twelve weapons, but it is also equipped with a sword and shield, which can be described as both offensive and defensive.

It can be said that every net fighter under Ye Zhao has a combat power that rivals the Golden Saint Seiya.

If you use a weapon, unless the Golden Saint Seiya also uses the Golden Weapon, it is definitely not an opponent of the Net Fighter!

And this is only the equipment of the net fighters.

In the words of the second-generation gods such as Yudu and Aotian, Ye Zhao also forged the corresponding combat clothes for them.

Although it is also a dragon fighting suit, the material is not the dragon bone essence, but the dragon titan created by Ye Zhao before.

Not only is the shape different, but the intensity is also very different.

By the way, after more than two hundred years of practice and growth, today's Yudu and others are not only second-generation gods, they have also grown from third-rate gods to second-level gods.

Just like Hades' cronies, the twin gods, these four children of Ye Zhao are also his right and left hands in managing the world!

"Ling Xiao, in the next period, except for the God Emperor, let all the descendants of the outside world return to this world to develop! In the future, the island country outside only needs to send a clan to manage!

"I know! That, what about the clan of priests?

Ling Xiao asked, and Ye Zhao couldn't help but look at him, with a smile on his face.

"This depends on how you answer, how about it, the girl of the priest family is good, right?"

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Ling Xiao also looked embarrassed.

After all, before Ye Zhao fell asleep, he helped him arrange for three girls from the priest clan to be wives.

And if there is any value in the priestly family, it must be their girls who can prosper.

Ling Xiao himself is the biggest beneficiary.

Although his three wives have been completely dormant under the passage of time, their descendants can still thrive in this world!

It can be said that the Ye family can develop to this point, and the girl of the priest family is definitely indispensable.

And even now, the girls of the priest family have not married, and they still have marriage matches with previous god emperors.

Moreover, in the past two hundred years, the Ye clan of Ye Zhao's world has also had an incongruous ratio of men and women.

In the situation of internal marriage, but there are more men and fewer women, the clan of priests can be regarded as a big help, there is no merit, there is also hard work!

For this reason, Ling Xiao had also discussed with Yudu and Aotian whether to accept the female dependents of the priestly family into the realm.

And as a result, it was naturally passed by all the staff.

Whether the girl of the priest family is good or not, you know if you have used it!

"Father God, the girl of the priest family, I think I can accept them all! If there are more women and fewer men in the world, it is enough, but if there are more men and fewer women, they have to rely on them to get through this difficult period! Although the girls of that clan are short-lived, the offspring are not much different from the children born to the girls in my clan!

"Isn't this nonsense, my divine light has been shining on this world, how can it cause problems for my descendants!"

Ye Zhao said angrily, which also made Ling Xiao and the others look a little embarrassed.

In fact, several people have long noticed that the light of the sun in this world is actually not pure sunlight, but a special light mixed with the light of Ye Zhao's quanzhi.

Under this light, the earth can produce food endlessly, and the world can be clean forever.

It also allows the Ye clan people living in this world to have a special physique that can be quickly healed as long as they are not directly dead.

Of course, even if it is death, Ye Zhao's light of total rule can be leveled.

Just to run the reincarnation of heaven and earth, Ye Zhao did not heal death, but also to let the clansmen know the preciousness of life.

Although so far, the death toll of the Ye clan has not even exceeded ten, and most of them are directly sacrificed due to accidents, it also lets the Ye clan people know that they will indeed die!

In addition, under the illumination of the divine light, the Ye clan will not cause the bloodline of the god to be diluted due to the reproduction of offspring, which is also the most important key!

As the top god, Ye Zhao's bloodline potential was definitely not a joke.

It can be said that as long as Ye Zhao is willing and wants to stimulate their divinity, even if most of these descendants are only demigods, they will instantly grow to the level of top golden saints.

Don't look at the number of net fighters at the moment, there are only a dozen, but that is because Ye Zhao deliberately suppressed it.

In this world, there is no fight itself, and naturally there is no need for so many powerful fighters!

And the net fighters all have the combat power of top gold saints, and they can even destroy the galaxy if they fully erupt.

If such a warrior is not controlled, it can easily cause great damage to Ye Zhao's world.

It was precisely for all these reasons that Ye Zhao would curb the number of net fighters.

But one thing is certain, when Ye Zhao really needs a sufficient number of pure fighters, his descendants will definitely be able to achieve his needs, there is no doubt about it!

"Since you said so, then the girl of the priest clan will accept it! There is one counted as one, girls from their family, we are all inclusive! "


"As long as the Divine Official Clan can always provide girls for our Ye Clan, in the future, it is not impossible to shelter their clan and let their clan prosper!"

"This, I have done during my reign! Father God, now the clan of priests, is already the second largest family in that land. The entire island spirit world, except for us, is headed by the priest family!

Ling Xiao opened his mouth and said, after all, during his reign, there were three wives of the priest family.

This is often heard by them blowing the wind in their ears, and it is natural to take care of their family a little more!

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