And just when Ye Zhao admired the beautiful face of the water god, Ye Zhao's prosperous god face was also stunned by the water god.

When Ye Zhao came before, she couldn't see clearly because of the fog on the lake.

After coming down, the three of them were busy bowing down again, and they did not dare to look at them.

At this time, he was able to look at each other, and the water god was directly attracted by Ye Zhao's appearance, and the whole person was lost in thought!

Of course, not only the water god, but also Abe Tai and the priest Sheng Tai are not much different. The two never expected that the great god with such powerful divine power was just a beautiful boy who looked underage!

"Ahem... Little leaf, pay attention to the occasion! Ling

Yue's voice came from the dog's mouth, and Ye Zhao reacted immediately, his expression somewhat unnatural.

"Sorry for the gaffe! Water god, say your name?

"The little god has no name! The little god is just a water god in a small village, how can he have the qualifications to have a reputation like a god! The

water god's posture was very low, and Ye Zhao realized something.

Just like the mountain gods, land, and river gods in the world of "Journey to the West", the gods of such small places are not regarded by the political institutions such as the Heavenly Court. Even if they have names, they will never be put in the eyes of the great gods!

This oriental god system is still like this, let alone the island god system in the Chinese continent whose civilization is far inferior.

Therefore, it is reasonable that the water god does not have his own name.

"Don't have a name? Then, from now on, you will be called 'Ye Ji'!" And I, your master, Ye Zhao, got it?

"Yes, master!"

Ye Ji's face was a little red, she was not stupid, where could she not hear Ye Zhao's meaning.

No matter where it is, the word "Ji" is a good name for women when used to describe women.

"Ye Ji", in other words, Ye Zhao's concubine.

In the future, she will not only serve Ye Zhao, but also serve more deeply.

Of course, for his own fate, Ye Ji did not intend to resist, and it was natural for the small god to serve the great god.

Not to mention, it's still an island country.

In some ways, it's not much worse than Greek mythology!

Ling Yue watched this scene silently, and her heart was somewhat complicated.

Although she had long expected this kind of thing to happen sooner or later, she did not expect it to be so soon.

However, as long as Ye Zhao did not live up to her and the child in her body, Ling Yue would have nothing to say!

As a great god, Ye Zhao was not wrong to reproduce his descendant God Race!

On the contrary, she is just a monster, even if she becomes a demon god in the future, I am afraid that she is not authentic enough as a god race!

As a god, Ye Zhao should still combine with the gods!

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, King Douya asks for a meeting!"

Just when Ye Zhao and Ye Ji were feeling affection for each other, the voice of the Douya King also suddenly came from the other side of the lake.

"Then come here! It's also hard for you these days, you've been following our ass!

Ye Zhao spoke, although his voice was very small, but the Douya King on the other side of the lake could hear it clearly.

Soon, the Douya King flew in front of Ye Zhao and bowed.

"I didn't expect it, I haven't seen you for a while, you have become much more polite, Douya King!"

"Where, there are no beads before the small one, please don't blame Your Majesty!"

King Douya spoke, looking a little embarrassed. If he knew that Ye Zhao was so fierce, he would have kowtowed to Ye Zhao at that time, how could he wait until now.

"Ling Yue's father asked you to come, right?"

"Yes and no! After all, it is related to the development of the dog demon family, and some things are better to get your approval in action!

"Hmph, all of them can play some cleverness!"

Ye Zhao was a little unhappy, although after arriving at the plane of "Inuyasha", he could not fully exert the power of omniscience and omnipotence, but the eighth sense itself had the ability to see the past and foresee the future.

As far as the little trick of the Black Tooth Pill, Ye Zhao also knew it at a glance.

If it weren't for Ling Yue, after cleaning up the ocelot clan and the dragon bone essence, he would have already cleaned up along with the dog demon clan.

"Your Majesty, about the country of the West..."

"Okay, I know what you want to say! In the case of Nishinokoku, I will allow you to rule the dog demon clan, but only for youkai! Moreover, you must restrain your monsters and not let them attack humans at will! This land will be ruled by me in the future, and if you cause riots at will, I will have a headache!"

"Yes, I see!"

The Douya King nodded and did not refute.

Although they can't do anything to humans, they will lose a lot of food sources. But the dog demon family itself does not like to eat people, and the requirement that they cannot do anything to humans is nothing for their family!

As for the other youkai, they don't need to care.

Anyway, the evil qi of the island country breeds quickly, and many miscellaneous monsters and small monsters will be born every day, and the fact that the monsters cannibalize each other alone is enough for them to eat and drink!

"Not only the country of the west, but also the country of the east, and even the entire island country, will be under my rule in the future. It seems to be relatively stable over there, and the Kirin Pill has already controlled the East Country!

"Yes! If Your Majesty needs me to deliver a message, I will speak to him." My dog demon clan and his Beast King line were originally in an alliance, and besides, I also married his sister Lu as his wife, and some things can be said!

"Hmph, I still need your help talking? Just tell him, dare to disobey, I will even clean up with him!" "


The Douya King did not dare to refute, he and Qilin Pill had actually tried, they were both big monsters, and they were stronger than Qilin Pills.

And even he himself is not Ye Zhao's enemy, let alone Qilin Pill. He also didn't want his friend and brother-in-law to be planted in Ye Zhao's hands so inexplicably!

"Remember, from today onwards, everything in this land will be under my control, including your dog demon clan and the Beast King family of the Qilin Pill."


You tell those guys that if you disagree, you can come and fight!" I can let your dog demon clan and Kirin Maru rule the youkai in this land on their behalf, and I can also support others!" For example, Ling Yue can do it, or me and her children! I, Ye Zhao, also put the words here today, whoever dares to disobey, I will clean up whom!

"Yes, I'll be informed!"

The Douya King nodded, and Ye Zhao also waved his hand, signaling him to leave.

"Master, isn't it good to eradicate those monsters? They are inherently unstable elements, and they can easily cause riots!

Ye Ji spoke, and Ye Zhao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"The reason why human beings need gods is because their peaceful lives have been shattered and become troubled! In this way, human beings will pray to the gods and pray to the gods for salvation. If there is really only a good life left in this land, then who will come to worship us gods... Are you right, Abe Tai, Priest Shengtai?

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, the two kneeling on the ground immediately shivered, not daring to say anything...

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