"Thank you, Lord God!"

"Lord God, thank you for saving your life!"


The villagers of Baihua Village knelt on their knees and kept kowtowing.

If the villagers bowed to Ling Yue before, it was their fear of Ling Yue's force.

Then the worship of Ye Zhao now is really from the heart and faith.

Ye Zhao's all-healing light not only healed their injuries, but also healed their hearts, letting them know that there was indeed light in this dark era.

In this regard, Ye Zhao just smiled and did not say much.

To save them, I just want to deal with my unintentional mistakes, and I don't have much thought.

Compared to these villagers, Ye Zhao now cared more about Ling Yue.

"What do you think of me, Ling Yue?"

"Good, really good!"

Ling Yue didn't know how to describe Ye Zhao, but she still said her opinion.

Her eyes lit up, judging from Ye Zhao's various deeds, whether it was strength or character, it was undoubtedly the best choice.

At least, Ling Yue felt that among the people she knew, there was no one better than Ye Zhao.

"Then there is nothing more to say... Marry me, Ling Yue! From the first time I saw you, I knew that you were someone worthy of my cherished love!

Ye Zhao walked up to Ling Yue and grabbed her hand.

His statement so directly also made Ling Yue's face a little red, but he still looked easy-going, nodded and agreed.

Just like Ye Zhao's feelings for Ling Yue, Ling Yue was also very fond of Ye Zhao.


Ye Zhao was extremely happy, different from the arranged marriage of Persephone and Aphrodite. For Lingyue Immortal Ji, Ye Zhao really liked it.

Of course, for Persephone and Aphrodite, his senses are not bad.

It's just that compared to passively taking over, Ye Zhao still likes to take the initiative.

Although Ling Yue is a dog, this is not a problem at all.

For the Olympian gods, love is not divided into generations, even gender, or even species.

Zeus changed into an ox, Poseidon changed into a horse, these tricks are nothing in the history of the Olympian gods.

Now, Ye Zhao just saw a beautiful dog, is there a problem?

No problem!

Soon, the two introduced themselves to each other.

For Lingyue Immortal Ji, although Ye Zhao does not know much, after all, he is the plot character of "Inuyasha", and he knows a little.

Now coupled with Ling Yue's introduction, Ye Zhao is not only more familiar with her, but also more familiar with the era he is currently in.

If the plot story of "Inuyasha" takes place in the Sengoku period of the island country, then Ye Zhao's current era is more than three hundred years earlier than the Sengoku period, which is the Kamakura period.

At this time, the monsters of the island country are rampant, and the status of humans is equivalent to mobile rations in the eyes of the monsters. With the exception of the daimyo of Kamakura and the key towns where the lords of each region are located, where powerful mages and witches sit there, human life in other regions is extremely difficult.

Of course, even those key towns are not necessarily absolutely safe.

Although powerful mages and witches can more or less compete with the big monsters, there are not many such characters after all.

If it is a really powerful big monster, it can be attacked by force.

The most important point is that many powerful monsters will also form their own monster forces, and they will not blindly fight alone.

In this case, once the big monsters launch a siege, even the capital city where the daimyo is located may not be able to bear it!

The reason why they don't fight is just because the big monsters don't want to lose their combat power in vain.

In the end, the main enemy of the big monsters is still the big monsters who are also fighting for territory.

As long as those powerful mages and witches don't bother them, they don't bother to bother.

Anyway, there are so many such rations for human beings that they can be found in many poor rural areas.

In addition, the monsters will also devour each other and kill each other, and there is no need to risk attacking the city for food.

It is also because it is at least more than three hundred years earlier than the beginning of the plot, at present, although Ling Yue has been designated by the patriarch of the dog demon clan to marry the Douya King, but because of the incompatibility of temperament, the two sides are somewhat conflicted, naturally not to mention any killing pills, he is still in the treasure house of the Douya King!

And this, but cheap Ye Zhao.

If Ling Yue already had a relationship with the Douya King, then no matter how much Ye Zhao liked this beautiful woman, he couldn't get his hands on it.

When Cao Thief did not object, but when he attacked a dog, Ye Zhao inevitably had some resistance in his heart.

Now that Ling Yue's dog body is not broken, then Ye Zhao will naturally not be polite.

As for Ling Yue, it was even more shocking.

Although she had expected that Ye Zhao's identity would not be simple, she never thought that Ye Zhao would be a god-king-level figure.

Even if he is not the god of this region, he is definitely not an existence that these monsters can compare.

And Ye Zhao was also very honest with her, and did not hide it, but confessed most of the situation to her.

This includes the case of Persephone and Aphrodite.

In this regard, although Ling Yue was a little surprised, she didn't care much.

Not to mention anything else, in the era of the island country they are currently in, which powerful male is not three wives and four concubines, let alone an existence like Ye Zhao.

Therefore, Ye Zhao's problem is actually not a problem at all.

As long as it is not messed around in front of her, then everything is good to say.

At least, Ling Yue wouldn't mind!

"Little leaf..."

"Wait a minute... Why did you suddenly call me that? Ye

Zhao was a little speechless, it was just that he was called so by the gods of Olympus, how did he get to the plane of "Inuyasha", he still couldn't get rid of such a title!

"Do you still need to say, you are younger than me, and you are very cute, is there anything wrong with calling you 'Little Leaf'?"

"Yes, no problem, and very kind!"

Ye Zhao sighed and directly accepted.

Although the children of the Saint Seiya plane generally develop precocious physically, 10-year-old children are at least 13 years old, even Ye Zhao, a god, is no exception.

But his current height of 1.5 meters is indeed a little smaller, and in front of Ling Yue's 1.65 meters, he is more than half a head shorter.

Although Ye Zhao could also change his body shape through the operation of God or the World Tree, he did not feel that it was necessary.

Now he is already born after all, unlike when he was still pregnant in the egg, it is better to let him grow on its own.

Relying on external forces to change, this is ultimately inferior, and it doesn't make much sense!

"Na, Ling Yue, what do you want to say?"

"I want you to heal the Tooth King! After marrying you, I will leave the dog demon family. But after all, it's my matriarch, at least, I don't want the canine clan to be in crisis because of me!

"Well, no problem!"

Ye Zhao agreed without thinking, and he didn't think about killing the Fighting Tooth King.

Otherwise, even just a lightspeed fist would be enough to kill him, where would it be like this, just seriously injured!

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