In just a few seconds, the dozens of dragons created and transformed by Ye Zhao were slaughtered by Zeus.

Their stunt - atomic breath, Zeus did not even bother to defend, under the will of the gods, these attacks were directly rebounded several times, and the dragons themselves killed themselves!

"In the end, the dragon race is just the dragon race, and there is a huge gap between the gods and the gods after all! Little leaves... Are there any other moves? It's rare to fight together today, don't hide it!

Zeus stepped on the head of a dead dragon and spoke.

In this regard, the corners of Ye Zhao's mouth raised, and the light of full rule immediately opened.

"You, do you say..."

Zeus looked stunned, and in the next instant, the dozens of dragons he killed were instantly resurrected, flying into the air intact, and looking at Zeus with a fierce eye.

"Heal the meteorite dragon successfully, gain the skill atom breath!"

The voice of the system sounded in Ye Zhao's mind, which also made Ye Zhao smile even more, and said: "The good show has just begun, Father God!" From the beginning, I knew that God Killing Thunder was not simply thunder. If it's just a simple thunder, with the absolute thunder attribute resistance I give to the dragon, I can completely carry the damage to the greatest extent. Even the heavenly thunder from Poseidon's trident, my dragon can withstand it. Although your god-killing thunder looks like thunder, it is just the appearance! If I'm not mistaken, the God Killing Thunder should be the entity condensation of some kind of law, but it is just expressed in the form of thunder! No matter how much it resembles thunder, it is not thunder after all!

"No, you guessed wrong, little leaf! The thunder of the god killer is indeed thunder! It's just that its composition is not simply thunder, but a mixture of god-killing power + destruction law + thunder and lightning law!

"Eh, you told me the principle of God Killing Thunder so easily?"

Ye Zhao looked at Zeus with some disbelief, he really couldn't figure out why he blew himself up?

In this regard, Zeus laughed and said: "There is nothing to hide, within a hundred years, the reincarnation of eternal calamity will definitely occur." At that time, everything will enter a reset state, even if the gods now know and have been washed away from memory, everything will have to start from scratch! As for Xiaoyezi, you... If you know it, it's not a big deal!

"Aren't you afraid I'll learn this trick?"

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said that he, like Zeus, was also an all-powerful god.

Therefore, in theory, Ye Zhao, the divine technique of the Zeus Society, must also be able to master it!

"It's not that simple, little leaf! The God Killing Thunder is actually the divine skill of Koronos, and without his permission, it is impossible for any god to master it just by studying! Of course, if you can heal me, that's a different story!

Zeus spoke, in fact, all the gods with a little heart and eyes had already realized Ye Zhao's incredible growth process.

By healing them and acquiring the powers and skills of others, many gods are aware of it.

They are not fools either, how can they not see it.

It's just that Ye Zhao is not such a chaotic god, and as a healing god, he is also kind to most gods. Even if he didn't now, maybe there would be a request for him in the future, so the gods opened one eye and closed one eye, acquiescing to his situation!

"God Killing Thunder, honestly, I really want to learn it!"

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, such a powerful force, it would be strange if he didn't want it.

I have to say that since Ye Zhao became a medical god, he lacked the matching battle-type divine skills.

Although in the human period, he mastered a large number of the combat skills of the soldiers of the mythical legion, but it was not enough, and the human combat skills could match the powerful divine skills even if they were displayed by him, the superior main god, but after all, they were so meaningless.

But this is no way, he is a medical god, and the main position itself is not a battle, but an auxiliary medical treatment.

Even though Ye Zhao is an all-powerful god, under the limitations of the system, the power will inevitably develop towards the medical field. Although this greatly fulfilled Ye Zhao's name of the medical god, it also limited Ye Zhao's development accordingly!

Even if he uses the divine skills of other gods, after all, he has less Shen Yun and is so meaningless!

"Come on, Xiaoyezi, if you can hurt me, I'll let you heal!"

It seemed that he also wanted to stimulate Ye Zhao's fighting spirit, and Zeus also said with a smile.

"I will! So, go ahead with the surgery! The essence of God's surgery lies in infinite transformation. The current dragon is just the starting state!

"God's Surgery Energy Enhancement!"

"God's Surgery and Apotheosis!"

"God's Surgery, Skill Empowerment, Atomic Burst!"


Zeus was stunned, not only him, but even the gods in the audience.

At this moment, the meteorite dragon created by Ye Zhao began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Not only has his strength increased by a lot, but he has also gained divinity, which is completely otherworldly!

"Unexpectedly, from a dragon directly transformed into a divine dragon, this power... Has it already reached the level of a second-level god?

Zeus opened his mouth and said, compared to the previous meteorite dragon that was only at the level of the Golden Saint Seiya, the current meteorite divine dragon, even if it is a twin god, if you want to deal with one of them, I am afraid that you must be prepared to be killed!

In terms of strength, the current meteorite divine dragon is at least dozens of times more than before!

"It should have been a one-on-one contest, but I didn't expect it to turn into a group fight in the end!"

"However, this is created by the power of Xiaoyezi, and it is not a violation in itself! These divine dragons can be regarded as his subordinates, summons, and a way of fighting! "


In the audience, the gods were talking.

However, no god feels anything wrong with the situation where the battle turns from a single challenge to a group fight.

This is also a kind of power in itself, and on the battlefield, any situation can happen.

Now in this situation, it is not the gods in the audience who go down to help the battle, that is definitely not a violation!


"Roar..." With

Ye Zhao's order, the divine dragons attacked again.

Because he had become a god this time, even the will of the god could not rebound the attack of the divine dragon.

Compared with Zeus's complete disregard before, this round of battle, Zeus obviously began to face up to some, but that's all.

As a superior main god, a group of divine dragons who only had a second-level god level, how could he make him look at him differently.

However, there are many ants, you can't crush them all at once, and there is still some trouble.

Although it's still easy to kill, it still takes some effort!

"Nasty bugs! Thunder spear!


Ye Zhao was stunned, watching Zeus condense the black thunder spear again, and the people couldn't help but be stunned.

In the next instant, as Zeus threw out black thunder, the meteorite divine dragon that had been constantly besieging suddenly changed in space, directly lined up in a straight line, and was penetrated by Zeus's blow.

Directly wipe it out!

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