"Actually, it's because of the nature of the World Tree. It has the characteristics of absorbing energy and accelerating growth, and I have unlimited power in itself, coupled with the flesh and blood and small universe provided by Loki, whether it is inside or outside, it has sufficient conditions to accelerate my pregnancy! Moreover, this kind of gestation is not a simple catalytic effect, and it will not have any adverse effects on me!

Ye Zhao spoke, and Persephone touched his cheek fondly.

In fact, she didn't care why Ye Zhao was born early. As long as Ye Zhao himself has no problems, then everything is easy to say!


"Lord Ye Zhao!"

Heluda leaned down with a respectful face, although the two already had a marriage contract, one of them was a god and the other was a human, and they were not equal beings in themselves!

Even if Xilu became Ye Zhao's wife after marriage, she still belonged to a servant, at most, her status and status were a little higher than the others!

After all, gods and humans are not creatures at all, human beings are just imitating species created by gods!

The gods can pamper human beings, but human beings must not be pampered because of this, but must know the humility!

This was especially clear to Heluda, who was the earthly substitute of Odin. Even if Ye Zhao is a god who belongs to the people, Xiluda will not forget the number of gifts!

"Xiluda, although I have promised Odin to take over the Immortal Palace, after all, this is one of the god domains of the Olympian God Race, and it is not the place where you should come! You take the soldiers back first, and when I take care of the matter, I will go back to the Immortal Palace myself!"

"Yes, Lord Ye Zhao!"

As soon as Xiluda answered, Ye Zhao also looked at Czechfried and the others, and then fixed his gaze on Sharna, with a look of emotion.

In the next instant, Ye Zhaoren also made a move, and the Medical God Scepter immediately broke away from the Medical God Divine Robe and fell into Ye Zhao's hands.

"Sharna, during my absence from the Immortal Palace, you will practice the role of healer god on my behalf. Wounded in the Immortal Palace, you can use this divine staff to heal!

"Lord Ye Zhao, you better hand over this divine scepter to Lord Heluda! I'm just a warrior and I'm not qualified to use such artifacts!

Sharna said, now she can no longer call Ye Zhao's name like in the past.

After all, Ye Zhao is now a god.

Respecting the gods is a necessary character for every warrior of the mythical legion.

"No, Heluda is still Odin's earthly substitute. Until Odin elects a new Earthwalker, this artifact will be at your disposal for the time being. After the small universe on Heluda is transferred to the new surrogate, you will hand over this artifact to Heluda!

"This... All right! Originally

, Sharna was still a little hesitant, but seeing Heluda nodding to her, she had to take the scepter.

Warriors such as Czechfried were also aware of the affair, but it was not under their jurisdiction.

Ye Zhao is their master, and for the master's arrangement, they only need to obey!

Soon, Hilluda left the sea with Sharna and Czechfried.

"Is it okay, just hand over the scepter like that?"

Persephone asked, in her opinion, in fact, neither Sharna nor Heluda was qualified to use Ye Zhao's artifact.

But since this was Ye Zhao's arrangement, she naturally would not refute it.

"It's okay, that scepter is symbolic to me at best. I am actually the most powerful healing force! Moreover, my identity is actually very embarrassing, stuck between the two god races. Hand over that scepter as a gesture to Odin!

"Actually, you don't have to worry, Ye Zhao! Odin, he values not only your abilities, but more importantly, you as a god! "


"Father God!"

Seeing Hades appear, Saori was slightly surprised, but Ye Zhao was very calm, and seemed to have expected this situation for a long time.

"Hmph, thanks to the fact that you still know to come over, I thought you had died on the belly of Odin's daughters!"

Persephone said angrily, but Hades didn't care, and said with a smile: "Compared to your incomprehensible mother-in-law, Odin's demigod daughters are very powerful!" It's a pity that Odin's guy is too stingy, I want a few to come over as lovers, he refuses to live or die!

In this regard, Ye Zhao couldn't help but be speechless, and the gods such as Saori and Persephone had strange eyes.

"Saint Seiya of Athena, this is not a meeting you can participate in, get out of here!"

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Hades say this, Aeolia was a little puzzled.

"Teacher, Ai, Saga... Let's go back to the Holy Domain first!" Since Ye Zhao had already descended into the world as a god, then the gods of Olympus were bound to descend here! Next, it's time for me to wait for the meeting of the gods, and you can't and don't have the right to stay here!"

As soon as Saori's words came out, Sagar's group immediately nodded and disappeared into the sea realm.

Of course, this also includes Galleone.

Although Garon's sins were monstrous, how to judge him was a power only available as Athena's yarn, and none of them were qualified to strike.

It was also after the Saint Seiya left that several rays of divine light immediately appeared in this temple of Poseidon.

At the moment when Zeus disappeared into the celestial realm, the Olympian gods led by Apollo also appeared from it to meet with Ye Zhao and others.

Among them, in addition to Apollo, Artemis, Hera, Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and other main gods were there. Together with Athena, Demeter, Hades and Poseidon who slept in the sea realm, the twelve main gods are all gathered!

"What a spectacle! In addition to the guy Zeus, the eleven main gods of Olympus gathered, and the last time this kind of grandeur seemed to be in the mythological era!

Hades sighed that the other Lord Gods were not much different.

However, the focus of the gods at this time was on Ye Zhao. The divine power that far surpassed the gods, and the divine image that was so beautiful and picturesque could not help but make the eyes of the gods shine.

At this moment, even Hera had to admit that Ye Zhao made her a little intoxicated.

"Long time no see, Persephone! Unexpectedly, your child turned out to be so good. I've almost forgotten when I last moved!

Aphrodite happily ran to Ye Zhao's side, but as soon as she approached, Persephone stopped her with a scythe.

"What's wrong, Persephone? Do you want to eat alone?

"Aphrodite, we used to be the same kind of people, what kind of goddess you are, I still don't know?" I'm sorry, my little leaf, it's impossible to share it with you!

"It's really desperate, I still shared Adonis with you before!"

Aphrodite's face was full of displeasure, but her eyes were still full of fanaticism when she looked at Ye Zhao.

As for Ye Zhao himself, there was already some anger surging at this time.

Although the beautiful goddess in front of her is a bus, she is trimmed with gold, pink and diamond-set, and her two headlights are crystal perforated.

Not only is it big

< div data-fanqie-type=\"image\" source=\"user\">

Aphrodite (my favorite version of The Last Valkyrie),

but also beautiful!

Such a luxurious and noble bus, even the super rich, must want to treasure one alone!

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