Sea Realm, Temple of Poseidon.

Two streamers, one gold and one white, instantly broke through the deep sea and appeared next to the big egg that gave birth to Ye Zhao, it was the divine clothing box containing the medical god robe and the eternal spear - Gungnir.

"It seems that the matter of the Immortal Palace is over. It's just that...... Why not bring Sharna and Heluda? Mother God, I really want to meet my two daughters-in-law!

Persephone said with a smile, she was actually a little dissatisfied with the marriage that Hades suddenly arranged for Ye Zhao in the Immortal Palace.

However, if it were hers, she would have agreed to the marriage.

For nothing else, the light of birth has this value!

The God Killing Weapon was a great threat even to them, the Lord God.

This is equivalent to the innate spirit treasure in the Flood Desolation World, but any immortal will definitely want it.

Persephone himself only has a big sickle of an ordinary artifact, and it is not comparable to the god-killing weapon at all!

"Forget it, I'm afraid this place will become a battlefield after a while, I don't want to affect them!"

Ye Zhao's voice came out, and Poseidon immediately said: "You seem to have done something you shouldn't!" Resurrect Odin, how do you explain my problem?

"Why, are you afraid of the Holy Domain, Poseidon?"

"Hahaha... How could I be afraid! But you, even Odin has been perfectly resurrected, should you also help me recover my real body!"

Poseidon opened his mouth and said, he and Persephone had naturally been paying attention to the matter of the Immortal Palace.

When he sensed that Odin was perfectly resurrected, he became more and more urgent about his true body.

How could he be willing to stay in a woman's corpse.

Ye Zhao was silent for a moment, but he agreed.

"I see, you show your spirit!"

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Poseidon was also extremely excited, and directly unloaded Serafina's corpse, revealing his divine soul under the big egg.

Of course, this does not mean that he gave up Serafina's body.

It is precisely because he has experienced the pain of losing his true body, so for the real body, Poseidon will naturally cherish it more than ever.

Maybe he won't seal his true body like a corpse like Hades, but leaving a few spare bodies just in case of accident is ironclad!

Soon, under the light of the full rule, Poseidon's true body was immediately created out of nothing, perfectly presented to him and Persephone.

"Heal Poseidon successfully and obtain the 35471421147258 of God's small universe."

"Obtain the Law of the Sea!"

"Get the Law of the Storm!"

"Get the Law of Earthquakes!"


"Gain Divine Skill: Will of the Sea!"

"Gain Divine Skill: Great Rage!

"Gain the Divine Skill: Noah's Tempest!"


The voice of the system sounded in Ye Zhao's mind, and Poseidon, who had recovered his true body, had his attributes fully presented.

Name: Poseidon

Age: ?

Identity: King of the Sea

Power: ?




God's small universe 35471421147258 (true body complete normal, explosive state?) Rank

: Median Lord:

Ocean, Tsunami, Storm, Earthquake, Harvest, Horses...

Skills: Omniscient and Almighty, Creation, Will of the Sea, Grand Fury, Noah's Storm...

Artifacts: Aquaman Scales, Trident, Water Drop Stone...

Governing Domain: Sea Realm, Atlantis

belongs to the Divine Race: The Twelve Lord Gods of Olympus

"Ah, how long has it been, finally having this real body again!"

Poseidon looked ecstatic, and the recovery of his true body made him feel great joy.

It was also at the moment when he recovered his true body that he no longer suppressed the small universe on his body and began to burn wildly.

At this moment, it seemed that heaven and earth were cheering for the resurrection of their master, and the whole world began to rain fiercely. Hurricanes and tsunamis have also struck around the world, and earthquakes of magnitude 8 or higher have occurred in many places!

This is not Poseidon's stunts and moves, but his powerful laws and divine characteristics at work.

God's awakening is often accompanied by a corresponding vision of heaven and earth, and unless deliberately suppressed, the phenomenon does not stop.

Now, Poseidon, who has recovered his true body, naturally does not need to hide it, and he even wishes that Athena would call immediately.

Having recovered his true body, he is confident that he can serve all the Saint Seiyas, including Athena!

However, compared to himself, Poseidon actually cared more about Ye Zhao at this time.

Because he could clearly feel that Ye Zhao had also mastered his laws at this time.

In other words, Ye Zhao's words can now be called his "Divine Son"!

"Sure enough, you are more special than any god! Not only inherited the laws of gods such as Apollo and Hades, but also inherited my laws!

Poseidon spoke, although he also became concerned about Ye Zhao, but he was not as fanatical as Hades.

After all, Hades had no heirs.

So when Ye Zhao, the perfect divine son, appeared, Hades would fall madly in love with him.

Poseidon was different, as Aquaman, his children were actually not much less than Zeus.

Although Ye Zhao's excellence surpassed all his past children, it was not enough to make him crazy.

"Didn't you already know my special? However, I feel that my body seems to have a more powerful power!

"Then feel that power, which is also a power that only Zeus can have, not even Apollo!"

Poseidon said, Ye Zhao also sank his heart and felt the changes in the small universe.

"It was detected that the host has the four laws of the universe: sky, earth, underworld, and ocean, and the laws of the universe are derived!"

"The small universe of God transforms, and the ultimate power is derived!"

Name: Ye Zhao

God Position: Medical God

Power: ?




Ultimate Power: Infinite

Level: Superior Lord God (Limit)

Master: Cure, Medicine, Medicine, Universe...

Skills: Light of All-Healing, Law of Awakening, Divine Surgery, Creation, All-Knowing and Almighty, Divine Passage, Taiji Heavenly Dao, Eternal Sleep...

Artifact: Eternal Spear - Gungnir, Medic God Clothing, Healer Scepter

Ruling Realm: Ophiuchus Palace

belongs to the Protoss Race: Olympus


"This is..." At

this time, under Ye Zhao's divine sense, an inner universe seemed to have emerged from within his divine body, which shocked him incomparably.

This force far surpassed the small universe of God, and it was also supporting the inner universe in Ye Zhaoshen's body to constantly open up and expand, seemingly endless.

"Feel it? That is the ultimate power, the true power of the gods that only the ancient gods such as the mother earth god Gaia and the sky god Ouranos can master. It is the original form of the small universe, the pure and chaotic forces that can create and destroy everything, including countless universes. This force makes up everything in the universe, it expands the universe infinitely, and it creates and destroys everything in the world! This power far exceeds the small universe, and all the power is actually the product of the deterioration of the ultimate power! Whether it is the small universe of God or the small universe of mankind, this is the case!

Poseidon spoke, faintly even a little envious.

"Ultimate power! However, you are not saying that this is a power that only the primeval gods can master, why do I also have it?

Ye Zhao was a little puzzled, and Persephone couldn't help but say: "It is true that only the primeval gods can possess, but the ultimate power itself is equivalent to the universe. Therefore, the gods who master the laws of the universe can actually reverse the ultimate power! Among the currently known upper main gods, only Zeus clearly grasps the laws of the universe, and only he has the ultimate power and belongs to the true god! The universe corresponds to the four realms: heaven, earth, underworld, and sea, and only by mastering the four laws can we have the opportunity to master the laws of the universe. Zeus is omniscient and omnipotent in the true sense, and compared with him, we gods are more like pseudo-gods, not even like the same creature! "

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