Sanctuary, Ophiuchus Palace.

Sharna lay on the floor, a shadow appeared out of thin air, gently caressing her cheek.

Suddenly, Sharna, who was faint, also woke up immediately. The phantom in front of her couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Are you, Ye Zhao?"

"Well, it's me, Sharna. This time, it's really hard for you!

Ye Zhao's voice sounded in the palace, but at this time, he did not speak.

Or in other words, the current Ye Zhao does not have facial features, and his whole body is simply a standing humanoid universe. Even hair is a shadow of the universe, and there is no human being.

"Ye Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

"Did it scare you? I'm sorry, but my divine body is still gestational, and I am afraid that it will take a while before I am born. What is now in front of you is just a doppelganger. It's just that the situation on your side makes me feel a little relieved, so I specially came to take a look!

"Sorry to worry you. I'm really useless, not only did I not comprehend the seventh sense, but I didn't even protect your divine clothes!

Sharna lowered her head, looking a little decadent.

She felt that she was very useless, obviously Ye Zhaodu had helped her so much, and even integrated a powerful little universe into her body.

But even so, she is still wandering in the realm of the sixth sense. Although the strength was indeed much stronger than that of an ordinary Silver Saint Seiya, it was undoubtedly far from what Ye Zhao had given her!

Ye Zhao didn't say anything more about this.

Sharna's qualifications may be geniuses for ordinary people, but in the field of Saint Seiya, her qualifications are actually only at the middle and lower levels. Even the evil martial arts among the five little weaknesses are afraid that they are much stronger than her!

In the plot of Saint Seiya Ω, that is, almost twenty years later, Sharna is still at the level of a silver Saint Seiya. On the contrary, it was an evil martial arts, he comprehended the seventh sense, and he was all over the world to eliminate the carved fighters, and at that time, he had reached the level of a golden Saint Seiya!

It can be seen that Sharna's qualifications and understanding are indeed not good, typical high and low.

Even if Ye Zhao's human small universe reaches the eighth sense, it may not be easy to help Sharna comprehend the seventh sense!

"Sharna, do you really want to become stronger?"

"Yes, I want to be stronger and stronger than anyone!"

"I see!"

Ye Zhao's voice was low and firm, and he knew very well that Sharna was a strong person.

She is not the kind of girl next door, who knows how to do housework and knows how to be considerate. Nor is it the kind of high-class lady who knows how to make money and how to socialize.

She is a warrior and does not desire love like a normal woman and look forward to her own Prince Charming.

She only fights and uses strength to show her love.

Such a woman is very pure, very loyal, does not like many things, and the expression of emotions is even more direct.

Therefore, as long as Sharna becomes stronger, as long as she is given enough strength, it is the greatest love and affirmation for Sharna!

Flowers, diamond rings, crystal shoes, this kind of thing doesn't mean anything to Sharna.

Breaking the enemy's head, stepping on the enemy's spine, cutting off the enemy's head, and spilling the enemy's flesh and blood is what Sharna should do.

"Go fight, Sharna! Since you can't comprehend the seventh sense by relying on meditation, use the great horror between life and death to stimulate your potential! Go to the Nordic Immortal Palace, where a battle of all kinds is waiting for you!

Ye Zhao's voice echoed in the palace, and in the next moment, a purple light also appeared in front of Sharna, it was the silver holy robe of Ophiuchus that had disappeared!

This was created by Ye Zhao with fantasy manifestations, and although it was created out of thin air, the strength of the holy robe was the same as that of the Ophiuchus silver holy robe.

Seeing this, Sharna also stroked the holy robe of Ophiuchus with one hand.

In the next instant, the holy robe also immediately disintegrated and dressed on Sharna.

"Then, I'll go, Ye Zhao!"

"Go, I'll watch you!"

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Sharna also immediately ran out of the palace.

Miró and Czechfried had just left, she did not have the speed of light, and she went to the Nordic Immortal Palace, I am afraid it would take a while....

The Underworld, the Pure Land of Bliss, in the temple.

"That Czech Fred is also okay, I didn't expect that you would actually do this for that girl!" Although you were born in Ophiuchus, you are no longer a Saint Seiya, little leaf! "

Little leaf?"

Seeing Persephone call himself so, Ye Zhao was also a little strange.

However, there seems to be nothing wrong with being called that.

"You don't care about Sharna's affairs, maybe she's not excellent, but I still want to keep her around."

"Okay! So, what are you going to do over there in the Immortal Palace? "

Go with the flow!"


Meanwhile, the dream world.

"My precious son is already preparing to make a move on the Nordic Immortal Palace, but you, have you played off, the guy over there dares to attack the Divine Clothes!"

Hades said angrily, and Poseidon didn't know what to say at this time.

Today's Andreas Riser has been possessed by the evil god Loki more than ten years ago.

Although he is only a second-level god, his ability is still good. At least in Poseidon's opinion, Loki is much stronger than the Gemini.

the evil god Loki

can not only fight, but also play intrigues and tricks.

It is precisely because of his fancy that Poseidon will come forward to subdue him.

It's just that he himself didn't expect that the situation would turn into stealing divine clothes.

Although Ye Zhao came forward and calmed down this matter, the Immortal Palace was obviously out of line.

"Perhaps, it was just an accident! Loki's guy also said that he just wanted to invite Ye Zhao to the Immortal Palace!

"Is it you who has no brains or does he have no brains!" The matter of my son becoming a god and giving birth to a divine body in the underworld was open to the gods, would that Loki guy not know? That Nordic god fighter simply fell into his trap and was completely used by him as a gun. Are you also stupid, you believe whatever he says!

As soon as Hades' words came out, Poseidon was also speechless.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but he can't explain it to Hades at all.

Because, even he felt that he was most likely to play off.

"Well, what do you say to do?"

"Just let him fend for himself! You can also see the means of my son, dare to fool us, and he deserves to be played to death! On the contrary, it is your sea realm, you have to develop quickly, and the matter of the Immortal Palace will definitely not drag on for long!

After Hades finished speaking, Poseidon also looked embarrassed.

"It seems that there is a surprising move!"

As soon as Poseidon spoke, Hades was also stunned, and then his face was full of shock.

Maybe others can't sense it, but Poseidon is in front of him, but he can see it clearly.

At this moment, his will has been separated from Julian Thoreau and retreated into the sea realm!

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