On the other side, the Underworld, the Pure Land of Bliss.

In the temple, Hades and Perseverne are doing extreme sports.

This version is more beautiful

, although Persephone is full of reluctance and even some resentment, but still tries to meet the needs of Hades.

Eat meatballs, smoke cigars, people lie down, volcanoes erupt, billions of assets delivered home!

"Slut, I won't worry about things with you before, if you have any dissatisfaction with our marriage, after the birth of the Son of God, divorce is a big deal, and I Hades let you go free!"

Hades said indifferently, it was undeniable that Persephone was beautiful, not even much worse than Aphrodite, one of the twelve main gods. But in terms of the degree of debauchery, Persephone was no less than Aphrodite.

Although today was the first for the two of them, Hades knew that she had lost her body long before Persephone married him.

Her technique is good, her half-brothers like Apollo, Ares, Hermes... Even the lame Hephaestus had gotten into her car.

If it weren't for Persephone's good defense skills, and Demeter's fear that something would happen to his daughter, he hid her and prevented her from meeting those brothers, maybe Persephone would already be full of descendants.

But even so, after she married him, Persephone did not make Hades worry.

Or maybe Zeus's sluggish son didn't feel well, knew that he had a problem with his hardware, and actually helped Hades finish the groom's job on his wedding night!

And that technical content is quite high, and in the end he even gave birth to a child - the ghost goddess Melinoir.

It can be said that during that time, Hades was very troublesome.

Fortunately, he was resourceful, and shortly after Zeus left the Celestial Realm, a holy war took place between the Underworld and the Holy Domain.

Hades did not stop doing anything, and directly sent the titular daughter to the battlefield, allowing Athena and the Saint Seiya to pick up a human head.

Of course, the consequence of this is naturally a complete rupture in the relationship between Hades and Persephone.

Although the marriage of the two itself does not have many emotional factors, it is not enough to hate each other.

And Melinoe's daughter Polsephone herself does not like it, she is a mother god of the earth, but she is forced to stay in the dark and terrifying underworld, it would be strange if Polsephone could be happy and like it!

Although there is a pure land of bliss, Hades does not give her a chance to settle in at all.

In itself, Hades is the one who loves his true body above all else.

And Hades pulled his daughter out and sent her to death, which is no less than tearing her face directly.

Therefore, the two of them, as the king of Hades and the queen of the underworld, are basically old and dead.

Even, Persephone openly looked for a male companion under Hades' nose, that is, the Adonis who made Aphrodite like to die!

Anyway, Hades can't meet her performance, so Persephone can only find a way to satisfy herself!

And the result of her doing this naturally made Hades hate her even more!

It can be said that if it were not for Ye Zhao, Hades would not have found Persephone to solve the problem at all.

No way, although Persephone is not like words, but as the mother god of the earth, she is extremely good.

And as the queen of the underworld, Persephone is also the next main god.

The divine body born by the combination of the two main gods, plus the divine souls bred by the divine power of Apollo and Artemis, these two combinations, Hades is somewhat looking forward to the birth of Ye Zhao, the divine son!

Soon, just as Hades and Persephone were working hard, a divine light suddenly shone from the earthly realm beyond the trans-dimension.

"This is..."

A strange look flashed in Persephone's eyes, and Hades was also extremely excited.

"It's coming... Persephone, you should be honored to be able to give birth to the best Son of God through my seed!

"Hmph, I just want a baby! As for whether the child's father is you or not, that kind of thing doesn't matter! "


Hades was angry and itchy, but he was too lazy to think about her.

After Ye Zhao was born, Persephone would have no value. At that time, he doesn't mind reclaiming the authority of the underworld, and then driving her out of the underworld, and saving himself trouble!

Soon, after the final outbreak of the two, Hades, Apollo, Artemis and other main gods also used their will to send Ye Zhao's divine soul into Persephone's body.

At this moment, Persephone couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his beautiful face smiled because of excitement.

She could feel Ye Zhao's vast and boundless divinity.

Coupled with the all-rule light faintly emanating from the divine soul, it also made Persephone feel excited from the bottom of his heart.

It was a light that could shine even more than the sun, she had been lonely and lonely in the dark underworld for too long and too long, and the divine light emitted by Ye Zhao was like a sudden surge of light in the darkness, making Persephone couldn't help but want to catch him!

"This kid... That's awesome!

"Persephone, you..." Looking

at Persephone's morbid smile, Hades couldn't help but swallow his spit, feeling a chill.

Only soon, a flash of inspiration appeared in his mind, which made Hades couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"You think it's great, Persephone! His name is Ye Zhao, and he is the child I value the most. I'm afraid that even if I have a child in the future, no one will be able to compare with him!

"You have an eye, and so do I!"

Persephone touched his abdomen, looking happy.

"It's a pity, I have already said to Apollo, when this child is born, he will be sent to the celestial realm and go to Apollo!"

"What did you say?"

As if he had been touched by the reverse scale, Persephone instantly exploded, and his eyes were full of murderous aura.

Although she had a good relationship with Apollo, that was only before marrying Hades. Since she became the queen, the two have not had any contact.

Let her give her own child to Apollo, and Persephone is naturally ten thousand unwilling.

"Ye Zhao's power is related to the pattern of the gods, and Apollo is not worried about letting him go into exile, so after he is born, Apollo will personally take care of it!"

"Hmph! Hades, you don't come to this set, you are so careful, do you think I can't see it? You and Apollo they said good things, what does it matter to me Persephone? It's not that you want to use me to leave Ye Zhao behind and not let Apollo take him away!"

"So, what do you mean?"

Hades raised the corners of his mouth, not annoyed in the slightest.

Persephone was able to see through his mind... Isn't that a good thing?

"I mean... That depends on how much sincerity you have?

Persephone touched his stomach with a gentle face, and Hades smiled even more.

"Understood, understood!"

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