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"Tsk tsk tsk, take it back, I can not only trick this kid into having sex ten times, I can at least have sex with her hundreds of times."Lan Yufeng's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled proudly.

Nagisa's body, Sentoki Yuma's senses, this is really a wonderful feeling.

Of course, if it was Nagisa's precious first kiss, Lan Yufeng would not be so reckless. However, Nagisa's first kiss was accidentally taken away by him four years ago, so Lan Yufeng just messed around.

"Next, it's time for Genshin Island to get lively."Lan Yufeng stretched.

Suddenly, a phone rang, causing Lan Yufeng to raise his eyebrows and answer the call.

"Hey, Na Yue, you called me so early, did you miss me?" Lan Yufeng teased

"I miss you so much." Nangong Nayue frowned and said unhappily

"Do you know what happened last night?" Then, Nangong Nayue asked seriously

"Hmm? Last night? Are you talking about the witch invasion of the Eastern Port?" Lan Yufeng stroked his chin and pondered.

"Yes. Last night, the Maya sisters invaded Genshin Island, defeated the guards of the special zone garrison, and are currently lurking on Genshin Island. This guy is very dangerous, find a way to find them and arrest them."

Nangong Nayue said in a deep voice.

The Maya sisters, the elder sister Emma is the dark witch, and the younger sister Octavia is the crimson witch, both of whom are first-level criminal magicians. They were called the witches of Ashdown because they caused a huge disaster in Ashdown in the territory of the North Sea Empire.

If left alone, if they cause sabotage during this wave of the Oboriin Festival when the crowds are surging, it will definitely cause a large number of casualties.

"Then Yuejiang, where are you now?"Lan Yufeng touched his chin and asked

"I'm searching for LCO in Eastern Europe, so I don't have time to go back to Xianshen Island."Nangong Nayue frowned and said.

To be honest, she always felt uneasy, as if something big was going to happen.

However, the library LCO suddenly showed up, and although it was suspicious, she had to go search for it.

"I see. I understand. I will take care of everything. Absolutely."Lan Yufeng smiled and said softly. Did

Yuejiang get lured away from the mountain? No wonder the other party's invasion was so smooth.

However, if Yuejiang is not on Xianshen Island, it will be much more convenient for me.

"......"Lan Yufeng's words made Nangong Nayue frown."What do you want to do?"

"What can I do, Nayue, don't worry, I will arrest the Meiya sisters."Lan Yufeng said this with a smile, and then hung up the phone. After taking back the phone, Lan Yufeng's face became serious.

On the other side, Nangong Nayue looked at the phone in her hand and sighed with a complicated expression.

Combining Lan Yufeng and her more than a month ago, she suddenly figured out something.

Although it is not too late to rush back to Xianshen Island now, Nangong Nayue will not do this.

""Stupid, if you don't handle it well, I will definitely teach you a lesson." Nangong Nayue breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Nangong Nayue looked at the looming witch's breath in front of her with sharp eyes, and her figure disappeared on the spot.

If you dare to use the strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain on her, be prepared to pay the price.......................................

At the Akatsuki residence, Lan Yufeng used a bit of violence to twist off the door handle, and then restored it. Lan Yufeng had no feelings about his robber-like behavior, but walked in calmly.

Well, it is worth mentioning that after more than a month of repair, the pupil power of the right eye's kaleidoscope has recovered a lot. Although it has not recovered even one-third of its peak due to severe overdraft, it obviously does not take much pupil power to restore a door handle. As soon as Lan Yufeng walked in, he heard screams coming from the room, as well as Akatsuki Nagisa's panicked voice.

Well, it should be said that it was Sentoki Yuma's voice. After all, his five senses were swapped.

""Nagisa, good morning." Lan Yufeng looked at Nagisa who rushed out of the room and greeted her with a smile.

"Feng!" Xiao Nagisa was stunned, as if she had found her backbone, and ran over with tears in her eyes."Can you tell it's me?"

"Of course." Lan Yufeng smiled and touched her head.

"But I have a weak body now, right?" Nagisa Akatsuki said in a tangled tone.

"Well, your five senses were swapped by Youma."Lan Yufeng smiled and explained briefly.

"I will explain the details after I wake up Yukina Himeragi and Dishanpo."

""Well, okay." With Lan Yufeng by her side, Xiao Nagisa was undoubtedly much calmer.

Then, Lan Yufeng took Xiao Nagisa to wake up Di Shanpo and Himeragi Yukina, and told them the general situation.

"Senior, Sentomu Yuuma wants to use the magic of the Fourth True Ancestor to open the prison barrier. The impact is too bad. We must stop her."Himehira Yukina said with a full sense of responsibility.

"Of course I have to go see her." Lan Yufeng said casually."I'll take Nagisa and Di Shanpo with me, and you can contact Sayaka and La Fulia."

""Yes!" Hearing this, Himeragi Yukina nodded heavily.

Then, Lan Yufeng took Xiao Nagisa and Di Shanpo to stroll casually on the street, without any intention of looking for them.

"What are you going to do?" Di Shanpo looked at Lan Yufeng and finally couldn't help asking.

Even if she didn't summon her beast, she had the ability to see through the good and evil of the soul and the truth and falsehood of words. She had long seen through Lan Yufeng's lies.

Even last night, she saw that Xiandu Muyouma had ulterior motives, but she was too lazy to care.

"What does Feng want to do? Shouldn't he ask Yuu-chan for the reason?"Akira Nagisa was puzzled.

""Nagisa, Dishanpo, can you help me a little?" Lan Yufeng stretched out his hands, touched Dishanpo and Xiao Nagisa's head respectively, and said in a serious and gentle voice."If you want to perfectly resolve this incident, your strength is indispensable."

"......?"Hearing this, Di Shanpo and Xiao Nagisa looked at each other and looked at Lan Yufeng in confusion.

However, for Di Shanpo, no matter what Lan Yufeng wanted to do, she would support him, so she became very interested.

After Xiao Nagisa heard about Lan Yufeng's purpose and plan, although she was a little angry, she still chose to help.

After all, this was Feng's decision. And it would not hurt innocent people.

And she also wanted to repay Yuejiang once and for all.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng easily and happily persuaded the two girls. The process was unexpectedly simple, which surprised him a little.

As for Himeragi Yukina and Kirasaka Sayaka, although I'm sorry, I obviously can't tell them. In that case, Himeragi Yukina will definitely stop me. Although he will definitely not be able to stop me at that time, he hates trouble.

Lan Yufeng shook his head slightly.

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