The blue-haired girl bit her pink lips and thought hard for a long time. Finally

, she made up her mind.

She stood up and refused Yukinoshita Haruno.

“Sorry, Ms. Yang No, I can’t give you Saber’s contact information.”


Witnessing the only hope being destroyed,

Yukinoshita Yang couldn’t help but stand up and anxiously looked at the girl opposite.

“Miss Miwa, if you have any other requests, please tell me directly. As long as it is within the capacity of the Yukinoshita Family, we can do anything for you!”

She couldn’t just watch the opportunity slip away!

“Not these……”

Sanlun Xia was startled by the excited short-haired lady.

She whispered with her red lips and said hesitantly:”I just don’t want to break the promise with him.”

“”Miss Miwa!”

Yukinoshita Haruno suddenly raised her voice. The sudden soprano voice attracted the curious eyes of everyone in the cafe.

“My family is in danger now, and is under attack from the Sumiyoshi-kai all the time. Please do me a favor.”

“If you don’t help me…..I really can’t find anyone who is willing to help our family.”

For the first time, the short-haired lady took off her disguise in public.

At this moment, she put down her reserve as a rich lady and respectfully bowed to the girl in front of her.

“Please, please contact Saber”

“”Miss Haruno!”

Miwa Kasumi panicked.

She could never have imagined that the beautiful young lady of a noble family who looked so glamorous in front of others would actually kneel down to her.

You know, in Wano Country, the etiquette of kneeling down to her is generally used to express the deepest apology or sincere request.

It seems that

Yukinoshita Haruno has also made a desperate move. The pressing Sumiyoshi-kai has indeed pushed her to the edge of the cliff.

“I, I will help you, please get up first.”

Sanlunxia sighed lightly, and helped the short-haired lady back to her seat.

Finally, under the eager eyes of Yukinoshita Haruno, she sent a message to Ye Ran.

【Miwa Kasumi】:”Mr. Ye Ran, are you there?”

【Ye Ran】:”Sanlun, what’s going on?”

【Miwa Kasumi】:”Is such that…….”

A long message was sent.

The boy behind the screen seemed to be lost in a brief thought.

Across from her, Yukinoshita Haruno gritted her teeth and unconsciously clenched her fists.

It was really unbearable to leave one’s fate in the hands of others.

But she had tried every method and had no other way out.

For this reason, the desperate gamble was already the last plan.

Finally, in this suffocating wait, the blue-haired girl’s phone finally vibrated.

“call…..Miss Yang No, good news, Saber agreed”

“Tomorrow he will come to your family’s territory to eradicate those illegal curse masters.”

Putting down the phone, a bright smile bloomed on Sanlunxia’s pretty face.


It was visibly that Yukinoshita Haruno relaxed completely.

Her excitement caused her body to sway slightly.

“Thank you, Miss Miwa. From now on, you are a friend of the Yukinoshita family. As long as you need help or have any request, our family will go through fire and water for you at any time.”The short-haired lady thanked Miwa Kasumi for her help from the bottom of her heart.

With a special strong man helping to protect the family, her trip to Tokyo finally did not disappoint her mother’s expectations…………..

In the dark and moonless night sky, the cold night is like a thick ink staining the earth.

“call out…….”

A crow with thick black feathers all over its body let out a clear cry and soared freely in the air.

After a moment, it seemed to have found its target.

Looking at the crowd below, it flapped its wings and, like a plane out of control, crashed into the chest of an armed thug at lightning speed.

” Ah…

“Be careful, that woman’s technique is coming again!!”

“Pay attention to protection! Those damn crows will explode as soon as they find a target. They are very fast, so be careful of their sneak attacks!!”

“Go and ask the curse masters to come!!”Someone shouted anxiously

“Why are you in such a hurry, you bunch of rubbish? Let’s let that woman use up some more cursed energy.”

The bald man, wearing a black leather apron, holding a black giant axe, and wearing a HDB-tanned outfit with dark circles under his eyelids, looked like a violent maniac from a PG-18 comic.

At this moment, he was lazily walking out of Sumiyoshi’s villa.

Seeing the flocks of black crows in the night sky, he couldn’t help but reveal a bloodthirsty smile.

Just wait a little longer.

That woman’s cursed energy will soon be insufficient.

It is said that the women of the family opposite are all beautiful.

Although, the person who came to them for work said……

All the people from the opposite family must be killed today, and the roots must be wiped out.

But before these people die, I can enjoy myself.

In the curse world at that time, most curse masters would actively make a living by cursing for the generous rewards.

They are natural enemies of orthodox curse masters.

Today, HDB Tanzao, his good friend Shigemen Haruta, and a group of curse masters took on the dirty work of the Sumiyoshi Society – to wipe out the Yuki no Yuki family!

“Damn, there are too many curse masters on the opposite side, and my curse power is almost exhausted!”

A series of rapid curse confrontations made the curse in the white-haired lady’s body���A substantial consumption.

Her pretty face was pale and bloodless, and her tall, plump and graceful body could not help but sway slightly.

Mingming is good at the [Black Bird Manipulation Technique], which can control black crows to fight, and can also share vision with crows.

The real ability at the core of this technique -“Divine Wind”.

It can even force crows to sacrifice their lives as a price, allowing them to launch a suicidal collision with the enemy.

Indeed, this is a very convenient and practical technique.

But no matter what, as a sorcerer, his own spell power is limited.

After long-term use, it is normal that supply cannot meet demand.

“Madam Yukinoshita, Saber, how long will it take to arrive?”

Mingming rubbed his forehead which was in pain due to excessive consumption of curse power and asked the beautiful woman beside him.

Madam Yukinoshita was wearing a classical kimono.

She had a slender figure and elegant temperament. She was as elegant and charming as a blooming night-blooming cereus.

But at this moment, facing the question of the sorcerer, the expression on her soft and pretty face was a little ugly.

“It’s almost there, wait a moment, Yang No said she is coming with the sorcerer named Saber”

“I can only hold on for another 5 minutes. If they don’t come by then, I will run away.”

Mingming shook his head, raised his head and drank the water in the cup.

He told the beautiful woman about his situation.

“”Ms. Mingming, can’t you hold on a little longer? I promise, Yang No and the others will be here soon!”

Mrs. Yukinoshita remained calm when she heard this, but her fists hidden under her kimono sleeves clenched tightly.

“No.” The white-haired lady declared coldly,”I am only doing the work for money, there is no need for me to risk my life for your family.”

“There are at least 20 or 30 Curse Masters on the other side, including some Level 1 Curse Masters. On our side, besides me, there are only a few Level 4 Curse Masters……”

“It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes is determined to wipe out your family.”

After these words came out, the expression that Mrs. Yukinoshita had been trying to maintain on her face suddenly changed.

Looking at the manpower of the Yukinoshita family, which was gradually suppressed by the opponent, the decline was fully revealed.

The calm and elegant beautiful woman finally showed the inevitable panic.

Could it be that the Yukinoshita family will really perish in her generation?


At this moment, a large dark shadow suddenly fell in the sky in the distance.

A huge black bird with a wingspan that seemed to cover the sky suddenly broke through the dark night sky and rushed into the battlefield.

On top of its huge body stood Yukinoshita Haruno.

And…….A handsome young man that Xue Mu had never seen before!…… ps: Bad news: I missed the recommendation due to the word count, so I can only put it on the shelves with 0 recommendations.

Good news: It will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow. I beg you guys to give me a first order.

As long as everyone subscribes, the author will work hard to update more!!!

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