“Nice, I’m lucky, I actually drew the old sword!”

Looking at the mysterious swordsman card who slowly turned around and wore a hood, Ye Ran’s face lit up with joy.

Arthur Pendragon, who first appeared in the novel [Fragments of Blue Silver], is the male protagonist of the work.

As the gender-changed version of Saber, one of the three major female protagonists of Type-Moon, he is portrayed as an image that advocates kindness and pursues evil.

He is a hero like the white horse knight that every child has dreamed of, and is also called the Holy Swordsman of the Stars.

His final real name is known as”the Red Dragon of Britain.””——【Knight King Arthur Pendragon】

“Do you choose to inherit the spiritual foundation of Arthur Pendragon?”

“Choose inheritance.”

Suddenly, accompanied by an unspeakable pain,

Ye Ran fell on the bed.

His heart seemed to burst out of his chest, beating wildly and uncontrollably.

However, this pain came quickly and went away quickly.

After he gritted his teeth and held on for more than ten seconds, the pressure quickly receded like a tide, allowing his tense muscles to relax.

“Whoosh, whoosh……”

Ye Ran panted and wiped the sticky sweat with a towel.

Only after he felt better did he open his personal template again.

【Host: Ye Ran】

【Age: 17】

【Constitution: Red Dragon Heart】

【Intrinsic Skills】:

【Intuition A]: The ability to sense the most suitable deployment for oneself during battle.

【Magic Release A]: Possesses extremely high magic release skills

【[Giant Beast Hunter A]: King Arthur once fought against many giant beasts that ravaged Britain and defeated them all, giving himself a special attack status against [Ultra-giant] monsters during battle.

Treasures: Magic Sheath – Wind King Barrier (Invisible Air)

Star Holy Sword – Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)……

“”I got the Red Dragon Heart the first time I transformed into a Heroic Spirit. I’m really lucky!”

Feeling his brand new physique and the extraordinarily strong and powerful Dragon Heart in his chest, Ye Ran couldn’t help but smile.

The Red Dragon Heart is not an ordinary thing.

This is the heart of the dragon called the [Magic Furnace] by the great magician Merlin, which can generate expansive magic power between breaths.

Combined with the automatic recovery feature of the Holy Sword, the body can always be firmly maintained.

Even if it is fatally injured, it will heal automatically.

It is similar to the female Saber’s Noble Phantasm -“Distant Utopia”.

The old sword’s Holy Sword of the Stars also has powerful recovery and defense properties.

As a golden sword, a simple sweep can cause a”tens of times” more powerful slash.

In the fifth volume of Cangyin’s Fragments, he even used it to break the elemental magic sword of von Hohenheim Paracelsus (Dad Dou).

“Unfortunately, I am now in the state of a treasure, and there is still a big difference from the complete version of the old sword.”

Ye Ran sighed in his heart.

This version of the Sword of Promised Victory was created to defeat the planet of destruction and is a golden blade that can repel all evil.

As a shining holy sword that can save the planet, it has thirteen seals. The power increases with each seal unlocked.

When seven seals are lifted (more than half of the votes are obtained), it can exert its maximum power.

In reality, these thirteen seals have been cunningly transformed into treasures by the hook system.

It seems that only by drawing five treasures from the old sword in the future can the true power of this world-destroying treasure be truly opened.

Ye Ran has to admit that he actually likes this approach of the system in his heart.

In the original work, the old sword is too upright and the restrictions on his treasures are also very large.

These constraints adhere to the so-called chivalry, which will inevitably make people feel restrained in battle.

Being able to control power at will without relying on any useless constraints is the power that the young man really wants to have in his heart.


Perhaps sensing his troubles, a large sign”Spend money to become stronger” suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

At the same time, a small glove appeared next to it, clicking a recharge button.

“Can you really become stronger by recharging?”

Ye Ran’s eyes flashed with suspicion.

But he still couldn’t help but clicked the confirmation button.

【Krypton Gold Panel Description: Kill the evil creatures to get system rewards. The specific value is evaluated by the official appraisal of the system.】

“Feelings are like this”recharge””

“It seems that if I want to become stronger, I can only rely on hunting monsters to obtain Saint Quartz for card drawing.”

This is also a way.

There is no perfect thing in the world.

Although there are risks, as long as you are willing to pay, you will get rewards.

“There is one amulet left, save it for later.”

When he played games before, he was a typical resource hoarder. He had a strong purpose in drawing cards.

Whenever a favorite card appeared, he would start accumulating resources several months or even years in advance.

Relying on the”clairvoyance” of the national server, he not only successfully collected all the crutch, but also filled all the job classes of my king.

This is the value of being a freeloader king chef, you know

“Speaking of clairvoyance, let’s take a look at what these gift cards of mine can do.”

These cards are not without good stuff.

For example, the card [Projection Magic].

After clicking on the card, you can automatically gain the basic ability of projection magic.

Perhaps it was because the protagonist picture on the card was Shirou Emiya.

Ye Ran felt his whole body tremble.

The next moment, not only did he automatically master the ability of projection magic, but he also had the same magic circuit and physique as Shirou.

As for the remaining cards, they also have various uses.

【The [Gift: Sea of Reeds] can grant the player an evasion status once and increase the weakening resistance by 5%.

Weakened resistance is the ability correction provided when facing external debuffs. It is only a 5% correction, which

Ye Ran does not think highly of.

���The key point of the card is 100% passive avoidance.

As long as it is placed in the card slot, it can provide an evasion ability when dealing with sudden danger.

It is quite practical.

As for [Gift·Magic Meter] and [Motorcycle·Armored Cavalry], one can detect magic and extraordinary induction that exceed a certain threshold and indicate its position.

The other can be transformed into a cool silver motorcycle, and its speed far exceeds the limit of ordinary vehicle performance.

In the end, he still had one Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid, two Green Black Keys, one Red Black Key and one Blue Black Key left.

He had already experienced the power of Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid.

As Director Kenneth’s bottom-box gift, Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid can not only automatically attack and search for enemies, but also automatically defend.

It can be said that it can fight and resist, and is very practical.

But this gift also has a great burden on magic.

Before Ye Ran became a magician, Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid could only passively defend against the attack of the spider evil spirit, and its practical performance was very poor.

But now that he has the huge magic power provided by Shirou Emiya and the old sword, he found that this thing is a veritable”bottomless pit of magic power”.

Even Kenneth, who comes from a magic family, can’t stand using it for a long time.

“If I had enough knowledge of magic, I might be able to transform the Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid into a maid doll.”

In the original work, Director Ken’s sister-Lenice, under the guidance of Weber, ingeniously created a new tactical doll (not really).

It was an automatic doll that was given a virtual personality and limited functions on the Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid.

By allowing magic power to circulate throughout the structure, the consumption of magic power itself is kept to a minimum.

Compared to operating it yourself, a mercury maid who can fight on her own can undoubtedly provide greater help on the battlefield.

“Card stacking!”

Ye Ran took out two gorgeous five-star gift sets and stacked them together. In the brilliant white light, the latter card body flashed and merged into one in an instant.

After the second break, the Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid circulates faster and consumes less mana, greatly increasing its practicality.

“Then stack the Green Black Key as well.”

Ye Ran tried to focus on the Green Black Key, and when the option of [Use] appeared, he immediately chose to click it.

As the gift turned into white light and dissipated, a strange stream of information began to impact his mind.


Ye Ran rubbed his swollen temples with some discomfort, frowning, and felt better after a while.

This gift set did not bring him the method of making black keys.

Instead, it taught him the throwing skills and the blessing runes.

In Type-Moon, black keys are the most commonly used weapons by priests.

For example, in the final decisive battle, a certain priest relied on the red black keys to fight the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu.

In fact, this weapon itself does not have any physical destructive power.

But it has a strong inhibitory effect on spirits.

The reason is the”blessing spell” attached to it by the user.

The three types of black keys are respectively���There are three kinds of spells.

The red spell has a physical enhancement effect and can add the”penetration” attribute to weapons.

The green spell can destroy the spirit itself and has a strong restraining effect on weird things like spiders and evil spirits.

The last blue spell is the most practical.

It can enhance the throwing ability and has an arrow-like speed-up effect.

Although they are not ridiculously strong abilities, they can provide great help for the current situation.

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