
Scathach’s reaction was not slow. Almost instantly, she protected Rin Toosaka who had not yet reacted.

The bright red magic spear swung a gun flower in the air.

The sharp tip of the spear was already aimed at the two people hiding in the shadows, and she shouted sternly.

“Come out, you coward!”

“Haha, what a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet so many people just by going out for a walk.”

In the vigilant eyes of the four people.

A beautiful girl with a clear face, walked out from under the street light with round long legs.

She had smooth long hair.

The deliberately rendered purple hair color shone with a soft luster under the dim light.

The tailored yellow and white top well set off the girl’s full chest.

Following the curve of her slender waist, she was wearing an ink-colored flowing knee-length skirt.

Her straight and round calves were wrapped in white cotton socks, and she was wearing light yellow leather shoes. Her temperament was elegant and gentle.

At first glance, she was a lady from an aristocratic family, very much in the style of ancient Yamato Nadeshiko.

However, what attracted the most attention at this time was not the figure of the purple-haired girl, but the”nothingness” beside her.

The masters and servants present all felt that there was a spirit servant who had not yet appeared behind the mysterious girl.

“Matou Sakura?”

Long purple hair, JK student skirt, and the outstanding and proud curve of her chest, it was simply the best. Rin and Altria, who were both flat, had top figures.

Ye Ran easily recognized this girl who had a very miserable fate in the original work.

“However, her current temperament is obviously different from the original. She is generous and generous, but also has a hint of arrogance…….It’s not like the situation in the original book where the old worm threw him into the worm cave and let the engraving worm eat him.”

“By the way, even Altria has become an ordinary JK, so Matou Sakura’s fate should have changed as well.”

“Rin, be careful, this breath……Definitely a first-rate Servant!”

Scathach narrowed her eyes and said to her Master.

The spirit Servant under the streetlight exuded a strong aura.

“Who are you…..!?”

Hiding behind the purple-haired lady, Rin Tosaka looked at the mysterious girl. Her beautiful blue eyes shrank slightly, and then her expression began to waver.

“”Sakura, why… why are you here?”

The next moment, accompanied by a flash of blue light, a beautiful figure appeared with the wave.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, the four of them wouldn’t have believed that the Saber, who was ranked as the upper class of the three knights,】…

Its true form is actually a beautiful woman with long purple hair.

An unknown female hero with long dark purple hair that flutters past her knees.

She is tall and fit.

She wears a fashionable black and pink short skirt, revealing a pair of round and plump white long legs.

On her delicate nose, she wears delicate light red glasses, revealing only the tip of her nose and thin scarlet lips.

But she can still be judged as a beauty, and even has a kind of cold and elegant temperament.

From the powerful magic fluctuations emanating from her, it can be seen that the other party is obviously not a pretty vase.

“Good evening, everyone. Let me introduce myself first. This is my Servant – Saber!”

Toosaka Sakura lifted her skirt elegantly, looked around at everyone, and said confidently and calmly:”And I am her Master – Sakura Edelfeldt. This time I visited here specifically to retrieve the Holy Grail.”

“Oh, and I have one more thing to say. We in the Edelfelt family have always been keen on collecting rare treasures……If you resist with swords, we will definitely respond with sharp blades!”

“He declared war right away. He is such a strong person.”

Altria, who was hiding behind Ye Ran, blinked her bright eyes, and envied her confidence.

“Edelfeldt family……”

Toosaka Rin narrowed her bright blue eyes slightly.

With complicated eyes, she stared at the girl who was supposed to be her sister.

“Sakura, did you reply?”


The girl’s expression changed, but she said,”There is no hatred between us, we just have different positions.”

“…….Position?” The twin-tailed girl frowned.

“Yes, it’s the stance……The current Tosaka family is not qualified to be Edelfeld’s opponent”

“You and your servants are at most a small obstacle on our way to the Holy Grail.” At this point,

Sakura Tohsaka looked deeply at her blood sister and said,”Of course, if you surrender to me, I can let you go.”


The red-dressed girl, who was originally in a trance, looked fierce when she heard this.

“You really dare to say that…….Fuyuki is the territory of the Tosaka family. As the owner of the local spiritual vein, you, an outsider, are too arrogant!”

Tosaka Rin put her hands on her hips and her tone became tit-for-tat.

“cherry……No, Miss Edelfelt, if you dare to be my enemy, you must be prepared to be defeated by me!

“Classmate Altria, please don’t interfere in this matter. This is a matter between the Tohsaka family and the Edelfeldt family!”

“Even if you ask someone for help, it won’t change the fact that I’m better than you.”

Toosaka Sakura also retorted without hesitation

“Everyone can brag, little girl!”

“Humph, Saber!”


After a fierce exchange of words, the two sisters, who were blood relatives, issued orders to their servants at the same time.

However, except for Scathach who took the initiative to step forward, the purple-haired lady called Saber did not move at all.

Not only did she not obey the Master’s intention, but she also stared at Ye Ran who was eating melons beside her.

“saber….What are you doing?”

After waiting for a long time without any response,

Sakura Tohsaka turned her head in annoyance.

Then she noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with her Servant!

The Sword Rank Servants were originally regarded as the trump cards among the Servants.

And her subordinate Medusa, as one of the three knights of the upper third rank, has very good ability values.

While being proficient in martial arts, she also has a deep understanding of magic.

Her personality is also in tune with her, and she can be said to be the most perfect Servant.

In this Holy Grail War, she drew the strongest Saber among all ranks at the beginning, which means she has already won half the battle..

Tonight, Toosaka Sakura came specially to see her sister whom she hadn’t seen for a long time.

She might have wanted to show off to her a little.

Toosaka Rin has been better than herself since she was a child.

She is smart and learns things faster than herself. Her father who passed away early has always doted on her.

Toosaka Sakura, who has lived in the Edelfeldt family since she was a child for some reason, has extremely complicated emotions towards her blood sister.

This time she returned to Fuyuki City to participate in the Holy Grail War. While winning the Holy Grail for her family, she may not have had the idea of proving something.

In her heart, she regards Toosaka Rin as a competitor.

“acher……Why do you have the aura of Pegasus?”


Ye Ran looked at the purple-haired lady who was sniffing left and right in front of him like a puppy, and a question mark almost appeared on his head.

“Saber, I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“Before all the information is collected, I’d better pretend to be a stranger.”

The Holy Grail War is an intelligence war.

Ye Ran wanted to be as cautious as possible.

After all, this time he had to protect Altria, who was just an ordinary person.

If he met a servant who was poisonous or good at assassination, it would be easy to lose sight of one thing and end up in a bad way.

However, did Medusa realize that she had the power of Pegasus so quickly?

It seems that her perception has become quite sharp at the sword level.

“Really? Acher might have the power or protection of Pegasus…….Do you want to fight him?”

After hearing the whispered report from her own servant,

Sakura Tosaka’s clear eyes could not help but flash a strange color.

The mythical figure who has a close relationship with Pegasus……Could it be that Acher is the great hero of ancient Greece – Bellerophon?

“No, it’s unlikely. He is obviously an Asian hero, and the yellow race’s image characteristics are too obvious.”

“Do you want to test this rare opportunity? Humph, it doesn’t matter who you fight…….As long as my sister sees my current strength”

“I am so strong now! (Hands on hips)”

Thinking so in her heart, Sakura raised her eyebrows and suddenly shouted to Altria who was in a daze beside her:

“Master of Acher over there, my Saber wants to fight with your Acher, you are not afraid of fighting, right?”


The dazed blonde girl was startled.

She glanced at the confident Saber master and servant in front of her in a panic.

She instinctively looked at Toosaka Rin next to her.

“Don’t look at me, I told you we are now���It’s the opponent.”

Tosaka Rin looked at the girl’s helpless look and felt a little soft-hearted, but she also knew that repeatedly helping the opponent would only make her stray further and further from the right path.

So this time, she could only harden her heart and pretend to be watching the girl.

“Master, let me go.”

Ye Ran walked to Altria, stared into the girl’s bright green eyes, and said confidently:”As long as you believe in me, I will bring you victory.”

“Bring me victory?…..He looks like a knight in a fairy tale.”

Looking at the handsome boy with a dignified bearing and high spirits, the blonde girl blushed and shyly avoided his sight, lowering her head and said sullenly

“Then go ahead, Acher”

“Hmm, have you finally made up your mind? Saber, let your sister…..No, let everyone see what you can do!”

Without any hesitation,

Ying gave the order. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Medusa’s tall figure disappeared in an instant.

She held a strange black and red short blade in her slender hand.

The dark purple magic ignited in the dark night.

The black and red short blade in her hand gathered to the tip, concentrating the greatest destructive power, and stabbed fiercely at the boy opposite.

Ye Ran focused on responding.

His hands transformed into Gan Jiang Moye and held it horizontally in front of him, blocking the tip of the blade wrapped in magic flames.


The terrifying loud noise made the surroundings appear. There was a moment of stagnation.

The next moment, the smoke and dust filled the sky like a machine gun shell, blasting wildly in all directions.

This violent force… No one could imagine how much exaggerated impact the boy was facing!

In the slender body of the purple-haired lady, there was an unimaginable huge force hidden, and the moment it was transformed into power and exploded, even Ye Ran was caught off guard.


Facing the violent shock wave.

Scathach just waved her jade hand, and a rune flashing blue light formed in front of her.

She tightly protected herself and Toosaka Rin.[]


Alone and helpless, Altria stood there in fear. She instinctively closed her eyes.

However, the horrific impact did not hit her as she had imagined.

The girl opened her eyes and tried to see what was happening around her. But she found a tall figure using himself as a shield to block the shockwaves like an unshakable reef.

At the same time, a rune of”absorption” was suspended in front of him.

“Thank you…..acher.”

Looking at the resolute and tall figure, the blonde girl blushed and her heart suddenly beat faster.

“Acher, your master doesn’t even know defensive magic, isn’t he too incompetent.”

Holding a blue gem in her hand, with layers of space ripples around her, Sakura Tosaka easily blocked the shock wave.

Looking at Altria hiding behind Ye Ran, she couldn’t help but feel moved and deliberately sneered

“My Master, naturally I will protect him.”

Ye Ran said in a deep voice:”Saber’s Master, I advise you to shut up, otherwise I will not be polite to you.”


Toosaka Sakura was choked by him, and her face flushed with reluctance.

“I want to see how you can be rude to me……Saber, I allow you to use the golden sword”

“”Yes, I understand, Master.”

In midair, Medusa’s figure was as agile and graceful as a flying bird, dragging her purple hair through the night.

At the same time, the black and red dagger in her hand also instantly transformed into a heavy golden giant sword, sweeping straight towards Ye Ran and his servant.


The golden sword rain that rushed into the sky immediately submerged the land where the two were.

It turned everything into dust, and the heavy magic power even set off a series of gas explosions on the spot.


Artoria was shocked.

Although she had seen Ye Ran’s strong defense before, Saber’s attack was too powerful. As soon as the girl finished speaking, a stream of sword energy suddenly rose from the flames, broke through the flames, and hit Medusa who had no time to dodge in the air.



The terrifying sword pressure swept across the swordsman’s body. Even if she blocked it with a weapon, the sharp and fierce force still left tiny wounds on her body.

This sword has the power to invalidate the immortal attribute.

The hero Perseus once used this sword to chop off the head of the sleeping Medusa.

Therefore, this sword has become a special weapon for special attacks against Medusa.

Whether you are a gun, sword, or knight, as long as you have Medusa’s spiritual base, you have to bear this destined counterattack.


Medusa screamed and flew backwards in embarrassment.

I never thought that the opponent’s acher would be so powerful.

Not only is his powerful physical skills not inferior to hers, but he also has a treasure that specifically restrains her.

“Saber! ?”

Sakura Toosaka, who had suffered a great loss, ran to the bleeding Medusa in panic.

At this moment, the tall lady’s body was covered with dense wounds.

These wounds were pulled by a strange force, which not only prevented the healing magic released from her hands, but also further enlarged the wounds, causing the bright red blood to continue to ooze out.

No one could have imagined that the master and servant Saber, who were so confident just now, would be defeated so quickly.

At this moment, looking at the expressionless young servant who was slowly walking towards her, the purple-haired girl who had been harsh just now suddenly showed a look of fear.

“What do you want to do? I’m warning you……Don’t come over here!”

“Apologize to my master, or I will kill you.”

The boy’s cold words and the sharp blade hanging on her neck made Sakura’s pretty face turn pale.

I failed, I really failed today.

I wanted to show off my strength in front of my sister.

Who would have thought that the opponent Acher was so swift and defeated Saber in the blink of an eye.


Toosaka Rin, who was standing beside her, looked at her embarrassed sister, feeling a little distressed and a little sad.��

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