There are other lives in the universe.

People always thought they came from outer space.

But later people found out they were wrong. They came from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.


"Hunting me?"

D's calm voice sounded.

"Although boredom can be fatal, for a god, that guy does have a very strong talent."

Unlike that emotionless voice, the incarnation of D,"Wakaba Jisei" was staring at the screen at this time.

Shiraori would actually join forces with Godzilla.

This was beyond her expectations.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable anger, as if she had been betrayed.

After becoming gods, Godzilla and Shiraori already have the ability to travel through the universe, which means that they can indeed return to Earth and reach the world before the spider girl was reincarnated.

The purpose is naturally for themselves.

Wakaba Jisei was very clear about this, but she was full of contempt and disdain.

Two little guys who had just become gods dared to challenge themselves, so let them see the horror of the evil god.

After all, Wakaba Jisei is also a supreme god, and it is impossible for him to escape.

"Even humans are like this. For gods who live much longer than humans, killing time is even more important."

After saying this, the woman manipulated the fate of the world and opened the wormhole where the monsters lived.

"Come on - let me see what you are capable of!"

The evil woman began to summon the evil spirits.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the first monster appeared in Jiuxin Mountain.

At that time, the tanks, warships, fighters, and various missiles of the earth's human beings went through six hours, pushing a square circle of 2727 kilometers and destroying three cities before they finally stopped it.

Then, the second, third, and fourth monsters appeared.......

Monsters are landing one after another.

From this moment on, the earth has begun to face a serious danger.

"I give you 48 hours to see if you can find me first or let the earth go to destruction......."Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Evil God D kept hitting the release button on the game controller as if to vent his anger, throwing monsters from different time and space and alien planets to the earth in groups through wormholes.

I really don't know what kind of twisted mentality she has.

Because she was irritated, she seemed to be relieving boredom and killing time. Obviously, she has treated this planet as a game and played it to death.

What if the earth is destroyed? She just needs to change her identity and find the next one.

"Godzilla, Xiaobai, as you can see, once I decide to do something, I can basically do it."

And it's easy

""No matter what happens, I can do it. As long as I want to do it, there is nothing I can't do."

This is definitely not just about releasing monsters, but true omnipotence.

As long as this guy has the will, he can really do anything.

Whether it is to achieve world peace or to destroy the world,

"So give me another great show, this time the stakes are the Earth!"

Once you show your true abilities, the outcome is already determined.

It is precisely because you are omnipotent and you already know the outcome that it makes people feel bored.

"So I will only interfere to the minimum. If I interfere too much, the outcome will be obvious. However, if I think it is fun to interfere, I will do it without hesitation."

She felt that she was an outsider from the beginning to the end.

Because she would change the outcome if she took action, she would just watch it like watching a movie.

"I've just been feeling bored lately due to lack of entertainment. So, I'm looking forward to your performance. Just do your best to please me."

Different from these words, the evil woman looked at Godzilla and his group without a trace of expectation or joy.

Only the dark and unfathomable dark eyes shot over.

The guy who claimed to be the evil god──D had no smile on his face, just staring at the screen.......


20? ? Years.

Western North Pacific, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench. In this deepest trench in the world, deep sea cracks suddenly began to spread from the bottom, from hundreds of meters at the beginning, and quickly expanded to several kilometers.

The wormhole cracks continued to pour out gamma radiation, showing a blue light visible to the naked eye, and spread rapidly.

Deep-sea creatures were irradiated by this radioactive energy and died instantly.

In the dark deep sea.

Suddenly, a crack appeared that swallowed up the sea water crazily, and the wormhole from another dimension opened, and then Godzilla emerged from it.


Shiraori was instantly submerged by the seawater, somewhat at a loss.

The pressure in the deep sea is very high, even a body of steel will be twisted and deformed, but it must be said that Godzilla's body density is extremely strong, and he swam on the seabed without any resistance at all. At the same time, he used his tail to wrap up Shiraori's body and coated her with a layer of oxygen film to avoid the pain of being unable to breathe.

"You can't do this. You've become a god, but your body is still so fragile.......Why choose the human image?"

"I don't know either......."I woke up and found myself like this!"

Shirahi complained weakly.

She was now completely powerless in the seabed and was dragged by Godzilla the whole time.

"I have to find a way to restore my body shape."

Godzilla said,"My original body was damaged too much, and now I need to recover."

After the battle with the black dragon, most of Godzilla's body cells were destroyed, so he shrunk to less than three meters.

He now has abundant soul energy and lacks nothing.

But the body needs matter to build.

The fastest way to make G cells proliferate is to radiate.......Godzilla needs to find radioactive energy like nuclear radiation

"Will it turn into its original giant monster form?"

Spider-girl Shirahiro was stunned for a moment, and asked with some concern:"But if it appears on Earth in that form, will it scare humans?"

"Is this what you're worried about?"

"Not all......"

As they were talking, a huge black dot swam over from the distant sea and quickly approached.

【System: Strong life radiation reaction detected! 】

The Gaia system still has some detection function. At least the crisis perception reminds Godzilla all the time.


"It's a monster......"

Spider-girl Baizhi's eyes widened, as if she saw the size of that thing. Compared to the current Godzilla, that guy was simply a behemoth.


Godzilla was also stunned.

How could a monster appear on Earth? Is this really the Earth of Spider-Man's worldview in his impression?

Godzilla controlled his body and began to shift his center of gravity to avoid being affected by the undercurrent.

What is that thing? It is a monster species that has never been seen before. Judging from the black exoskeleton alone, it is different from traditional Earth creatures. The black exoskeleton, the ferocious head, and the strong limbs.........

This is......


One that's over 110 meters long and can swim?


Spider-girl Shiraori exclaimed inwardly, what the hell is this thing?

Has a monster from another world come to Earth?

And it looks like a monster that is even more powerful than the Queen Spider Monster, and has a body similar to that of Godzilla in the past.

"What should we do? Should we run away?"

Bai Zhi looked ahead with a little fear. From the terrifying ocean crack, a strange-looking dragon with a faint blue light on its body rushed out, opened its big mouth full of serrations and swallowed in the direction of Godzilla.

She felt a faint tremor after losing her skills.

Can we really defeat it?

A dull strange cry came from the monster's body.

Godzilla opened his mouth at this time, and his dorsal fin emitted a bright blue light, and then a super high-energy heat line was exhaled!


The seabed seemed to evaporate, and a thin beam of light instantly penetrated everything in front of me.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Godzilla looked at the strange monster whose head was blown up by him, and he was a little speechless.

"I look quite small now.......And the atomic reactor is also in the regeneration state 693, but the 693 sub-energy (MA energy from another world) has not decreased. I just can't do pure physical output."

That's right.

At this time, Godzilla's attributes are

【God: The End Godzilla】

【Level: God】

【Height: 3 meters】

【Gaia Energy: Normal storage varies according to body size, but can be infinitely charged]

So, if the"skill" is used, Godzilla will be a dimensionality reduction attack on ordinary life.

It is equivalent to direct execution at full health.

Hitting means instant kill, unless the enemy has means to resist or dodges.

But Godzilla, who is still a god in comprehensive ability, cannot lose to such a thing. On the other hand.

After gradually improving the Gaia system, he can now also use identification

【Wormhole Monster: One-horned Sea Dragon】

【Level: II】

【Attributes: Defense 7, Speed 4, Strength 6, Poison 10】

【Description: A poisonous monster that escaped from the wormhole for unknown reasons, with the goal of destroying the planet's ecosystem. Even if it is killed, the flowing poisonous blood will pollute the environment.】


Godzilla was a little confused.

Isn't this the Kaiju from Pacific Rim?

Although they look different, they are essentially the same, and they both want to destroy the planet.

"It must be D who is causing trouble!"

"She knew we were coming, and now she was setting up obstacles."

Godzilla understood.

Since the monster was full of poison, it had no choice but to eat it. It was not worth it to eat it. At most, it could absorb the life radiation and then disappear here.

"Let’s investigate!"

"Look what terrible things happened to the Earth!"


Spider-Girl Baizhi nodded, then she asked,"Where should we go first?""

"Go to Neon, your country"

"Hey, why?"

"Because there is a lot of nuclear waste water there......"

Godzilla said casually


Spider-Man looked confused.

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