Like a waterfall pouring down, the strong wind and heavy rain covered everything in front of him.

From time to time, there was a bright light flashing on the horizon.

It was something like a breathing light on the dorsal fin of the End Godzilla.

In order to adapt to this body.

The End Godzilla began to evolve a dorsal fin system to regulate energy control, which allowed him to better control the direction when flying with anti-gravity.

Whoosh, boom!!

The sound of cutting through the air passed by my ears. It almost broke my eardrum!

In an area with an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, unmanned fighter jets were shuttling through the storm at supersonic speed.

The UFO itself was the main body, and there were 5,000 fighter jets arrayed around it. If you want to attack the UFO, you can't avoid this aerial battle anyway.

Watching this scene.

The End Godzilla didn't dare to approach rashly.

Because he didn't know when the UFO that started without purpose would drop a bomb.

It's true that he has become a god, but it doesn't mean that he has a way to stop it from exploding.

After all, gods are divided into different levels. Godzilla is in charge of destruction, and what he is best at is destruction, not creating a shield to protect the entire planet. That's nonsense.

But according to Potimas.

If a UFO wants to drop a bomb, it must also meet certain conditions, but no one says that UFOs will definitely abide by such rules.

In fact, another enemy weapon, the mechanical octopus, has already gone to the universe to throw a traction asteroid to this planet.

In this case, unless it is absolutely necessary.

The End Godzilla chose to temporarily believe that Spider-Girl, Lucia and the Demon King's bomb disposal team can complete it smoothly.

And if he detects any signs that the UFO is going to drop a bomb, he will only take action when it is absolutely necessary.

And now, the World-Destroying Dragon is engaged in a fierce air battle at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

Dragon VS Fighter.

This is a battle of fantasy and science fiction.

The scene in front of me is really incredible.

But with the arrival of the End Godzilla, it suddenly became a special film!

In Godzilla's worldview, fighter jets and the like are extremely common weapons. With his understanding of them, Godzilla the End also fights in his own way.

Da da da——!

The rapid-fire cannon equipped on the fighter jet fired light bullets at Godzilla the End.

But Godzilla the End didn't need to take action at all.

The horrific thunderstorm and the unspeakable super hurricane had destroyed everything in front of them, and even EMP was not needed.

Thunderstorms and hurricanes are on the side of Godzilla the End.

The climate of the planet itself also supports him.

The storm evolved so violently that it continued to bombard the body of the UFO. It gathered thunder and struck the silver-white metal shell, causing considerable impact on it. In the dim sky, the brighter the light represented by Godzilla, the more it means the arrival of the end.

"Thermal shock. .` !"

Godzilla the End doesn't know magic, but he will use his own way to cause damage to the enemy fighter group.

This move is also called internal irradiation.

It is to suppress the energy of the heat line in the throat and then release it from the whole body in the form of shock waves!

Is this effective?

The answer is obvious.

In the darkness, thunder illuminated the body of Godzilla the End in the dark clouds.

Next, people on the ground saw the giant figure emitting incandescent light in the rainstorm.

From the body of the End emanated a radiance like the sun, and endless lightning and thermal radiation shock waves spread outward. It looked like the overload self-explosion of Godzilla the Red Lotus. The whole sky was spread by a bright white shock wave for dozens of kilometers!

Destruction is coming, and the end is coming.

After the sun-like shock wave erupted, with Godzilla the End as the center, the surrounding fighters near him crackled in the dark clouds like firecrackers. In an instant, more than hundreds of unmanned fighters turned into ashes!

The light quickly dissipated.

The dark clouds regained the sky and became dark again.

The formation of heavy rain and strong winds, tornadoes and black clouds, was as if there were thousands of dragons sucking water, forming tornadoes that reached the sky! It was like the huge flood in the myth!

Godzilla of the End flew above the water, looking down proudly at the ground below. After all the fighter jets in the sky nearby were cleared, tornadoes of water surrounded it like apostles, rushing towards the chariots and robot troops!

It was like a god who controlled the storm and the sea.


It is God!

This method of controlling natural disasters is not something that ordinary monsters can do!

Everyone had this idea at the same time at this moment. The Pope's human elites looked at this scene in horror, and the other coalition forces did not retreat anymore, because it was meaningless.

They did not know at this time that Godzilla of the End was their friendly force, because the battlefield where Godzilla was located was not in the same area as theirs.

"Natural disaster is coming!"

"Get ready for defense!"

No matter how far they retreated, they could not escape the range of destruction.

The Pope also looked up at the dark sky in the drifting rain. He vaguely saw the figure of Godzilla the Last, suspended in the storm in ten tornadoes.


The Pope's eyes widened.

The human soldiers trembled in silence, but the Pope had already seen the extraordinary miracle floating in the rainstorm, which was a miracle beyond nature itself.

"No need to retreat!"

"That’s Godzilla!"

The Last Godzilla is flying towards here.

Wrapped in endless lightning and tornadoes, it is getting closer and closer, turning into a natural disaster between heaven and earth, and covering the direction of the mechanical army with overwhelming force.

"It’s our helper!"

"It’s God!"

"It's Dagon, the god of the sea!"

The Nagas looked at the posture of the end in the pouring rain, as if they were praying to the gods, calling out the title of the god of the sea.

Boom! Boom! Boom!......

The endless thunder god became clearer and clearer, and time passed slowly.

After waiting for several minutes, they stared wide-eyed in the rainstorm.

In front of them, in the pouring rain, the God of the End stopped.



The earth cracked, and the God of the End fell to the ground, with its sharp and powerful dorsal fin emitting blue and white lightning.

"Spiral heat line!"

The heat line of lightning-like light spiraled up and swept towards the direction of the battlefield.

The mechanical army that the Nagas were hostile to was destroyed in the storm by a line of light from left to right!

A blue-white spiral beam flashed, and everything several kilometers away was in a huge explosion.

The existence that emitted the light stood in the rainstorm at this time.

The existence that brought the end stood against the background of the sea of fire.

It is heavier than the mountains and more majestic than everything in the world.

A jet-black giant beast, with its arms slightly opened, a pair of deep eyes on its face that looked down on everything is looking down at the earth in front.

Its step shook the earth and the Naga soldiers around it quickly retreated, looking at the God of the End who came to their battlefield with great admiration.

For the first time since its birth on this planet, Godzilla showed a demeanor beyond nature.

It is showing its greatness to the world, as if every move can easily subvert the entire world.

And at this time......

"¨「 ¨「 What on earth is that?"

"I know, it's Godzilla!"

"Yes, yes! It's Godzilla, but why is he so different from before! Now he looks as great as a real god!"

The human army confirmed the identity of the giant beast with the brief light.

Yes, it's Godzilla, the commander-in-chief of the Warcraft Legion.

Why is he here? Isn't he in control of the overall situation from behind? Why is he here in person?

People thought so, and their minds were full of questions.

The Pope also vaguely guessed something.

But when he launched a detection on Godzilla and got"unable to identify", his eyes widened and he was shocked.


The Pope was the first person to discover that Godzilla had become a god

"impossible...How come?......"

The Pope muttered to himself, he couldn't believe it.

How could Godzilla, standing under the heavy rain like a waterfall, become a god in such a short time?


A huge roar suddenly resounded through the night sky, shaking the earth, causing the group of people to suddenly shudder and look ahead in horror. Their consciousness instantly became clear.

"That is——"

The vision of the human race and the Nagas gradually became clear, and they saw a shocking scene that they would never forget in their lifetime.

The light was shining.

Because of the turbulence caused by the previous shock wave, the enemy's fighters that lost control kept falling.

But the number of fighters has not decreased.

They have obviously shot down a large number of fighters, but the number of fighters flying in the sky has not decreased.

Because new fighters keep flying out of the UFO.

The UFO seems to be an air base. There are many fighters parked inside.

No matter how many are shot down, new fighters continue to appear.


The fire reflected the fork.

The huge foot suddenly stepped in front, and the shock wave generated instantly dispersed the water mist in the field of vision, and the fire was extinguished. As far as the eye could see, the lightning group falling from the sky attacked the direction of the fighter group!

The climate of this planet has also begun to show its power!

Not only that, the dark mountains are moving, and the earth is shaking terribly. The kind of earth-shaking tremor makes the weak unable to maintain balance and fall to the ground.

The existence that caused the earthquake - the God of the End, so huge that it is unbelievable and cannot be described in words!

At this moment, terrifying plasma rolled over his body, bathing in pure white light!

At that moment.

Godzilla turned into light!.

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