"This is......?"

A huge monster with eight eyes appeared in front of him, flashing a strange and ferocious light and looking at this side.

Behind him was a legion of spider-like monsters.

From all directions, like a tsunami, it swept in and there was no way to escape.

Facing this scene,

Godzilla couldn't help but ponder, it should be the administrator"Black" and「D」During this time of contact, I was discovered by the spiders.

It seems that the war is about to begin!......

【Spider-girl POV]


Was there an earthquake just now?

It turns out that earthquakes can also happen in the maze......

When Spider-Girl came to her senses, she found that groups of her brothers and sisters were rushing towards one place frantically. The collective consciousness of the tribe told her that her mother had found the arsonist!



The spider army seemed very angry. Spider-Girl was killing centipedes in their territory.

But now, her brothers and sisters passed by and hurried over.

The corpses and broken limbs of centipedes were left everywhere. The ground and walls were covered with sticky liquid, including her body, as if she was covered in mud, with a fishy smell.

The air was filled with terrible hostility.

It seemed that the monster that looked like Godzilla was in trouble!

Spider-Girl looked around at this time and there seemed to be a few brothers and sisters who were left alone.

She activated the"Identification」

「Small Spider Monster LV7 Name None


HP: 63/90

MP: 44/83

SP: 200/640

Average Attack Ability: 83

Average Magic......

Just as Spider-Girl was observing her brothers and sisters, suddenly those small spider monsters seemed to be enraged and attacked her frantically.


"I didn't mean it. It turns out that"Appraisal" has its own taunting and hatred value!"

Faced with the brothers and sisters attacking her, Spider-Girl was anxious.

It seemed that she had no choice but to fight.

Maybe it was destined by God, or maybe it was the evil god D who was behind the scenes.

It was this opportunity that allowed Spider-Girl to awaken the ability related to"Taboo".

I won't go into the details.......

"Good man, to catch me, they dispatched a division of troops! Is it worth it?"

While Spider-Girl was still fighting wits and courage with his brothers and sisters, Godzilla had already sensed the maximum level of danger signal.

His whole body froze because of the impending danger.

It was as if adrenaline began to soar, and an unimaginable calmness and blood rushed to his head.

The danger alarm was still ringing in his mind.

Godzilla felt a huge force gathering in the far front.

The next moment, the stone wall of the cave where he was was blown away.

The black energy breath was reflected in the field of vision.

The diameter of the energy beam was at least half a meter, the color was purple-black, and the attribute was 80% dark, with strong corrosiveness and impact.

The power was superior to his current full-strength breath!

Because the breath with a range of several kilometers not only blew away a large piece of stone wall, but also destroyed a large hole in the entire underground maze.

The power could directly penetrate the maze thousands of meters thick to the surface, which was a real monster level!


The White-Eyes God of Destruction Godzilla (sub-adult) roared at this time.

Then, it saw the huge body as expected.

This was the second time it saw that guy with its own eyes.

The first time was when it set fire to her nest.

The second time was now. The Queen Spider Monster, who was the strongest in the Warcraft Labyrinth, stood there, pointing her spear at Godzilla.

Eight scarlet eyes flashed with murderous intent, the terrifying mouth drooled, and the eyes with highly developed intelligence stared at itself. Obviously, it was consolidating its position as the overlord of the labyrinth.

As a spider-type monster, the Queen Spider was at least fifty meters tall.

The weight, at the lowest, should be more than 25,000 tons.

Just in terms of data, it suppressed the current White-Eyes Godzilla, and this did not take into account magic and a large number of skills, as well as its level.

System:"Identification successful」!

〈Queen Spider (at full strength) LV89

HP: 24557/24557

MP: 22301/22301

SP: 23097/23097......


「Shadow Magic LV10""Dark Magic LV10""Dark Magic LV4」

「Poison Magic LV10""Healing Magic LV10""Devil King LV5」

「Dark resistance LV4""Major resistance LV1""Abnormal status invalid」

「Acid resistance LV3, Corrosion resistance LV8, Stun resistance LV5」

「Skill points for Heavenly Dao LV10, Heavenly Guard LV10, and Taboo LV10

: 164500...... title——

「Cannibal, Evil Eater, Poison Master」

「Monster Killer, Human Killer, Fear Spreader, Merciless」

「Monster Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Overlord」

「The natural disaster of monsters, the king, and the natural disaster of humans」......

These are just the tip of the iceberg.

Spider-Girl's mother is lv89, with an average ability value of more than 20,000. Other skills include space magic, poison magic, silk spinning, etc., adding up to dozens.

Obviously, it is much stronger than Godzilla imagined.

If it is a one-on-one fight, maybe you can give it a try!


Godzilla's senses told it that the current situation was not good.

Small poisonous spiders with full venom skills appeared at Cave A, about a thousand of them!

Giant spider monsters appeared at Cave B, all of which were over 15 meters in size, possessing the power of a dragon, incredibly strong, and numerous!

Cave C is the territory of the centipedes, and has now been occupied by an army of spiders.

The road conditions at Cave D are unknown and quite complicated, and it is suspected that many reptiles with petrification and deceleration abilities have appeared.

Cave E is an empty stone forest, but on the ceiling of the stone forest, there are about 6 puppet spiders swinging on the swings. The puppet spiders are very scary, and the blades of the puppets are also very sharp.

There are many dinosaur monsters at Cave F. Rushing in might allow you to eat them and stack skill BUFFs, but unfortunately, the Queen Spider will not give you a chance because it is in that direction.

Cave G leads directly to......Spider's lair!

Cave entrance H is a magma zone, the road leading to the middle layer, the temperature is very high, maybe it is a place that spiders dare not approach easily, if they escape here, there is still a glimmer of hope.

In summary, unless you can find a secret passage, or an underground lake or something, hide in the water, Godzilla will be sure to kill them all.

Because in the water is its home.

And these chaotic terrains and complex spaces are the spiders' home ground, this is their territory. If a war breaks out, no matter how tough and thick you are, you can't withstand the attacks of so many high-attack and high-sensitivity assassin spider monsters.

So, if it were you, which way would you choose?!......

(PS: You can choose a route, or just go for it. I'll read the comments tomorrow to decide the direction of the side story.)

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