Chapter 0096 Ghost Annihilation Qiao Bridge: The Night of the Decisive Battle, Hundred Ghosts Walk Night!

“Duh! Click! Nice light set everyone! After filming, remember to put the green screen into the box. ”

Under Qiao Qiao’s signal, the members of the ghost killing team put down their props with a confused look.

Purgatory Kyoshiro slowly lowered the fill light.

Ganlu Temple Miri also hurriedly put down another light filling device.

Butterfly Shinobu holds a movie board in his hand.

Tanjiro slowly lowered the background curtain.

“So you can lure the ghost king into being fooled?”

Everyone approached, full of puzzlement.

Because Qiao Qiao is linked to Wuxian through the evil ghost network, in the eyes of others, Qiao Qiao walked from the set in the house to the spotlight and poured half a bottle of medicine.

“It is said that this can lure Wuxian to take the initiative to attack, and it is really an esoteric move, Mr. Qiao Qiao.”

Even the enthusiasm was like Purgatory, Kyoshiro didn’t quite understand these actions made by Qiao Qiao just now

“It’s amazing, I haven’t seen the sun in a long, long time.”

Zhu Shi, who was helping to carry water for the members of the Ghost Killing Team on the side, couldn’t help but “King Zero Eight”

I sighed with emotion, this sunshine is really real.

“Of course, this is the most advanced film industry product.”

Qiao Qiao knew that creating an environment was extremely real, real enough to make any evil spirit believe that Qiao Qiao could bathe in the sun, but it was actually in the spotlight of the sun.

“Alas, the use of modern sets to create a film in the Taisho era is real.”

In this era, there will even be scenes where Western Musketeers fight back because Western cowboys shoot at movie screens.

And Qiao Qiao’s current actions also convinced Wu Miserably of the fact that Yangqiao was already not afraid of the sun because of taking the medicine.

Although Qiao Qiao does have the other shore flower potion in his hand, it is true.

However, Qiao Qiao did not take it.

Because, the blue side of the anther liquid although there is.

However, Qiao Qiao did not dare to guarantee that something that could have an effect on the Ghost King would not happen to an ordinary evil ghost.

“Everything is ready.”

In Qiao Bridge, he packed tickets with a group of ghost killing team members and said.

After hiding in Infinity City, he lost information.

Qiao Qiao must be sure that because of this fright, he will stay in it for hundreds of years to consume the swordsman who has consumed the breath of the sun.

In this case, even if this generation is the strongest generation in recent years.

As long as there is no misery and no face, it can use its life to consume this generation alive, and it will waste a lot of time and arrangement of Qiao Qiao.

Therefore, Qiao Qiao chose to take the initiative to lure it out with two irresistible conditions, so that he could catch ghosts in an urn.

And when Qiao Qiao packed a ticket with a group of ghost killing team members and said that the plan had been successful for more than half of the time.

Just like the result that Qiao Qiao wanted most.

In the depths of Infinite City, Wu Miserable had been muttering non-stop since he saw that impactful picture, “It’s okay, as long as I swallow his words, I swallow his words…”

This abnormal state made Naruto, who was playing shamisen, feel panicked, afraid that one would suffer and torture if she didn’t pay attention.

“Lord Wu Miserable, the strings have been summoned.”

Naruto said.

It’s not so much up and down strings.

Rather, all the ghosts that can be regarded as combat power are now called into the Infinite City without misery.

Infinite, the city demons gather.

The infinite city in a different space has no distance between the front and back for the evil spirits in the island country.

It’s just that the identity of the noble class between the ghosts is clear.

When the swordsman ghost with six eyes returned to Infinity City.

Naruto immediately came to greet him.

“Lord Black Death Mou.”

Black Death Mou Jiguo Yansheng understood when he saw the upper string ginseng in Naruto’s eyes.

“Is there something that can kill the Ryok Za? Who killed him? ”

“It’s a little bug out of my control, and a sword master who uses the breath of the sun”

Wu Miao’s answer that suddenly came out and replied aloud made Black Death Mou’s heart suddenly fluctuate.

“The Swordsman of the Sun, so…”

“I order you to lead the ghosts to attack here.”

In an instant, Wu Miserable used the evil ghost network to inform all the ghosts of the location of the small village he saw.

“That little bug probably doesn’t know yet, as the ancestor of ghosts, I can sense the location of all ghosts, and although he is out of control, I can still find him!”

“Moreover, that bug is quite clever, and actually cooperated with those hateful ghost killing squads, and is now hiding in their headquarters. However, I didn’t know that I had helped me again. ”

A hideous smile appeared on Wu Miao’s face.

“As long as the evil ghost is alive, the rest are all killed.”

Wu roared.

The ghosts howled.

Under the full moon, the coordinates of the Infinite City began to shift to a certain place to open.

The demons were all released.

Black Death Mou stood on the high mountain, inspecting the village below from above, that is, the layout of the headquarters of the originally secret ghost killing team.

“Stupid, they have cut down the surrounding woods, they have completely abandoned their secrets.”

The Black Death Mu, who was born in the Warring States, knew the art of war and looked at the arrangement of the city wall they built with wooden pillars with disdain.

For the evil spirit, these arrangements are simply unstoppable, and it is better to choose to make yourself more secretive.

“Maybe I won’t even have to show up this time.”

Black Death Mou said.

Because, the scale of this hundred ghosts night walk is far beyond any other time in history, almost gathered together, pouring out, a black expanse like an ant colony.

It shows how much importance Wu Wu attaches to the blue flower.

The demons around them did not have no miserable suppression, then there was no need to speak of at all, only the slaughter task issued by Wuxian in their minds, and the thought of obtaining the supreme ghost blood from the ghost king after completing the task.

And wanting to get this reward first is not just ordinary evil ghosts, among which there are ghosts such as the next string that should have been solved by themselves without tragedy.

Rolling ghost tide, embrace down.

“Fuck off, get away! Don’t get in my way! I’ll crush you into meat sauce when I stand in my way.” ”

In the midst of a noisy article, there are already demons who are undisciplined and begin to fight each other before the war in order to snatch this honor.

In the midst of the chaotic scene, a star ‘Hugh’ suddenly shot out into the sky, detonating like a sun in the dark night.

Under the flares, it was like daylight, thinking that the sun was falling.

The frightened group of ghosts became even more chaotic, and there were already many evil spirits in the crazy retreat that trampled into flesh and blood.

It’s just that at the border line, the black death Mu horizontal knife hacked to death a few evil spirits who wanted to escape, and said solemnly.

“Those who retreat, die.”

“A bunch of idiots, can’t you see that this light is not the sun? It’s just a trick. ”

“Oh, yes.”

Many evil spirits checked their bodies one after another, only to find that their bodies did not have a collapse reaction from sunlight.

Then, the demons who had made up their minds once again attacked and killed the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team.

However, what the demons did not notice was that after the first flare, lights lit up in the silent village.

However, the light does not scare ghosts.

“Normal light is 2.3!”

At first, the appearance of electric lights was still a little scary, and the lights in the city were even more frightening.

However, soon, the demons discovered that the light produced by the electric lamp was harmless to their evil spirits.

Electric lights and the sun’s light are on two channels.

Countless ghosts have understood this.

Then, rushing into the village bathed in light, and…

The ghost melted.

The demons in mid-air first sensed that something was wrong.

It was the pain and tearing sensation that hit, and then the evil ghost turned into dust in the air before he knew what was happening.

At dawn, the sun has just come out, the sun is very weak, and the weak ghosts can withstand the sunlight for a while.

It’s just that at noon, the sun is the hottest, and if a ghost plunges into the sunlight at this time, it will instantly turn into ashes.

And now the sunlight of this light is exactly the same frequency as the fiercest sun rays at noon…

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