After casually dealing with the drill bird, Hong Yi did not stop and continued to fly upwards.

10,000 meters above sea level!

The sky suddenly darkened, and a huge, dark and heavy”monster” blocked out the sky and covered the sky, opening its bloody mouth, waiting for Hong Yi.

Cumulonimbus cloud.

Also called thunderstorm cloud!

The cloud body is thick and huge, with extremely vigorous vertical development. From a distance, it looks like a towering mountain.

The top of the cloud is composed of ice crystals, with a wiry structure with a white silky luster, often in the shape of an anvil or horsehair. The bottom of the cloud is dark and chaotic, with obvious ups and downs, and sometimes in the shape of a hanging ball.

The”monster” in front of Hong Yi is a cumulonimbus cloud.

And it is a cumulonimbus cloud in the world of”The Prisoner of Gourmet Food”, which is full of extreme weather such as tornadoes, lightning thunderstorms, and heavy rains.

A sky gorilla climbed up along the thick vines, roaring fiercely, and pounced on Hong Yi who was standing in the air.


Suddenly, there was a deafening sound of thunder.

The bottom of the dark cumulonimbus cloud suddenly became bright, and then axe-like lightning, thicker than a house, fell from the dark cloud and hit the sky gorilla, directly splitting it into a charred corpse.

Super thunderstorm!

“If we go higher, we will need oxygen leaves, right?”

Hong Yi took out a few inconspicuous leaves from his trouser pocket.

These were what Director Mansam gave him before he came to the Sky Vegetable Garden.

【Oxygen Leaves】

【Hunting Level: 50】

【Habitat: As it is a rare plant, it has no specific habitat】

【Body length: 20cm


【Weight: 20kg】

【Price: 1 piece/1 million yuan】

【Introduction: Precious leaves from the rare oxygen tree.

A small amount of light can allow its water and carbon dioxide to undergo photosynthesis and produce oxygen.

The leaves can only be picked for one month.

An oxygen leaf is worth the same as a cypress tree.

It can also be used as an ingredient to make oxygen tea, which is rich in vitamins and catechins and is very popular as a high-end health tea.】

“The air in thunderstorm clouds is thin, the airflow is turbulent, and it is difficult to breathe, so oxygen is needed.”

“But I have practiced the Star Devouring Technique and have broken through to the planetary level, and I no longer rely on breathing.”

This is only the planetary level.

If you can reach the stellar level, the life level will jump again, and you can even rely on your strong body to cross the void and travel across short distances across planets.

Hong Yi put away the oxygen leaves and rushed towards the thunderstorm cloud that had not been formed for a long time without hesitation.

The clouds were piled up very thick, like mountains, thousands of meters high, completely blocking the sunlight.

Especially when approaching the thunderstorm cloud, a downdraft (actually it should be an updraft) scraped down along the huge sky vines.

From a distance, it looked like a dark cloud face, with bloody eyes. The basin opened wide and blew down an extremely cold and fierce airflow.

This airflow, with a speed of dozens of meters per second, is more terrifying than a hurricane.

And it brought with it a large amount of ice crystals and cold air, which is comparable to the extreme environment of Ice Hell!

Under the influence of the downdraft, the broad green leaves of the vines froze instantly and were covered with a thick layer of frost.

Hong Yi released his genetic energy to prop up the energy shield to resist the invasion of the blizzard and hurricane.

After a while.

Hail as big as cars fell from the depths of the thick and black thunderstorm clouds.

Hong Yi kept dodging

“Bang bang bang……”

Huge hailstones hit the sky vines, splashing large pieces of ice fragments and causing the entire vine to sway and tremble.

Some beasts living in the sky vines hid in the gaps between the vines and trembled under the extreme weather threat brought by the thunderstorm clouds.

“These hailstones are nothing, but the troublesome thing is the super thunderstorm in the cumulonimbus cloud.”

Hong Yi stood on a huge leaf, looking at the lightning balls flashing in the clouds.

Before he finished speaking, the dark sky, the dark and oppressive mountain clouds, suddenly became bright, and a thick tree-like lightning struck Hong Yi.

“What the hell? Am I lucky enough to have such a mouth!”

“Come as soon as you say it!!”

Hong Yi glared slightly, and immediately mobilized the Dantian star core. Tens of millions of calories of genetic energy poured out, supporting a thick defensive shield.

“There was a loud bang, plasma spurted out, and the ultra-high temperature lightning arc suddenly splashed, splitting the leaves under Hong Yi’s feet into black.

“bring it on!”

“”Tempering the body with thunder!”

Hong Yi said in a low voice, first taking a sip of the water of life to ensure that there would be no accidents, then removing the energy shield and rushing straight towards the thunderstorm.

“”Crackle, crackle”

The ultra-high temperature lightning washed over Hong Yi’s whole body.

From the surface skin to the flesh and blood under the dermis, and even the blood vessels, organs, and bones, there were flashes of lightning arcs.

Hong Yi was struck by the thunderstorm, and his whole body was flashing with blazing white light.

The terrifying high temperature of 20,000 degrees Celsius, which is several times higher than the surface temperature of the sun, existed for a short time, but because of the many lightnings in the thunderstorm, it struck Hong Yi again and again, like a furnace fire and an iron hammer, tempering Hong Yi like a divine weapon.

Whenever Hong Yi’s body was scorched and necrotic, he drank the water of life in big gulps like he didn’t care about money to repair the burned cells and ensure his own safety!

Just like this.

Tempering one side after another.

Sixty trillion cells were baptized by lightning.


A large amount of electric current rushed in from the limbs and bones, poured into the dantian, and tempered the six star cores that had now condensed.

The crystal clear, dreamy and gorgeous six-sided crystal became more and more brilliant, pure and flawless

“”Good, good, after this crazy training, my physique has become stronger again.”

Hong Yi, who was in the thunderstorm, raised his head and laughed loudly, his voice was like a bell.

For a moment, it even covered the earth-shaking thunder.

A hundred minutes later.

Hong Yi stood in the air, his whole body shining with lightning, his eyes opened and closed, blazing white and dazzling, every inch of his skin, even his hair, was moving with strands of lightning arcs.

No matter how the thunderstorm struck, he was unmoved and unharmed.

“The thunderstorm cloud had 600 lightning strikes per second. I was struck for 100 minutes, or 6,000 seconds, and withstood 3.6 million lightning strikes.”

“This level of lightning is no longer enough to temper my current body.”

Hong Yi raised his hand, looked at the palm where the electric arc bounced, and murmured to himself.

The Moyun armor, which was also shining with lightning, had a vine extending from the shoulder armor. It raised its head like a little snake, came to Hong Yi, and nodded gently, as if to express its agreement.

That’s right.

The Moyun vine was also sharpened with Hong Yi, and was numbed by the thunderstorm.

But the benefits are obvious.

The Moyun vine became tougher, and the activated cells even contained the power of thunder, and the capture level was successfully raised to level 100!

At this time.

In the distance, a huge group of dazzling white lightning flew at a high speed, making a cry that pierced gold and split stones.

When it approached the sky vine, it could be seen that there was a giant bird in the lightning group that was comparable to the size of a civil airliner.

It spread its wide wings and passed by the sky vine, dragging behind it a long tail feather like a phoenix.

“This… is this the Lightning Phoenix?” Hong Yi exclaimed in surprise.

【Lightning Phoenix】

【Capture Level: 75】

【Habitat: In thunderclouds】

【Length: 43 meters】


【Weight: 2.5 tons】

【Price: 1kg of meat/6.5 million yen, 1 feather/380,000 yen】

【Introduction: The legendary thunderbird is said to live in the thundercloud.

Its meat, which is filled with electric current, is extremely delicious and is said to be able to evolve cells.

Its feathers have the effect of rebounding lightning.

Clothes made of down shine with gorgeous elegance.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that a bride wearing a wedding dress made of the down feathers of the lightning phoenix can obtain eternal happiness.】


The Lightning Phoenix opened its hook-like beak and uttered a long cry. Its feathers shone like lightning arcs, shining brightly with electric light.

In an instant, the two eyes on the side of its head discovered Hong Yi’s presence, and immediately spread its wide wings to strike at the thousands of lightning bolts.

“Hahahaha, I am now immune to ordinary thunder.”

Hong Yi laughed as he was bathed in the thunder and lightning.

“I had the idea of keeping you as a pet just now, but since you took the initiative to attack me, I have no choice but to capture you.”

With a capture level of 75, Hong Yi didn’t even need to make a move.

The Moyun vine evolved again and shot out again at an extremely fast speed, like a golden lightning, cutting through the dark space, instantly piercing through the Lightning Phoenix and killing it instantly.

Hong Yi flipped his hand to take out the Wang Lujian and threw the”legendary” ingredient – the Lightning Phoenix – into the King’s Treasure.

“Keep going up”

“Thunderstorms, downdrafts, huge hailstones, there is nothing in the cumulonimbus clouds that can threaten me.”

Hong Yi raised his head, and his body was wrapped in lightning. He suddenly burst out at a speed of Mach 12, like a golden lightning, straight through the nearly 10,000-meter-thick dark thunderstorm cloud.


The sea of clouds broke open.

Altitude – 20,000 meters!

Hong Yi jumped out, and what came into view was the Cloud Mountain, the Cloud Sea, and the Cloud Continent!! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“The Sky Vegetable Garden, we are finally here!”

Hong Yi stopped flying upwards and stood still, looking far into the distance, looking at the vast and spectacular Sky Vegetable Garden.

This place is even more spectacular than the canopy forest of the Xu Jungle.

The boundless pure white sea of clouds spreads at an altitude of 20,000 meters. The huge sky vines, like a green dragon whose head can’t be seen, wind and meander in the sea of clouds, appearing and disappearing from time to time. The undulating giant vines are like a dragon’s body and a mountain range.

At the end of the sea of clouds, there is a lush green land.

There is the real Sky Vegetable Garden.

“Oh wow~~~!”

“A continent floating in the sky is really incredible.”

Hong Yi’s eyes flashed with surprise, and he immediately flew over and landed on the land in the sea of clouds.

Rather than being called land, there was actually no soil, but lush and dense green grass growing in the sea of clouds. When you step on it with your two feet, it feels like you are stepping on the softest and most advanced carpet.

The whole person seems to sink, falling from a height of 20,000 meters, but will be completely lifted up by the grass.[]

Tensed and exciting!

“”What an incredible sight!”

Hong Yi exclaimed.

He took a deep breath, and the air was incomparably fresh and not thin. It was like being in the top natural oxygen bar.

“This is the scent of deep, rich soil”


“There is also the smell of ash, is it volcanic ash, floating here, forming a volcanic ash cloud, and then grass grows and multiplies here, forming an incomparable magical cloud continent.”

Hong Yi can feel that the grass under his feet looks ordinary, but in fact the roots are probably a thousand meters deep, tightly binding the entire ash cloud, and floating in the sky with the help of extremely strong updrafts.

Under the grass, there is probably a super-dense and tangled grass root.

“But haven’t we reached the real Sky Vegetable Garden yet?”

Hong Yi stepped on the lawn and continued to move forward.

When he saw the mineral earthworms that only live in nutrient-rich soil, he knew that the Sky Vegetable Garden was not far from here.

With his hands, he pulled apart the vines that were like curtains, and his vision suddenly opened up.

Large tracts of huge, brightly colored, and extremely fresh vegetables came into view in an extremely shocking way.

Chinese cabbage, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, winter melon, eggplant, cucumber, tomato, okra, celery, onion, zucchini, pepper, potato, green beans… everything is available!

There are only things Hong Yi doesn’t know, but nothing Hong Yi can’t think of.

Sky Vegetable Garden.

It lives up to its name!

“With this vegetable garden, I probably won’t have to ask Akai to buy vegetables anymore.” Hong Yi said in surprise.

“So, who cultivated this sky vegetable garden?”

“Gourmet Noble Blue Netero?”

“No matter what… Thank you for the gift of nature!!”

Hong Yi put his hands together, muttered to himself, and then his eyes brightened, and he jumped down from the lawn and jumped into the spectacular and rich vegetable garden.


“This is the sky vegetable garden!”

“It’s amazing. This is the first time I feel the impact of vegetables. It is not inferior to barbecue and seafood. This deep and rich green aroma.”

Hong Yi squatted down and brushed his palm over a piece of green vegetables.

“I’m afraid that the human world can’t grow such exquisite greens. The fresh and moist leaves give off a refreshing and natural scent, without any earthy smell.”

When cooking greens, the most important thing is to get rid of the earthy smell.

But the greens in the Sky Vegetable Garden don’t have to worry about this at all. They only need a little salt to season, and they are delicious when stir-fried or stir-fried.

Hong Yi pulled up another white radish. The white radish was as thick as an adult’s arm, and it was heavy (compared to ordinary white radishes, but the protagonist didn’t feel heavy in his hand). The water content was probably unimaginably abundant.

Hong Yi waved his hand and cut off the head and tail of the white radish, then peeled the radish and took a bite.


“Not bad, not bad, this moist and firm and crisp taste… is absolutely amazing, no fishy or spicy taste at all, only the sweetness of the best radish and the special rich flavor”

“Damn, after eating the vegetables from the Sky Vegetable Garden, I feel that the vegetables from the human world are just like rotten leaves. There is no comparison at all.”

“In other words, these are the real zero-pollution, zero-pest, zero-pesticide, pure green vegetables that the Earth promotes!”

Hong Yi picked another cucumber and took a bite.

It was crunchy!

There was no chicken flavor, only the refreshing aroma of cucumber, crisp and refreshing, and full of moisture.

Using this kind of cucumber slices as a mask is enough to drive women crazy, and it beats all high-tech masks in seconds!


Hong Yi continued to discover super high-end vegetables:

【Gummy Pumpkin】

【Capture Level: 34

【Habitat: Sky Vegetable Garden】

【Body length: 5-10cm


【Weight: 100kg】

【Price: 1 piece/80,000 yen】

【Introduction: This is an annual vine herbaceous plant of the genus Cucurbitaceae.

It is cultivated in the sky vegetable fields, and its fruit is smaller than ordinary pumpkins.

The flesh is fluffy and soft, with a soft candy taste and high sugar content. Although it can be eaten raw, the soft candy pumpkin desserts sold in high-end dessert shops can bring out its delicious taste.

If Akane Kubo Momo saw this, she would probably be so excited that she would scream

【Broccoli Tree】

【Capture Level: 33】

【Habitat: Sky Vegetable Garden】

【Body length:——】

【Height: 5m


【Price: 1 room/50,000 yen】

【Introduction: A tree that has undergone a genetic mutation is a giant broccoli.

The tree is densely covered with dark green broccoli.

Some of the broccoli is edible, and the sap can be used as vegetable juice.

It is an appetizer ingredient that can increase appetite.】


【French Fries Spring】

【Capture level: Ground growth 3, Vegetable sky 30】

【Habitat: Sky Vegetable En】

【Body length: 10 meters】

【Height: 1 meter deep, 1 French fry is about 30 cm to 50 cm】


【Price: 1 piece/50 yen】

【Introduction: A perennial grass of the Solanaceae family that grows in the shape of a miniature potato.

Near this potato, there is oil secreted by rapeseed. After being heated by geothermal energy, the potato will be surrounded by hot oil and fried. People call it the source of French fries.

Its taste has a special flavor, and the natural salt mixed in it makes the taste of the food very special in the Sky Vegetable Garden. Death].

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