“Oh, have you found it yet?”

Hong Yi raised a teasing smile and looked at the food tycoon with sparks on his forehead.

A sealed cargo hold.

The safe door comparable to a food bank was cut into pieces by the Moyun vine in a deafening sound, and then rushed into it frantically.

On the two rows of shelves, as soon as the replacement machine was activated, opened its eyes, and received the picture, a red-gold Moyun vine pierced over.

“Click, click, click……”

The Moyun vines went straight through all the machines on the shelves like a string of gourds, piercing them all.

After a while, the ultra-simulated robots in the cargo hold, which were worth at least tens of billions of yen, were completely destroyed by the Moyun vines.

After doing this, Hong Yi left the bridge room again, stood on the deck, and shouted to Tieping,”Come down!””

“No problem!”

Tieping took off the vial of the ear pendant, injected it into his nails, slapped his hands on the cold and hard ice surface, his eyes slightly widened, and shouted in a low voice:”Super-speed regeneration, steel vines!”

The ice surface immediately cracked. Four or five vines like tree roots, spiraled together, deeply rooted in the cold glacier, and then stretched wildly towards the icebreaker.

In the blink of an eye.

This strange plant called steel vine formed a tree bridge connecting the Ice Hell and the icebreaker.

Tieping shouted:”Everyone, hurry up and move. Although the steel vine is cold-resistant and can adapt to most extreme environments, it cannot last too long without nutrition.”


“Thank you very much! Thank you very much!”

“Great! Thanks to Hong Yi and Tie Ping, otherwise we would all be trapped in the Ice Hell.”

“Damn Kanel, when I return to the well-fed city, I will make his evil deeds public.”

“It’s a pity that we didn’t catch the soup of the century”

“What’s a pity? It’s good enough to save your life.”

The gourmet hunters on the ice hell hurriedly climbed up the steel vines and ran towards the icebreaker below.

Speaking of which.

This kind of steel vine is really thick. One vine is as thick as a water tank.

Five or six vines are intertwined to form a temporary tree bridge, which can even drive a gourmet tank!

Tieping and others had almost left and were ready to leave, but they saw the gourmet knight Takimaru and the gourmet gangster Machi still standing there, turning their heads to look at the iceberg hidden in the white snow.

“”Why are you standing there? Why don’t you leave quickly?”

Tieping shouted to wake them up.

“We all have our reasons for catching the soup of the century, but unfortunately, the soup of the century has withered and dried up.”

“This is probably food luck.”

“Let’s go, we can find ways to make money again!”

Takimaru, Machi and others quickly jumped onto the tree bridge and left quickly.

After everyone evacuated, Hong Yi waved his hand and cut off the tree bridge that was as hard as steel.

One end of the tree bridge lost its pulling force and immediately made a pendulum motion, smashing hard into the steep ice wall of the Ice Hell, making a loud”boom” and even triggering a large-scale”avalanche”. Huge ice blocks fell off the ice wall and fell into the cold sea.


These had no effect on the icebreaker that was gradually leaving and returning.

Everyone stood on the deck, worried about gains and losses, looking at the slowly receding extremely cold continent.

They came with interest, but returned empty-handed.

“Not bad, save this life”

“Some gourmet hunters got nothing and left their lives in the ice hell forever.”

“I don’t know why, but I didn’t see the gatekeeper of Ice Hell.”

“If that tundra ice dragon was here, more people would have died!”

These gourmet hunters consoled themselves.

Machi retracted his gaze and looked at Hong Yi. He put one hand on the famous sword Dragon King at his waist and pounded his chest with the other hand. He said loudly:”Hong Yi, it was me, Machi, who was blind and arrogant in the heavy cabin. I did something wrong. Please forgive me!”

“You saved my life today. If you need me in the future, just tell me and I will go through fire and water for you!”

Hong Yi nodded slightly.

Although the deputy leader of the food gang has a fierce appearance and a rough personality, he is not a bad person by nature and often goes to the slums to deliver food to children.

Gourmet Knight Takimaru said:”The same goes for me. Gourmet Knight Takimaru owes you a life.”

Other food hunters said one after another:”And me~’!”

“Although I don’t have much ability, I have some connections. If I can be of any use to you in the future, just give me a call.”

“That’s right, you just need to tell Old Man Sen in the Heavy Hut, and we will respond!”

“And me, from today on, Hong Yi, you are my boss!”

Don’t look at these gourmet hunters, they are rough on the surface, but they are all kind-hearted.

For Hong Yi, it was just a piece of cake to stop the icebreaker and save everyone.

But for the gourmet hunters, it was a life-saving grace.

In the future, if Hong Yi needs them, he only needs to say hello to the old man Sen in the heavy hut, and hundreds of people will respond.

“In addition to the Century Soup, there was another unexpected gain on this trip.”

Hong Yi smiled and shook his head, and returned to the cabin to rest.



A well-fed city, in the suburbs.

The deserted Jieno Canteen had a wooden sign that said”Quiet”.

However, Hong Yi knew that Grandma Jieno had not left.

She should have been teaching the girls how to cook during this period.

Hong Yi, who had rushed back from the Ice Hell, knocked on the door.

After a while, a cute little girl holding a teddy bear opened the door a crack and said unhappily,”I’m sorry, Jieno Canteen is closed now.”……”

“”Hong Yi!”

Just as he was halfway through the conversation, Akane Kubo Momo saw the person coming through the crack in the door and immediately cried out in surprise.

“You are finally back!”

“We heard that the capture level of Century Soup is as high as 60, and we are thinking of asking Grandma Jieno to go to the Ice Hell to find you!”

Akane Kubo Momo opened the door of the cafeteria and let Hong Yi in.

As the saying goes,”A short absence is better than a new marriage.”

After not seeing each other for a few days,

Akane Kubo Momo became very enthusiastic and even served tea and water to Hong Yi.

A cup of air water was handed to Hong Yi, and then she hurried to the end of the island, opened the iron door leading to the secret kitchen, and shouted at the secret passage:”Everyone~ Hong Yi is back!”

Akane Kubo Momo’s voice echoed in the secret kitchen.

After a while, there was a dense sound of”beep beep beep” coming from the stairs.

Nakiri Erina was the first to pop her head out and came out of the secret kitchen.

She saw Hong Yi sitting at the wooden table drinking water, and the joy in her eyes could not be hidden.

Nakiri Erina hugged her arms and snorted:”Capture… does it take so many days to capture the Century Soup? You made me wait for a while!”

The secretary pushed Erina Nakiri’s hips and told her to get out quickly, then said,”Hong Yi, don’t listen to what the eldest lady says. In fact, she is most worried about you.”

“Apart from honing my cooking skills these days, I am just thinking about you”

“No…no way!”


After being exposed, Erina Nakiri’s cheeks flushed and she put her hands on her hips and yelled

“Alas, Ms. Erina is not straightforward at all.”

Mito Yumei came out third and shook her head helplessly.

She walked to Hong Yi, put her elbow around Hong Yi, and grinned:”Junior brother Hong Yi, have you missed me these days?”

“Do you want to discuss cooking with me tonight?”

Without waiting for Hong Yi to answer, Xiaolin Longdan stuffed a piece of butter bun into his mouth and looked at Mito Yumei with a golden eye full of aggression.

“Mito-chan, when it comes to cooking skills, as the second-best of the Ten, I’m probably more qualified than you.”

“Is that so?”

Mito Yumei looked fearlessly at Xiaolin Longdan with her beautiful green eyes, straightening her chest and confronting him.

“When it comes to meat dishes, I’m afraid you can’t beat me, Kobayashi-senpai~”

“Haha, meat cooking is nothing, how are you better than me in terms of heat control, moisture content, and cooking skills?”

Kikuchi Enka came out of the secret kitchen, like a curious baby, and asked puzzledly:”Nakiri-san, Arato-san, what are they talking about?”

“Isn’t Hong Yi a food hunter? Why are you discussing cooking tonight?”

Xinhu Hisako glanced at Mu Jiuzhi Enguo’s double F and shook his head seriously:”This cooking is not serious.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“What…what kind of cooking skills are you talking about? I want to try it too.……”

Tanaka Kei said weakly


Grandma Jie Nai, with her back hunched, was the last one to come out of the secret kitchen.

“Girls, I am not wrong, right? With Xiao Hongyi’s strength, it is not difficult for him to capture the Century Soup.”

“Hey, Xiao Hongyi, you don’t know, these days, my ears are almost callused by them.”

“If you don’t come back, I’m afraid I’ll have to take them to the Ice Hell on a jellyfish airship.”

Grandma Jie Nai shook her head helplessly, put her hands behind her back, and walked slowly to Hong Yi’s side. She leaned closer with her big round face and sniffed.

“Hmm? There is no aroma of Century Soup.”

Grandma Jie Nai looked stern and whispered,”Is the rumor true? Century Soup has run out.”


Hong Yi nodded.

Grandma Jie Nai frowned, was silent for a while, and sighed:”It seems that another delicious gift from nature has disappeared forever.”

She covered her face with one hand, and memories emerged in her mind.

“I remember the first time I had Century Soup was when Kojiro brought it back from the Ice Hell.”

“That taste…I still remember it……”

Hong Yi took out Wang Lujian, opened the King’s Treasure, took out the gourmet box, and explained with a smile:”The Century Soup has indeed dried up. The gourmet display window has been squeezed for hundreds and thousands of years, and the ingredients have long been exhausted, but I successfully brought back the last Century Soup!”


“Century soup, you brought it back!”

Grandma Jie Nai was startled, turned around abruptly, and saw the gorgeous aurora reflected above the food box, and nodded excitedly.[]

“It’s the Century Soup, the authentic one!”

Hong Yi said,”Take the bowls, let’s taste the last Century Soup together.”

Tansuo Hui was the most diligent, and quickly brought a few bowls from the kitchen and placed them on the wooden table.

Hong Yi opened the food box, divided the Century Soup evenly, and poured it into each bowl. The crystal clear soup was even more transparent than air and water, and it was not visible in the bowl at all.

Only the aurora above the bowl, like a curtain, told everyone that there was indeed something in the bowl.

“smell good”

“Just smelling the smell makes me want to drink it.”

“This… this taste is even stronger than the rainbow fruit!”

“What a delicious soup! Is this the delicacy that only appears once a century, cooked by nature?”

Several women gathered around the table and exclaimed in amazement.

Grandma Jie Nai smiled and said,”I remember the first time I drank the century soup, the food demon almost ran out of me.”

“”Little girls, your concentration is pretty good.”

Hong Yi smiled. Anyway, they didn’t have any gourmet demons in their bodies.

However, even without gourmet cells and gourmet demons, the rich aroma of the Century Thick Soup was still tempting, making everyone drool and want to taste it impatiently.

“This is the last soup of the century. After drinking it, the soup extracted from the food display window is gone.”

“If we want to reproduce the soup of the century, we can only rely on you to reproduce it”

“My partners, do you have confidence?”

Hong Yi asked seriously and in a heavy tone.

Nakiri Erina snorted and said confidently:”Hey, Hong Yi, who are you doubting? I am the tongue of God!” Kobayashi Ryudan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs:”I am the second seat Kobayashi Ryudan.”

Mito Yumei crossed her arms and smiled:”Although I am good at meat dishes, I will work hard.”

Arato Hisako said:”��Do your best”

“Well… the juniors are all working so hard, I have to work harder too.~”


Tadokoro Megumi raised her hand and answered weakly:”I am not Hong Yi’s partner yet, but I will do my best to replicate it.”

Akane Kubo Momo stuck out her tongue:”Xiao Xiong, can you make a dessert with the flavor of Century Soup?” Nakiri Erina looked at Hong Yi and answered seriously:”Hong Yi, as your partner, as long as you want to eat it, we will try our best to replicate it!”

Hong Yi laughed from the bottom of his heart, put his hands together, and said loudly:”I’m starting!”

“I’m going to eat!”

The other women also put their hands together, and with gratitude, they scooped up the authentic Century Thick Soup with a spoon and put it into their mouths.


“It tastes so good!”

“It is indeed very similar to the century thick soup that Grandma Jie Nai reproduced. It is extremely clear and transparent, yet rich and mellow.”

“It feels so silky and refreshing. There is indeed a difference between the authentic and imitation (good) soups.”

“Hehehehe, delicious”

“Once you drink this soup, you will never forget it.”

“Hey——Yu Mei, Secretary, your smiles are so obscene!”

“Miss, your smile is also!!”

“How did you all become like this?”

“Ahhh, help me, you guys are all laughing so obscenely!”

“Although drinking this soup will make you smile obscenely, I still want to drink it!”

Hong Yi tasted the Century Soup carefully, and when he saw the beautiful girls with”obscene smiles”, he couldn’t help laughing.

If they took a picture with their mobile phone, it would definitely be a black history for their whole life.

Even the queen of tsundere, Erina Nakiri, was smiling obscenely, and the curve of her mouth couldn’t be suppressed no matter how hard she tried.

Of course.

After all, she was a beautiful girl, and her smile was not as exaggerated as the obscene smiles of Alu and Xiaosong after drinking the Century Soup.

“Wait, why isn’t Hong Yi’s smile obscene?”

“Yes, it’s very strange!”

Hong Yi replied with a smile:”I didn’t smile obscenely because I am strong enough and have stronger control over my body.”

“Then…then why is Granny Setsuno’s smile so vulgar?!”


Hong Yi turned his head and saw the big face of Grandma Jie Nai, who was laughing uncontrollably and couldn’t hold it back.

A kind and gentle old lady laughed like a comedian.



Xiaosong and Alu laughed too obscenely, hahaha, they turned into gorilla faces. In order to avoid being distorted, I found a picture of the heroines laughing, which is definitely not obscene.

Then I saw a reader asking about the gender of Moyun Teng.


, I originally thought that when I collect mounts, I would talk about all pets being female, but I didn’t expect that someone would consider the gender of plants. Flowers have stamens and pistils, but I don’t know about vines. I will say it in advance that the pets around the protagonist are all female by default. If Moyun Teng has a gender… it is also a female vine (covering face)..

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