Ayako worked hard during the day, and it was Xiatian’s turn to work hard at night.

Xiatian almost lost half his life to thank Ayako for successfully transferring the children. Who would have thought that the fleshy fruit could be used in this way. It really taught him a lot of new postures.

Xiatian got up from the bed at noon.

He glanced at his phone and saw that it was Children’s Day on June 1st.

Xiaoyou was sitting on the sofa, and Tom and Jerry were playing on TV. From time to time, her silly laughter could be heard. Even little Binchotan thought she was childish.

She had stopped watching Tom and Jerry a long time ago. Pukashuu was still more interesting.

Xiaoqian was sitting on the sofa opposite her, reading a book in her hand, but she looked up from time to time, as if to prevent others from getting close.

At this time, Xiatian walked out of the room with a stack of money in his hand:”Wages are paid! Wages are paid!”

“” Huh?”

Xiao Qian quickly closed the book and looked at Xia Tian.

Xiao You also turned his eyes away from the TV when he heard the word”salary”, looked up at Xia Tian, and then looked at the calendar at”730″, with a confused look on his face:”Xiao Qian, did we oversleep? It was just May 7th a few days ago. I remember it clearly when Binchotan had his birthday. How come today is the 1st?”

“Have we been working for a month?”

“No way, I definitely didn’t eat 90 meals a day.”

Xia Tian shook his head, not knowing how to explain. He guessed that the birth of the Death God elementary school student caused the time disorder.

“Less than a month has passed, and today is Children’s Day. Xiao Binchotan’s salary is paid in advance, just as a celebration of Happy Children’s Day.” Xia Tian said as he counted out six 10,000-yuan bills,”Tantan, you’ve worked for three weeks, and your salary plus the commission from selling things is a total of 60,000 Dan, don’t spend it carelessly”

“So much small change!”Little Binchotan was stunned, and her hands were at a loss. She had never earned so much money before. She almost forgot about the fact that she had a salary. She was fed three meals a day by her brother, and she didn’t need money.

“Brother, did you calculate wrong?”

“”You calculated correctly. You saw my brother selling things. Business is booming.” Xia Tian smiled. He really didn’t give more this time.

When he was recruiting helpers, he gave a low basic salary, but the commission was high. He could earn 10 Dan for selling a steamed bun, and 1,000 would make 10,000 Dan.

“Tantan, do you want to take this much money yourself or do you want your brother to save it for you?”

“Brother, can I take 10,000 dan to buy things?”

Little Binchotan has already thought about it. In the afternoon, she will ask Sister Xiaoyou to take her out to buy things for Mother Duck, Aunt Eagle of Skybus, and Grandpa Turtle……

“Of course, this is all your money, you can spend it however you want, and I will save the rest for you.”

Xia Tian nodded and took out 10,000 Dan and gave it to the little guy, who was so happy that he jumped silly with the frog wallet in his hand. His big smiling face was almost crooked with laughter. It was really a blessing to work for his brother. He was busy for only one or two hours every day, and he could get such a high salary with three meals a day…….

She felt that this kind of life was better than Miss Lu Tan’s.

Xiao Qian and Xiao You sat on the sofa, looking at the little guy with envy.

Unexpectedly, Xia Tian was about to leave after giving out the money, and Xiao You was anxious.

“Boss, what about us?”

“You?” Xia Tian looked at her in astonishment, frowned, thought for a moment and said,”I remember Xiao Qian said that you are all over 18 years old, adults don’t celebrate Children’s Day.”

“so……”Xiao You looked at the Fukuzawa Yukichi in Xia Tian’s hand again, then at the calendar on the wall, and finally at the refrigerator. He swallowed and his expression darkened,”We have to work for a full month before we get paid?”

“Yes! What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, I just said I didn’t eat 90 meals!” Xiao You pretended to be calm and drank water tactically,”That broken calendar is definitely broken.……”

“Oh. From now on, we can count the days without looking at the calendar. Xia Tian nodded. He found her pitiful appearance a little funny, so he added,”I thought you wanted to pay the salary in advance.”

“Eh? ?” Xiao You’s eyes suddenly lit up, and his sickly look suddenly came back to life. He stared at Xia Tian with sparkling eyes,”Can it still be like this?”

“Yes, but why do you need the money? Food and drink are provided, and clothes are also bought. Do you also want to leave the social etiquette?” Xia Tian looked over in confusion.

“”Uh.” Xiao You was stunned for a moment, secretly glanced at the refrigerator, then quickly retracted his gaze and said,”I’m just afraid of what might happen? Maybe someone will have a birthday in two days, and it would be so embarrassing if we don’t have money to buy a gift.……”

“The birthdays of the people you know, such as Yukino, Tuanzi, and the Great Teacher, have all passed, so you don’t need to buy them any presents.” Xia Tian had a blank expression on his face, wanting to see how Xiao You would act.

“Oh, that’s it… Boss, you’re not a girl, you don’t understand. We need some private….That’s what private money is, right?” Xiao You racked his brains to think of a reason. Thanks to watching TV a lot these days,

“Oh my, all your secret money has come out. Tell me the truth, what do you want to buy with the money?” Xia Tian looked into her eyes.

After staring at each other for less than a second, Xiao You gave up.

Helplessly, she said,”Boss, I want to buy canned saury and Coke with the money.”

Xia Tian nodded in understanding and turned to ask,”So you spent all the money from secretly selling breakfast?”

Xiao You was shocked,”Ah? What money from selling breakfast?””

“Still playing dumb!”

“I don’t understand what you are saying0.”

“The staff meal has 4 steamed buns every day. You don’t eat them yourself, but sell them to other students.”

“I don’t!”

“I have witnesses.”

“Don’t slander good people out of thin air!”

“……”Xia Tian was so angry that she laughed. She looked at Xiao You, who was so stubborn that she was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.”The uncle who bought milk said that you bought his milk and bread for breakfast, saying that you are stupid for eating bread instead of delicious steamed buns.”

“That uncle is a traitor?!!”

Xiao You was stunned, and then she reacted for a long time, muttering with a face full of grievance,”I’m not stupid, Shaomai is so expensive, I can eat breakfast for two days with one, and bread can fill me up anyway.”

She still feels that she is very smart for that operation.

Xia Tian shook her head helplessly:”Sanma is a pickled food, eat less”

“……”Xiao You’s face froze for a moment before he continued,”But it’s delicious… I only eat three a day.”

“Three? From now on, one at most every three days”

“Eat two a day”

“Three articles in two days.” (To read exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

“One post a day, no more!”

“”Okay!” Seeing that Xia Tian was already frowning, Xiao Yousheng agreed without any hope.

“I haven’t eaten yet,” he said with a pitiful look,”Boss, please pay us in advance! We are also children. In our world, those who are not married are considered children. Please have pity on us. I haven’t eaten saury and drank Coke for a few days on a business trip. If I continue like this in the afternoon, I’m afraid I won’t make it to tonight! Please have pity on me.”……”

“Who did you learn this acting from? Your feet must be very smelly!”

“I am serious about 2.1……”

“Here, here, here, two older children, it’s the beginning of the month to get paid, just kidding……”



Xiao You was as happy as a 200-month-old child. Even Xiao Binchotan couldn’t bear to look at his useless appearance.

“Salary plus commission 50,000 Dan minus your overdrawn salary, there are still 100 Dan left, take it quickly.”

Xia Tian smiled and took out a banknote of the smallest denomination from his hand.

Someone who was jumping stopped abruptly, turned his head in disbelief, and looked at the 100 Dan and was instantly petrified

“Hehe, don’t be sad, sister Xiaoyou, I have money, take me to the supermarket to buy things, I love you to eat saury and drink Coke”

“Xiaotan, are you serious?”


“Come on, I’ll take you there now.”

“Asshole, don’t let Tan Tan drink too much carbonated drinks….”

“Know it~”

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