The only thing he could do was to ask the boy to come to him.

"You...Uchiha Luo?"

Hyuga Neji didn't fall asleep that night. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He kept repeating Uchiha Luo's name, trying to make himself understand what the other party meant.

However, he suddenly felt that he was in a trance, and then he came to a space full of fog.

The only little bit of light enveloped him two or three meters away. The boy standing in front of him at this time was Uchiha Luo as a boy.

"Well, you don't sleep at night. What do you want to say by calling me?"

A Luo put his hands in his pockets, looked at the dumbfounded Hyuga Neji, and urged him to hurry up and say what he had to say.

It was almost dawn. If he didn't sleep all night, he wouldn't be able to go out tomorrow morning.

Although it's not a big problem not to sleep, the old ancestor has been watching closely recently. If I don't rest well, he will complain to Sasuke...

"What did you mean during the day? You know about my parents and how to solve this..."

Hyuga Neji raised his finger and tapped his forehead.

At this moment, he realized that there was no forehead protector on his forehead, nor the cloth strips used to cover the mark of the caged bird. His finger just touched the skin of his forehead directly.

The sudden touch made Neji's fingers slowly clench, and some memories were awakened again.

The father who was tortured by the caged bird controlled by Hyuga Hiashi and rolled on the ground in pain...

That feeling of despair, every time I recall it, hatred and despair are intertwined.

"I have been weak since I was a child, but I can leave my body, so I have seen a lot..."

A Luo pointed to himself now. This is obviously not the state of a living person, so it is easy for Hyuga Neji to see whether what he said is true or false.

This is the transformation space created by Luo with his spiritual power when he appeared in front of Ningci just now. If everything goes well in the future, he will be placed in it after catching the three-tailed beast.

Now, it will be used as a place for him and Ningci to chat occasionally, or a training ground where Ningci will not be discovered 100%.

Although it is only consciousness that comes in for training, some combat skills that need to be developed, some ideas and developments, all need to be understood before they can be tried.

"What did you see?"

Hyuga Neji was not sure, but after careful observation, he found that Luo really had no trace of chakra, so he believed what he said.

Moreover, he didn't care about Luo now, he just wanted to know why his family had to suffer so much pain!

"Wait a minute, I'll sort it out and show you..."

Luo didn't want to tell it, so after spending a few points to let the system sort out some of the required fragments, he opened the three-magatama Sharingan in front of Hyuga Neji.

It's good to have a Sharingan. If there is anything that is difficult to explain in the future, it can be said to be the ability of the Sharingan.


Hinata Neji only looked at him, and in an instant he saw his childhood.

Because the picture he saw showed his childhood, he quickly realized that this was A Luo's perspective.

Seeing the little boy being held in his parents' arms, laughing and making noises, coaxing him to play, Neji couldn't help but shed tears.

Once, when he was very young, he was also happy.

A few short pictures jumped to the day of Hinata Hinata's birthday.

Seeing the little boy being led by his father out of the house, his forehead, which had not yet been engraved with the mark of the bird in the cage, made his heart gradually tighten with the movement of his footsteps.

It was this day, he clearly remembered that all the changes came from this day!

Seeing the little boy being asked to go on the field and fight against the eldest lady Hinata Hinata, he tried to shout that little self not to go, but he couldn't make a sound.

Everything developed as he remembered. The strength he showed made Hinata Hiashi frown, and the eyes of the elders around him became more and more dangerous.

This time, his sight did not follow him, but when he went out to comfort Hinata as a child, his sight now followed the elders and the clan leader and came to a room he had never seen before.

Here, he saw Hinata Hiashi with a cold face, saying that he would carve the mark of a bird in a cage for him today.

He saw his father kneeling on the ground, asking for a few days later to give him some preparation time...

Unfortunately, his father's kneeling and crying only got the elders' cold eyes and scolding, and the clan leader raised his hand to make a seal, causing his father to be tortured to wail constantly.


The clips after that disappeared, and he guessed that Luo had returned home, so he didn't know the subsequent part.

Then, he saw that at night, a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village snatched Hinata Hyuga, and Hyuga Hiashi chased him and rescued Hinata at that time.

The subsequent clips were a bit messy. Sometimes it was Hyuga Hiashi and the elders meeting, sometimes it was the office of the Third Hokage, and there was another part where his father was tortured for a long time and was forced to write a letter on his knees.

As his eyes got closer, he saw his father writing words painfully. The content of the letter was completely different from what happened in fact.

Now he can understand why his father wrote this letter, because only by writing it and leaving this letter for Hyuga Hiashi to show him in the future can he have a chance to live.

His father predicted that he would hate, and Hyuga Hiashi naturally knew it.

So his father begged them not to hurt him and his mother, saying that as long as he had this letter, as a child, he would become the best weapon to protect the family and Miss Hinata...

Only by becoming a weapon to protect the Miss was he allowed to survive, and this was the last effort his father could make.

The memory fragments disappeared again, and each fragment lasted only one or two hours. Although Ningci wanted to know what happened next, he also knew that Uchiha Luo was only three years old at that time, and it might be the limit for his soul to see these things.

Next, his father would be sent away by the Hyuga clan and Konoha as an apology, and then there would be the corpse...

These did not appear in front of him. The next scene was still in the Hyuga clan's clan territory. There was a corpse on the floor of the room. Next to the corpse was Hyuga Hiashi, who was coldly checking some text notes, and several elders of the Hyuga family.

Looking at the smooth foreheads of the elders, Hyuga Ningci once again felt how ironic it was to have a caged bird on his forehead.

This time, his eyes did not look at the corpse on the ground. He wanted to take a look but could not control it.

Until he heard the conversation between Hyuga Hiashi and the elders of the Hyuga family, his heart suddenly felt empty.

The body on the ground was because he was still resentful of his father's death, and was killed because of his resentment. In the end, it was announced that he died of illness. His mother...

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