"So cool!!"

Natsu's eyes lit up when he saw this move.

Gray's mouth twitched and said:"No, this should be very scary!"

Both Laxus and Lu Li have shown strength far beyond theirs. They may not be able to survive a single move in the hands of the two.

Especially Lu Li, this pervert. He actually learned and applied it in battle.

He could understand why Laxus was so angry.

What could be more frustrating than being defeated by his own magic.

In comparison, he would rather Lu Li defeat him with the uncle's magic or the president's magic, as long as it is not Natsu's magic.



Lu Li and Laxus started together, and the two of them rushed towards each other at high speed, and the ground they passed by exploded.

Boom boom boom boom!!

The two people fought fiercely with their fists and feet, and the impact caused by the collision of magic power made everyone terrified.

Only then did they know why Lu Li and Laxus could become S-class wizards of the Fairy Tail Guild. The strength of the two people was much stronger than that of ordinary wizards in the guild.

Gildarts was also very surprised:"Are young people nowadays so energetic?"

Laxus was getting more and more impatient with Lu Li's failure to defeat him. A mere brat actually used fake magic to fight him on equal terms.

This was a great humiliation for him.

Lu Li was very happy at this moment. He enjoyed this kind of fight the most.

In his previous life, due to various legal reasons, if you were beaten, if you fought back, it was called mutual fighting. If you hurt the other party, you had to pay compensation.

Life was already difficult, and you had to pay compensation, which was like adding insult to injury.

The best way was to do nothing, let the other party beat you, and then do an injury assessment and wait for the money.

You got the money, but your dignity was gone.

As a man, If you don't fight back when you get beaten, you are just a coward.

In this world, you don't need to care about those things. You just fight hard when you should fight, and kill when you should kill. The strong are the kings. This is the world he longs for.

Lu Li became more and more excited as he fought. Unconsciously, his strength and speed began to increase gradually.

This increase made Laxus gradually fall into a disadvantage.

He was actually suppressed by this brat, which made Laxus immediately intolerable.


Laxus grabbed Lu Li's fist.


Almost at this moment, a golden lightning magic circle appeared under Lu Li's feet.

The lightning magic circle created golden lightning to trap Lu Li.

"Boy, you can't escape now!"

【You observed the lightning array, you have a supernatural comprehension, and you have comprehended the lightning array.

Although he was trapped, Lu Li was not panicked at all. On the contrary, he was very happy to learn this new way of using lightning.

Laxus raised his right fist high and chanted a spell:

"The roar that resounded through the sky was the cry of summoning thunder and lightning, which came down from the sky and turned everything into ashes."

【You have observed the raging waves of thunder and lightning, and you have gained a supernatural understanding of the raging waves of thunder and lightning.

Lu Li also raised his right fist high and chanted a spell:


What resounded through the sky was the roar of summoning thunder and lightning, which came down from the sky and turned everything into ashes.———A large amount of lightning gathered above Lu Li and Laxus' heads.

In a blink of an eye, the lightning cloud formed a huge, dazzling lightning ball with a diameter of about five meters.

"No way!"

"Are they serious?!"

Everyone in Fairy Tail was shocked. The magic power contained in the lightning ball was very terrifying. If it really hit someone, it would be fatal.

Gildarts looked at Makarov. Makarov was also a little worried, but he did not choose to stop him. Lu Li's magic power should be able to withstand it, and Laxus could dodge it if he dodged.

"Thunder and raging waves!!"

""Thunder pressure raging waves!!"

The two shouted together, and the thunder ball above Laxus' head fell towards Laxus.

At this moment, Laxus laughed:"Hahahaha! Brat! You actually want to use lightning magic to knock me down!!"

Laxus raised his head, opened his mouth and sucked the thunder ball fiercely, and all the thunder balls were swallowed into his mouth.


"Laxus ate the lightning?!!"

Everyone in the guild was shocked when they saw this scene.

"This... This isn't... Natsu's……"

"Dragon Slayer Magic!!!"

They had all seen the magic that could devour other people's magic, that was Natsu's Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, which could devour flame magic.

Laxus's appearance was almost the same as Natsu's swallowing of flames, but the difference was that Natsu swallowed flames, while Laxus swallowed lightning.

""Fall down!"

A huge ball of lightning fell towards Lu Li.

Lu Li looked up at the falling ball of lightning without any fear at this moment, and his eyes showed excitement.


The dazzling lightning ball engulfed Lu Li's body, followed by a terrifying explosion.

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