How can he be resurrected after being killed? This is cheating. No, this is not cheating anymore.

【Shanahui:"Doesn't that mean Lu Li has no chance of winning?"

Shanahui was a little worried. If the gods could always be resurrected, how could they fight?

【Whitebeard:"There must be some limits, right?"

Whitebeard was also shocked by the power of this god. The power of the God of Disobedience seemed to be not much different from that of the Four Emperors.

But this numerous and complex power was indeed a bit tricky.

【Erica:"Yes! Resurrection will consume a lot of divine power, and there is also a cooling time. As long as you kill him within the cooling time, the god will not be resurrected."】

After taking a few deep breaths, Veleslana looked at Lu Li:"What kind of magic is that?"

Lu Li:"'Dragon Transformation' is a magic I created that can transform people into dragons."

Veleslana's pupils shrank when he heard Lu Li's words.

The magic he created was also a magic that could transform humans into dragons.

Dragons, whether in Eastern mythology or Western mythology, are extremely powerful beasts. They are the life that stands at the top of all beasts.

Each dragon has god-level power. The top dragon can be called the Dragon God. It is a powerful being that stands at the top of the pyramid among all gods. What shocked him the most was the magic that Lu Li said he created.

Such a young boy actually created such a terrifying magic. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe it.

But now it's not his turn to not believe it. The other party has forced him to merge the nine incarnations and even killed him once. There are only a handful of gods who can force him to this point.

This is enough to prove that everything the other party said is true.

"I have to admit that I underestimated you. Your strength is beyond my expectations."

"Next, to express my respect for you, I will use all my strength!"


Veleslana merged his tenth incarnation, 'Warrior with a Golden Sword'.

Activating this incarnation allows one to see through the opponent's actions. Then, a golden blade appeared in Veleslana's hand.

【Erica:"That sword... could it be……"】

【Toosaka Rin:"What happened to that sword?"】

【Erica:"The Golden Sword, that sword has the power to sever the divine nature, it can strip the divine nature from God and make God become something other than God."】

After starting this posture, Veleslana's confidence returned to its peak:

"I always want to be defeated, but I can never be defeated. It’s all because I am the strongest!"

"And now you can force me to use all my strength!"

"I'm really excited!"

"Human! Please make me happier!!"

The sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, as if responding and confirming what Veleslana said.

【Erica:"Not good! Lu Li, run away!"

Erica shouted nervously. This was the true attitude of the Eastern God of War. Before, Lu Li could barely fight Veleslana, who had integrated eight incarnations, on equal terms, and even killed him once.

But this time, the opponent had integrated ten incarnations, and his strength had increased a lot. Lu Li had no chance of winning at all.

However, Lu Li had already closed the chat group at this time, and now he couldn't see it at all.

Lu Li didn't get nervous when he saw Veleslana had integrated ten incarnations. Instead, he said with a smile on his face:"The strongest? What a tempting word!"

"Since you have already given your all, if I don't give my all, wouldn't that be looking down on you?"

"Second magic source! Open!!!"


A terrifying red magic power rose from Lu Li's body, and the dense dark clouds in the sky were dispersed by this magic power.

The sun's rays shone through the clouds onto Lu Li's body.

Lu Li's magic power suddenly doubled.

That's right, not one-tenth, but doubled.

After using the meditation method, Lu Li found that the second magic source was not fixed in size, but could continue to grow.

Just like humans, growing from children to adults, and finally as tall as adults.

Now Lu Li's second magic source is almost the same size as the first magic source.

On weekdays, Lu Li can use the first magic source to deal with anything.

Only when he is practicing will he open the dual magic sources, but that is just to use the magic source to absorb the magic power in the air and convert the magic power in the air into his own magic power.

It is just to open the most basic ability of the magic source.

This is the first time he really opened the first and second magic sources and used them in battle.

The powerful magic power surging in his body also made Lu Li's confidence reach its peak.

Facing the bright sunshine, Lu Li pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, posing in a handsome pose.

"I am the only one who is supreme in heaven and on earth."

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