The moonlight was soft, and Guinevere looked up at Altria who had just mounted her warhorse.

Not long after Su Bai left,

Altria, who had eaten her fill, had no intention of resting.

The scouts outside the city had been trying to find out the enemy's movements.

She knew that small groups of enemies were constantly harassing nearby villages.

However, the city's defense force was insufficient.

She could only stay on the front line as much as possible to stabilize the defense line and prevent nearby villages from being harassed further.

"It’s so late, are you still going to go to the battle?"


The moonlight reflected Altria's cold eyes.

The girlish look that she had shown when she was enjoying the food before had already disappeared.

Only the nobility and coldness of the Knight King remained.

Just as Su Bai knew the story.

When Altria drew out the holy sword, her gentle and sunny side began to melt like ice and snow and gradually disappeared.

As a king, such a weak thing does not need to be

"What are you going to do? I mean, the prophecy of the elven knight."

Guinevere lifted her skirt and stopped beside the warhorse.

She looked up at Altria with eyes still full of admiration.

She still had a faint longing for the heroic Knight King in front of her, even though she knew that the other party was a daughter.

However, she knew it very well.

This longing was still based on the premise that the Knight King was a man...

She just hadn't fully accepted the fact that Altria was a girl.

Just this kind of self-deception seemed to be enough to show how heavy a blow this fact would be to her.

Fortunately, they did not hold a wedding at the moment.

Everything could still be saved.

"Wait until this war is over before making a decision……"

Altria gave her answer.

She could sense the subtle changes in Guinevere.

At the same time, she also fully understood Su Bai's prediction.

She had thought too simply, basing her plan on Guinevere's sacrifice. Such a unilateral decision was really against the spirit of chivalry and too despicable.

Altria then solemnly added:

"Anyway, I respect your choice, Guinevere"


【After the main quest of Act III began, two and a half days had passed.

Except for a direct confrontation at the beginning.

In the following time, players could only go out to find prey by themselves.

However, the Ansa pirates who roamed around the nearby villages like guerrilla warfare were unexpectedly cunning.

Players often missed and wasted their energy in vain. When they were even more unlucky, they were attacked by their opponents and suffered losses in vain.

Gradually, most players began to change their strategies. Many players tried to inquire about information from the soldiers in the castle, and even obtained equipment.

The key problem that had troubled many players before, the language barrier, was gradually solved.

Although most players' English was not very good, after a long time, they gradually knew how to express simple meanings.

In addition, because the players were regarded as elves, and elves loyal to the Knight King, most of the soldiers guarding the city had a good attitude towards the players.

As long as the players sought help in order to kill the enemy, they would try their best to provide information within their capacity.

Until the third day, news finally came from the front line.

"The invaders' army has landed and assembled in the north, and they are rushing towards Camelot!"

The war has finally arrived.

A lot of native knights have also gathered to help Camelot from other places.

Although these knights are not the main force under the Knight King, they are enough to deal with the invaders from the north.

"Our goal is very simple, just kill as many enemies as possible."

Following the army out of the city, Su Bai didn't say much, but his teammates understood.

From the experience of the first act, the top-ranked teams never have to worry about the penalty mechanism.

So it's right to accumulate points.

In a blink of an eye.

When the two armies faced off, a battle with no technical content kicked off under the command of Artoria.

It was basically a blocking battle, and Artoria took the lead.

She rushed into the enemy camp, and other knights, soldiers, and players followed closely behind.

Because of the armor concealing his true identity, Su Bai did not conceal his true combat effectiveness at all. He madly attacked the enemy's front line on the battlefield, so brave that even Artoria looked in his direction from time to time.

Some players who noticed Su Bai were also dumbfounded.

"How come this person is so powerful!"

"Which class is he from?"

"Class A?"

"Is there such a strong guy in Class A?"

"Oh my god! Did he get some special item? How could he be so powerful?"

"He must have got a special item. I feel his fighting power is even higher than that of the Knight King!"

The strange thing is that almost everyone attributed Su Bai's strength to the dungeon item.

Few people thought that Su Bai was already very strong.

If the armor enhancement on Su Bai is taken into account, it is indeed a dungeon item enhancement.

But even without this armor, he can still achieve such a dazzling result.


The battle ended in the evening.

The defeated army of the Ansa invaders only managed to escape with less than half of their ships.

Countless soldiers were killed and wounded.

Their idea of taking advantage of Camelot's weakness to inflict a heavy blow on King Arthur was completely thwarted, and after this battle, it would be difficult for them to regroup.

Of course, these things are not important to the players.

When the battle was declared over, the players' communicators displayed the message that [Act 2] was over.

Just like the last time, Act 2 will end completely in 6 hours.

The players will be teleported back to the round table space.

"My points are over 60,000."

When the team was resting in a corner, Su Bai began to count the team's total points.

When he reported his points, everyone looked at him like a monster.

"Captain, did you keep your strength during the first two copies of the reincarnation?"

Takina expressed everyone's thoughts.

"No, I just haven't encountered an opponent that requires me to go all out."

Su Bai's basic attributes are still a mystery in everyone's eyes.

But since Su Bai didn't take the initiative to say it, they all tacitly didn't ask.

Anyway, just hold on to Su Bai's thighs, why think so much

"The rest of us have a total of more than 15,000 points.

Qian Shu told Su Bai the result of the statistics.

"I should be the first.……"

Su Bai muttered, although he didn't know the scores of other teams yet.

But based on their performance on the battlefield at that time, there shouldn't be any particularly outstanding players.

"Unfortunately, the side quest was not triggered. When I was attacked by Morgan before, I was wondering if I was going to trigger other plots.……"

Su Bai sat down and said as if chatting

"Is it possible that there is no side quest in this instance? When I eavesdropped on other teams' conversations, I didn't hear any information about side quests."

Karuizawa Hui whispered

"Maybe, damn, I even tried to build a good relationship with Daimao...Knight King, but it was useless."

Just as Su Bai was complaining, a crow with a faint magical aura flew away quietly from a treetop in the distance.

Like Su Bai and his team, other teams also looked for places to stay and began to summarize their points.

However, the atmosphere in Su Bai's team was completely different. With the lesson of the first scene, the atmosphere in most teams was turbulent.

Everyone was on guard.

At this moment, in the team where Kitagawa Umi was

"You all heard about it, right? It seems that the rewards and penalties for this main mission will be determined based on personal points.……"

There are girls whispering.

Ever since she made a deal with Su Bai and their team last time, Kitagawa Umi clearly felt that someone in the team had been spying on and observing her.

Even just now on the battlefield, she was tripped by a teammate.

It was this accident that caused her arm to be injured.

In the subsequent battles, she could only hide far behind and wait for the opportunity to finish off the enemy before she could go forward to grab the head.

The result was naturally that she didn't kill many enemies.

Even the weakest girl in the team seemed to perform better than her in the last battle.

It must be pointed out that direct attacks on teammates or other players are not allowed.

According to the rules, if you injure another player's eyes, your eyes will also suffer the same damage.

But this rule obviously has loopholes. As long as you don't directly hurt other players, it will be judged as an accident. For example, the time Kitagawa Umi was tripped can only be regarded as an accident.

No one will be punished by the mechanism for this.

"Kitagawa-san, it's time to count the points. How many points do you have?"

A boy came over and asked Kitagawa Umi.

Others gathered around.

Everyone had just reported their points.

The lowest score was 300 or 400.

This time, because of the regular army led by Altria, they withstood the strongest enemy, and the pressure on the players was greatly reduced. In addition, they had prepared for a few days.

Therefore, some players with weaker strength also made great gains.

"My points... 350 points."

Kitagawa Kaimeng forced a smile despite the pain from the injury.

He showed the contents of his communicator.

It clearly showed 350 points. In fact, when the points were counted, quite a few people only reported verbally and did not show their communicators.

The points on the communicator could not be faked. It was not certain that the points were reported verbally.

"If we include the teammates who have returned to the round table space, our team's total score should be around 6,000 to 7,000 points.……"

This total score seems to be very good.

In fact, it is very good.

Because the team next door, where Kasumigaoka Utaha is, has only about 3,500 points in total.

The atmosphere of the team that was punished and eliminated in the first act is often worse.

Just like at this time, everyone in Kasumigaoka Utaha's team was silent.

Even when reporting their own points, they were all alert.

It didn't look like a team at all, but a werewolf killing scene full of intrigue.

Kato Megumi also took advantage of the other teammates not paying attention and said to Eriri and Kasumigaoka Utaha.

"I lied when I reported the points just now, what about you guys?"

It wasn't just Kato Megumi who was on guard.

Kasumigaoka Utaha and Eriri had discussed the points issue privately before.

So when they reported the points just now, they both reported 100 points less to leave a margin for themselves.

It's unknown whether other teammates concealed their real points.


There were 3 hours left before the end of [Act 2].

Su Bai was found by Altria again and sent to the palace.

The greedy Knight King once again encouraged Su Bai to cook a delicious meal for her. During the meal, Su Bai accidentally mentioned the previous encounter with Morgan.

"Were you attacked by the Queen?"

Altria put down the food in her hand, her expression full of seriousness and coldness.

"But she didn't want to kill me, she wanted to knock me out."

Su Bai recalled the scene at that time.

After he fell into the magic illusion, Morgan's illusion used a hypnotic attack on him.

I guess she wanted to knock him out and then put him away in a sack.

"" I'm sorry, I put you in danger."

Altria looked at the food in her hand and thought, could it be that her sister chose to persecute Su Bai because of the food he made?

���That makes sense!

If you want to eat, just sit down and share. Why do you have to hit Su Bai?

I have to say that when it comes to food, Altria's brain circuits become a little strange.

"It's okay, she didn't succeed anyway……"

Su Bai really didn't care about being attacked.

He just wanted to know if there was any hidden plot. Even if there was no hidden plot, he had to know what Morgan's purpose was, so that he could use it in the third act.


""I'm sorry, I don't know what she wants to do either."

Altria replied apologetically.

She also had a gloomy face, thinking about various possibilities.

"I don't know, so forget it."

Su Bai didn't intend to embarrass Artoria, but followed the trend and asked,"How do you plan to deal with Guinevere?"

According to the original plan, after the war with the northern invaders was over, Artoria would hold a grand banquet, celebrate for seven days, and marry a princess...

But now

"Postponed, or rather, cancelled."The one who answered this question was Guinevere.

She was also present.

After getting the answer, Su Bai looked at Altria.

"Yes, it's cancelled."

Artoria started to put the food into her mouth again, and said with a cold expression:"I can't force Guinevere. As long as I am strong enough, I can make all the nobles and knights shut up. Let's discuss this issue after pacifying the whole of Britain.……"

In fact, it is hard to say whether such a plan will work.

A knight king who does not marry a princess will definitely be suspected.

But this has nothing to do with Su Bai.

He just said casually

"Am I changing the future?"


"If there are other chain reactions, don't blame me."

"……No, I won't."

Altria believed that she would not be so despicable as to blame others for her own mistakes.

The most important reason for her to make such a choice was because of Guinevere's resistance.

She worshipped the Knight King, but Guinevere really didn't want to marry a woman, and she didn't want to cause a series of tragedies.


Su Bai's time to stay here was running out.

"Originally I wanted……"

When bidding farewell to Su Bai, Artoria hesitated to speak, and finally just promised Su Bai:"I will not let the prophecy happen."

Su Bai was a little surprised. It is you who wants to protect Britain, not me. What kind of promise can you make to me?

"I hope that the next time we meet, the war on this land will be completely over, and then we can sit down and have a drink."

Altria said with a smile


When the time came, the scene in front of Su Bai changed rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, he returned to the round table space.

【Your team's final ranking is 1. For this main mission, teams ranked 35 and above can choose rewards……】

At the same time, in Eriri and Kasumigaoka's team, the information prompts on their communicators showed another screen.

【Yours���The ranking of the team is 52nd...

This punishment will be based on the last-place elimination system, and the player with the lowest score in the team will be automatically eliminated (if the scores are the same, two or more people will be eliminated at the same time).

You have 10 minutes to trade team points.

It is reasonable, but unexpected.

At this moment, all 12 people in the round table space tensed up, and the atmosphere suddenly became so solemn that it was hard to breathe.

After a long time, someone spoke up.

"Only the guy with the lowest points can be sacrificed. That's the rule.……"

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