The strange and oppressive atmosphere made everyone around the round table feel like they had difficulty breathing.

In the duel arena, everyone had considered the possible punishment for the mission.

But no one could have imagined that the punishment mechanism would be like this.

By voting, one person in the team would be killed...

No matter who was voted out, it was equivalent to being killed by the rest of the team.

This mechanism was simply the best irony of the hypocritical atmosphere in the team before.

"Everyone, stop being stunned. Time is limited. If you don't vote, everyone will die."

The person who just spoke spoke again, this time with more anxiety in his tone.

There was a countdown on their communicator.

There was only 10 minutes of voting time in total, and now there were only more than eight minutes left.

If no one voted, it would be equivalent to everyone voting for him, and everyone would die.

"Who are the people who have never won a single battle in the duel before?"

"That's right! Those who didn't win a single battle in the duel are just dragging us down. If everyone could win the airport duel, our team wouldn't be ranked 50th!"

"It's all because some people in our team are too weak. If they are so weak, they should die instead of others."

Gradually, some people began to point the finger at the weak in the team.

Eriri and Kasumigaoka Utaha, who sat next to each other, had tense faces.

But they were fine, including Kato Megumi, who had little presence on the other side.

The three of them had each won a duel.

If they really had to choose one person to kill based on the number of duel wins, it shouldn't be their turn.

And there were three people in the team who hadn't won a single game.

One man and two women, not including Kikyo Kushida, who had won more games, winning three games in a row before being defeated by an indigenous knight.

At this moment, when most people were pointing the finger at themselves, the three players who hadn't won a single game had already changed their faces and turned ashen.

They all spoke up to defend themselves

"You can't vote this way!"

"Kushida-san, you have to help me! Don't vote for me, I don't want to be eliminated!"

""Student Quan, I helped you massage your shoulders and legs after you won the duel in the duel arena. You can't give up on me!"

The three people were very emotional.

Some of them denounced the unfairness of the voting method, while others started to look for reinforcements.

The others didn't look very happy either.

But they became the majority of the ten people, so gradually, they showed an attitude of resting their heads and not worrying.

They began to judge the three people.

"Pick out the most useless one among the three and eliminate him. I think everyone will have no objection to this decision."

"This samsara dungeon has not yet ended. We don’t know what kind of tasks we will encounter in the future. Eliminating the weak ones will be good for our entire team."

In the middle of the discussion, a player who had lost a game immediately said excitedly:

"I am more useful than both of them! I was just unlucky and met a strong enemy in the duel field. Everyone saw it at that time! I am actually very strong! My basic strength attribute is 20 points! I can do a lot of things!"

If it weren't for the suppression of the space force, everyone could only sit in their seats.

I am afraid that the person who is talking at this moment has already jumped up.

In order to survive, the three people who were pushed out completely collapsed.

They began to blame each other and boast about their abilities.……

"Too ugly……"

Kasumigaoka Utaha, who had been silent, clenched her fists secretly.

She couldn't stay calm.

There was fear lurking deep in her heart.

This was only the first main quest of the reincarnation copy.

God knows how many main quests there are later.

How many times will the punishment scene in front of her be played out.

Her current strength is not at the top of the team.

If her luck is not good in the future, maybe the next time she is pushed out by everyone and forced to show her shameful side, she will become...

Eriri's face was even worse than hers, and her whole body was trembling.

Among the three people who were now besieged by the crowd, there was one who had a good relationship with her.

After entering the reincarnation copy, she once thought that she would make a new friend.

But now this new friend is frantically insulting and accusing the other two people in order to survive.

It has reached a hysterical state.

And she didn't even dare to say a word. She was afraid that the girl would look at her for help, and she was even more afraid of getting into trouble.……

"There is no time left, so let's choose Xiaoyuan. She has no contribution and no potential. I will vote for her."

Suddenly, a boy with strong strength in the team said in a deep voice.

The girl who was chosen was ordinary in both appearance and strength. It didn't seem unexpected to be chosen.

The others also stopped arguing because there was not much time left to choose.

Silently, they followed closely and cast their votes for that girl.


"Why vote for me! I don't want to die!"

", these bastards, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost! I curse you all to die here! I curse you!!"

After a series of roars full of resentment.

The ten-minute countdown ended, and the girl's voice stopped abruptly.

From the darkness behind her, a sharp blade suddenly stabbed out, and with a"puff", it pierced the girl's heart.

Then it slowly withdrew, and blood immediately flowed on the round table. The girl's head also hit the table weakly. Until she died, her eyes did not close, staring at everyone present like a ghost.

The atmosphere, under those eyes ,���Under the gaze of human eyes,


"The punished team must vote to have one person die.……"

"Fortunately, our team ranked in the top 20, and everyone is alive and well.

Kitagawa Umi's team consists of 12 people.

There was originally one non-student player.

But like Yang No, he was not selected this time.

In addition, if there is data statistics, the number of non-student players in this reincarnation copy is obviously very small.

【Your team is ranked 19th, so you will get the main task 1 reward. Please choose:

7 basic attribute points.

This reward can only be obtained by one person. Please vote in the team to decide which player will get the reward (if the number of votes is the same, one person will be randomly selected to get it).

The multiple-choice questions faced by the team that receives the reward are also intriguing.

Just like this time.

Kitagawa Umi's team has 12 people, and all of them are interested in this reward.

Basic attribute points are the most solid reward no matter when they are placed.

No one will dislike it.

But this reward obviously has a trap.

Whoever gets this reward can only enjoy it alone, which means that other teammates will get nothing.……

"I propose that this reward be given to Kitagawa-san!"

One girl spoke up and put forward her idea.

The other girls were not as determined as she was.

But after seeing someone take the lead, they hesitated for a while and agreed.

The number of boys and girls in the team was 50-50, both with 6 people.

The boys' ideas were obviously different.

Several people were eager for this reward.

And they gave their own reasons.

"This reward should be given to me. I won 5 consecutive games in the duel arena. I am the biggest contributor!"

"The most sensible approach is to prioritize improving the strength of the strongest member of the team. My basic attributes should be the highest in the team!"

"Let's vote. Anyway, I don't really agree with the girls' opinions. I hope to vote for us boys! This will be good for everyone!"

After a dispute, the atmosphere of the team began to become subtle.

Soon the voting began.

Kitagawa Umi finally got 5 votes and successfully got the team reward.

Because it was basic attribute points, not basic attribute books, even if she wanted to share them with others, she couldn't.

So she could only add points to herself.

As for why there were only 5 votes, the other five girls clearly agreed to vote for her just now, plus her own vote, it should be 6 votes...

Kitagawa Umi deliberately ignored this detail. They didn't talk about this topic at all, but after getting the reward, they opened their mouths to promise.

"I will work harder in the future to help the team get a better ranking, so that if there are new task rewards, I won’t compete with everyone."


The atmosphere in the team is completely different from that in other teams.

Although Su Bai, who ranks first in the team, is also facing a choice, he does not have to worry about his teammates playing tricks.

After all, even the only one who has rebelled, Yukinoshita Yukino, has already been trained to be a good girl.

【Your team is ranked first, so you will get the main task 1 reward. Please choose:

1. 1 million points, 25 basic attribute books

2. More powerful fantasy knight armor (can only be used in the copy, and all members have it, the appearance will not change)

You can only choose one of the rewards, and the team can vote to make the final decision】

"There are seven of us in total. If we really vote, we can just decide the winner.……"

Looking at the options on the communicator, Su Bai muttered casually.

On their communicator, they can see the rewards and penalties of all teams.

But other teams cannot see them.

In other words, all teams can only see the penalties and rewards received by teams ranked lower than themselves.

In fact, the penalties are the same.

The punishment received by the teams ranked lower is to vote out one person.

Therefore, in this wave alone, nearly a hundred people were completely killed.

The cruelty of the reincarnation copy is still horrifying.

""Captain, which one should we choose?"

Qian Shu asked.

Everyone was used to a wealthy life, and the two rewards looked average.

If it were another team, seeing 1 million points and 25 basic attribute books, their eyes would definitely be wide open.

Because this reward is enough to turn a player of average strength into a top-notch player.

"To be honest, I want to choose 2, but I am a little hesitant because I can't see what level the upgraded armor is."

Su Bai said the truth.

Option 1 is not very attractive to him, and it will only improve the combat effectiveness of the entire team to a limited extent.

But option 2 is different, it can make all members stronger.

"If there are other battles after this reincarnation dungeon, I will also tend to choose more powerful armor and weapons."

Ichinose said while sitting upright.

Others also expressed their ideas one by one, and basically they all tended to choose option 2.

There was no way, as they were old landlords, everyone looked down on the rewards of option 1.

"Well, then choose 2."

Su Bai nodded and finally made the decision.

By the way, he briefly talked about the information he got from Altria.

"If I heard correctly, our reincarnation dungeon has a total of [four acts]. We have just passed the first act, and there are three more main quests like this. Therefore, more powerful equipment should be what we really need in the subsequent quests.……"

There is one more thing that Su Bai did not say.

When he entered the Samsara dungeon, he saw the powerful white dragon. He wondered if it was the ultimate BOSS.

If it was, he would better strengthen his strength to avoid being defeated.

After all, he was restricted from using equipment this time. Without the Demon Sword Qianren in his hand, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

【Ding! Your team voted 7:0 and chose the second reward.]


The stream of light slowly rippled across everyone's armor.

At the same time, more powerful attributes appeared.

【Equipment Name: Illusion Knight's Armor】

【Grade: C+】

【Special effects: After being enhanced by enchantment skills, all basic attributes increase by 50%, all basic attributes increase by 24】

【Special Effect: Magic. Because of the power of magic, you don't need to eat or drink to maintain basic vitality.】

【Introduction: At any time in the second act, you can use this armor to return to the round table space and get treatment, but you will not be able to leave until the end of the second act.】

【Can it be carried out of the dungeon: No]

With the improvement of the basic level of the equipment and the improvement of the enchantment skills, the special effect strength of the armor has been improved to a higher level. Especially for people like Su Bai who already have high basic attributes.

This kind of equipment that increases the strength by percentage is simply the best.

In addition, through the previous battles in the duel field, Su Bai roughly understood the combat level of the local knights.

Simply put, the strong are strong, and the weak are weak.

A Knight of the Round Table like Kai is stronger than most players, but in front of him, they are not good enough.

And Lancelot, the strongest of the Knights of the Round Table, should be slightly weaker than him at this stage.

If Su Bai were to take back the Magic Sword Qianren, he would be confident that he could unilaterally beat the strongest knight Lancelot, but unfortunately he couldn't get it...

In addition to the knights, those magicians should not be underestimated.

Although he has not fought with magicians yet, Su Bai vaguely feels that the combat effectiveness of magicians like Merlin should be far beyond that of knights.

【The name of this reincarnation copy: The Legend of King Arthur!】

【Act 2: Go with the King!

The 10 minutes to choose the reward soon ended.

Then, just as Su Bai expected

, the communicator began to display the message prompt of Act 2.

【The soon-to-be-built capital of Camelot has been attacked by the Ansa people from the north. Before the Knight King rushes back to Camelot, you need to obey the Knight King's call and stop the invasion of the Ansa people!】

【Main Mission 2: Kill the Ansa invaders!】

【Rewards and penalties: rewards and penalties will be given based on the team's ranking.】

【Current points: 0]

The mode of the task has undergone subtle changes.

Although it is still based on the team framework, this time you can't see the direct ranking, you can only see the points


The light gate opened again in the dark space.

This time, there was a message on the communicator, urging all players to leave the round table space within 15 seconds, otherwise they would be forcibly sent out.

""Let's go!"

Su Bai strode forward, drew his sword, walked in front, and rushed out of the light gate.

The next second, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Su Bai found himself in a wilderness.

From a distance, he could see countless ships floating on the river ahead.

From those ships, Ansa invaders holding various weapons kept jumping down.

This group of pirate-like guys were heading for Camelot, the capital of the Knight King!

On Su Bai's side, there was a mighty army of players.

The number of people was still���More than a thousand people.

Judging from their appearance, they were all wearing armor and looked very impressive, like a regular army fighting against the natives.

However, those Angus invaders who were charging towards this side were definitely not guys who could be slaughtered at will!

"Gather towards me, let's push forward and get as many points as possible!"

After adjusting the formation, Su Bai led the team and began to charge...

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