Before leaving,

Xueno took great effort to push a stone next to her and block the tree hole.

When she chose the tree hole as the place to spend the night, she had considered the problem of sealing the hole.

Because there was a ready-made boulder next to her, she just pushed the stone over.

Although it can't completely block the entrance of the tree hole.

It even makes it very conspicuous.

But with such a stone, at least the two people in the tree hole can be guaranteed not to be attacked by dinosaurs.

The threat of other players does not need to be considered at this moment.

Because of the large-scale dinosaur activities around, the probability of other players being active nearby is not high.

"Don't worry, I will protect Sister Yang No!"

Yuigahama said to Yukino in the tree hole.

She had recovered from her previous panic.

Now she was completely calm.

After all, she was also an"old player" who had experienced a reincarnation dungeon.

She was very clear about the simple truth that losing one's composure would not help save one's life.

""Yes, please."

Yukino's tone revealed gratitude.

Although in the last reincarnation copy, Yuigahama basically just followed her around and did chores, and didn't help much. She was even suspected of being a drag.

But in this reincarnation copy, she was always dragging Yuigahama down.

You know, Yang No, who was also selected as a 'player'

, could easily get the 10,000 points reward in the eyes of others.

Only a loyal friend like Yuigahama would still stand by her side and help her at this moment.


After taking a deep breath, Xueno began to grope in the dark.

Slowly approaching the direction where Su Bai and the others were.

Relying on the blessing of skills.

Although her strength is a little stronger than that of ordinary students, she is still far from being able to act casually.

The dinosaurs that may appear around her at any time are a big threat to her.

But it is precisely because the rioting dinosaurs are extremely threatening that she needs a reason to make the choice and action at this moment.

To put it more simply and straightforwardly.

She wants to please Su Bai.

Although the pride in Xueno's heart does not allow her to admit this fact.

But what she has to do now is this.

Please Su Bai.

As long as Su Bai and the others are in a little danger when facing the dinosaurs, she can jump out to help.

She has worked with Qianshu once before, and she is not opposed to Qianshu's lively and cheerful personality, but because she is afraid of Su Bai.……

"I hope Qianshu can……"

The thought that came to her mind made Yukino clench her fists.

Because this thought was very humble.

Absolutely humble.

She felt that if she approached Su Bai directly, Su Bai would definitely not give her a good face.

Only by starting with Qianshu, who had a more friendly personality, could she increase the success rate of this flattery action.

"I have become such a despicable person."

Xue Na sighed in her heart.

In the end, she still had to use the kindness of others to achieve her own goals.

She hated herself at this moment, but she had no choice.


After approaching Su Bai's camp, Xue Na climbed up a big tree in the dark.

Standing on the treetop, with a clearer vision.

She realized that a fierce battle had begun in the jungle on the other side of the open space in front.

The distance was too far, and Xue Na could not see the details clearly.

However, the dinosaur was relatively large, and even from a distance, she could still see the general outline.

"One, two, three... How many large dinosaurs are there?"

Xue Nai carefully observed the dinosaurs in the opposite jungle.

After she counted the number of large dinosaurs, her eyebrows were already filled with surprise.

At the same time, there were four or five large dinosaurs moving in the opposite jungle, seemingly chasing a target.

From time to time, sparks from the battle could be seen. The battle was fierce.

"call out!"


Suddenly, Xueno found two hidden flames on her side.

She didn't see clearly, nor did she find out who fired the gun.

But the fire and the sound that just passed by her ears must have been fired by a sniper rifle.


Chizuka was well camouflaged on the treetops.

She was covered with branches and leaves, in a pure field combat state.

When Yukino looked towards her, she couldn't find her. It was not until Chizuka fired again that Yukino finally saw Chizuka's position.

But when she saw Chizuka clearly, Ichinose, who was responsible for covering Chizuka, also found Yukino. When their eyes met,

Ichinose naturally showed hostility and vigilance.

Of course, he had to be on guard against someone who approached him quietly while he was fighting the dinosaurs.

"Qianshu, be careful on our left, there is someone!"

"Got it!"

Qianzhu's gun turned very quickly.

However, after seeing it was Xueno through the high-power scope, Qianzhu did not shoot.

Xueno, who was standing opposite, was also nervous at this time.

She raised her hands to the height of her chest, indicating that she had no ill intentions.

Just as they were confronting each other.

Dinosaurs also appeared in the jungle on this side.

【Name: Athlon】

【Level: Medium Dinosaur]

A dozen velociraptors with sharp teeth rushed out of the woods and headed straight for Chizuka and Ichinose.

They had no way to threaten the target hiding on the treetops.

But this did not stop them.

These velociraptors began to line up and hit the tree where Chizuka and Ichinose were.

The tree was about 20 to 30 meters high, and Chizuka and Ichinose were in the middle of the tree.

Every time the velociraptors below hit the tree, the whole tree would shake.


Chizuka started to call out.

She was actually standing quite steadily, but Ichinose next to her was really shaken to the point of losing her balance.

Fortunately, Chizuka freed up one hand and grabbed her.

After Ichinose regained stability, Chizuka started to raise her gun and attack the dinosaurs under the tree.

Yukino took action as soon as she saw the group of dinosaurs.

She thought she couldn't deal with the large dinosaurs in the jungle opposite.

But she still had some room to operate with these medium-sized dinosaurs.

With Chizuka's burst shooting, she moved quickly below to attract the attention of the velociraptors.

Some of the velociraptors were attracted by her and turned around.

In this way, Chizuka on the tree didn't have to take special care to stabilize her body and could shoot as much as she wanted.

Seeing the velociraptors being killed one after another.

A look of joy slowly emerged on Yukino's face.

To prove that she was also capable of fighting.

When there was only one velociraptor left, she dodged, raised the gun in her hand, and fired continuously at a velociraptor.

Even when the magazine was empty, the Speed Dragon didn't fall down. His defense was frighteningly high.

But Xue No was not a pushover. When the bullets ran out, she switched to a knife. She was about to use the terrain to attract the Speed Dragon's attack and then counterattack.


In the distance, a flying knife, like a sharp arrow, blasted the Speed Dragon away.


Su Bai's figure quickly approached.

He had a cold expression, and several flying knives were circling aggressively behind him.

"If you try to steal again, I will blame you!"

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