“Jingle bells! Jingle bells! ”

Listening to the class bell ringing, Kirisu Shinfuyu knocked on the table and said.

“Students, now that the exam begins, please put the books away, and I don’t want to see cheating classmates appear.”

Looking at everyone sitting in front of her, although it was the first time for Kirisu Zhendong to be the head teacher of such an excellent class as Class A, she still said quite seriously,

“Class A is the best class in Shuchi-in School, and I don’t think this will happen.”

Looking at everyone, Kirisu Zhendong said with a cold look.

Everyone suddenly felt cold in their bodies, and quickly shook their heads to deny it.

“No, no, absolutely nothing.”

“That’s good.”

Kirisu Shinfuyu looked at everyone and nodded in satisfaction, although he knew that the best class in a school, Class A, generally did not appear such a person.

But in order to establish the prestige of your own class teacher, you still have to knock and knock.

After all, Kirisu Zhendong is too young and beautiful, and many classmates think of her.

Kirisu Zhendong usually has a headache, and he just used this to knock and knock.

Seeing the awe-inspiring eyes of those students, Kirisu Mafuyu was suddenly very satisfied.

But when she turned her gaze to the back row, her menacing arrogance suddenly disappeared.

Looking at Luo Zhen, who was looking at her from behind, Kirisu Zhendong suddenly looked away with a weak heart.

You know, she still remembers the bromine incident that day.

Thinking about it now, Kirisu Mafuyu was a little embarrassed.

As a homeroom teacher at Shuchiin School, he actually sat home on his student’s motorcycle.

Even then, because it was September, the summer heat hadn’t gone long.

Whether it was Luo Zhen or herself, the clothes were very thin at that time.

Kirisu Zhendong could clearly sense the heat of his clinging to Luo Zhen.

You can also smell the fragrance that belongs to the little boy on Luo Zhen.

At that time, Kirisu Jindong, who had just got off the locomotive, was still a little confused, but she would not forget that she sent an invitation to Luo Zhen on impulse.

Fortunately, Rozen refused.

After returning home, Kirisu Shinfuyu was relieved to see the messy scene in his home.

Stockings, inside. Clothes are scattered everywhere, on the sofa, next to the TV can be seen messily placed clothes, on the table are leftover instant noodle boxes and takeaway boxes.

At that time, Kirisu Mafuyu, who was lying on the bed, recalled the previous incident and rolled around on the bed in shame.


“Kirisu-sensei, Kirisu-sensei?”

A call pulled Kirisu Mafuyu back, and looking at the people in front of her who were looking at her with concern, Kirisu Mafuyu coughed awkwardly and diverted her attention.

“Okay, now let’s start the exam.”

Somehow, looking at Kirisu Zhendong, who was a little flustered on the stage, Luo Zhen still felt a little cute below.

The test paper was handed down from the podium, and looking at the questions on the paper, no matter who it was, they looked serious.

Even Silver Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at this exam paper with frowns.

I heard that many of the above topics are from countries across the sea, and each generation of principals bought them from across the sea at great expense.

As a result, everyone looked at the topic with a sad face.

Kirisu Shinfuyu sat behind the lectern and couldn’t help but shake his head with pity when he looked at everyone’s expressions.

She had studied this topic before sending it down, and even she was a little crazy when facing this test paper.

Should it be said that it is the same test paper as Mawei? Even the teacher gave a dismount.

Bai Yin Yuxing looked at the topics above that seemed to be like a heavenly book, and his face was serious. The black pen in his hand flew and quickly checked something on the scratch paper.

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her eyebrows, looking at this topic was also a little blinded, you must know that even her tutor had never talked about this kind of topic.

Looking at the name of the question-maker Ge Dajun, Shinomiya Kaguya was a little shocked.

Is this person a monster? It is actually possible to come up with such a topic.

I heard that he was also the proposition person of the national college entrance examination across the sea, thinking of this, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn’t help but feel some pity for the high school students across the sea.

It’s so pitiful that you actually need to do this kind of topic.

Of course, she now has to worry about herself.

Looking at the Luo Zhen pen in front of him, the crimson eyes of the fourth palace Kaguya couldn’t help but narrow.

The current Shinomiya Kaguya is under great pressure.

But thinking about his gambling contract with Luo Zhen, Shinomiya Kaguya gritted his silver teeth, and then picked up a pen and wrote.

Even the second and third in the class, Silver Miyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya, were like this, not to mention the other students in Class A.

“What is this topic, I was the first in our junior high school, how did I come here but I couldn’t understand.”

“What is this, I was the president of the student council at the time of the middle school of Shuchi Academy, and my grades in the middle school were also among the best, but why can’t I understand this test question.”

The students of Class A are full of complaints.

You know, Class A is already the best class in the first grade of the whole school, and they will still have this situation, not to mention other classes.

Among these people, Luo Zhen, who wrote with a pen, gave them a lot of pressure.

What kind of person is Luo Zhen, but in his previous life, in the college entrance examination of Su Daqiang Province in 10 years, he scored 140 points in mathematics, and it is precisely because of this confidence that he can be scummy in his previous life.

And in this life, it is a fusion of the Sun God Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief and the template of the Menyaji who knows everything except taking pictures.

With so many external goldfingers, what else is he afraid of?

Looking at the questions on the test paper, Luo Zhen wrote without pressure.

This pen writing made many people sitting next to him feel pressured.

And the one who feels the most pressure is probably Shinomiya Kaguya behind him.

You know, Shinomiya Kaguya has a gambling contract with him.

“Want to stress me with writing speed? In fact, you are checking on scratch paper. ”

Shinomiya Kaguya silently guessed in his heart at this time.

“Classmate Luo Zhen, you are so cute.”

Shinomiya Kaguya evoked a cold smile and thought coldly.

Next to Kaguya Yotomiya . Another classmate sitting in the last row couldn’t help but snort.

“Why is it so cold?”


Of course, because the Xiuzhiyuan school exam is so serious and terrifying, many people’s crooked minds are also moving.


The teacher wearing glasses suddenly pulled out the boy’s copy in front of him.

The boy looked at the teacher with a pale face, and he knew that he was finished.

Shuchiin School is still very tolerant of failing exams, but it can’t stand cheating.

Every time I encounter this situation, I do not hesitate to give dissuasion.

This time not only cooled himself, but even brought shame on the family.

This made the boy extremely terrified.

However, even in this high-pressure state, there are people who dare to die.


Watching the drone fall in the air, the teaching director put down the drone counter-gun in his hand with satisfaction.

Now is the era of technology, and even many people choose to use technology to cheat, in order to prevent them, Shuzhiyuan School specially launched heavy means to fight with students.

“Dig a well, go and catch this cheating guy on the airwaves.”

Taking out the walkie-talkie, the teaching director said to the opposite side.

“Received, Director.”

News soon came from the other side. Listening to the other side’s consent, the teaching director shook his head a little helplessly.

“The current students, it’s really degenerate, in the previous Showa era, everyone was working hard to rush ah, really in response to the saying on the Internet, the men of the Heisei era are all wasted.”

As an old man who has been in Shuchiin since the Showa era, he is also quite emotional.

“Huh? Who are you? ”

Looking at the man flashing in the woods in front of him, the teaching director suddenly became vigilant.

You know, the teacher of Xiuzhiyuan School, he knows everyone, but the man in front of him, he does not know.

Thinking about this thorough examination, the teaching director couldn’t help but shake his head helplessly.

“Now children, please invite foreign aid to come to the school, and I don’t know how the security guard stopped it.” Then let me sanction you. ”

After speaking, the director of instruction followed the pace of the man in front and entered the woods.


Security room.

At this time, the security room was unusually quiet, and the two security guards were unconscious in the security room at this time, sleeping peacefully.

If it weren’t for the previous man’s scruples, then the divine kiru game would have begun.



With a clear sound of falling pens, Luo Zhen stretched out his hand and said.

“Teacher, I want to hand in the papers.”

“Roll in?”

As soon as these words came out, the four palaces Kaguya behind him were suddenly blinded.

At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya was struggling hard with the first big question, and as a result, Luo Zhen in front of her did so.

This inevitably hit Shinomiya Kaguya a little too hard.

Not only her, but the entire class A was in an uproar.

“It’s terrible, I’m still doing multiple choice questions.”

“yes, I didn’t even understand how to choose the tenth.”

“Hahaha, it seems that I can still do it, and I did the fill-in-the-blank question, although three or four choices did not do it.”

“The question this time is really terrifying, and the school’s dismount this time is too perverted.”

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Bai Yin Yuxing, who had just finished filling in the blanks, couldn’t help but cover his face.

Sure enough, it came again.

No matter how difficult the problems in school are, Luo Zhen will always be the first to finish.

At that time, Bai Yin Yuxing was still in the same country as Luo Zhen, and he was the object that Luo Zhen regarded as transcendent.

However, under the competition again and again, he was completely defeated by Luo Zhen, and just like that, the two brothers and sisters Bai Yin Yuxing and Bai Yin Gui also became familiar with Luo Zhen.

Baiyin Yuxing also became Luo Zhen’s best friend. As for Bai Yingui, Bai Yin Yuxing would never admit that Luo Zhen had abducted her.

Even Bai Yin Yuxing came to Xiuzhiyuan High School, which was also instigated by Luo Zhen.

However, what Bai Yin Yuxing never expected was that Luo Zhen would be able to submit the papers in advance of such a difficult entrance examination.

Sure enough, he usually hid his strength, which also marked the great failure of Baiyin Yuxing’s efforts this time.

“It’s all quiet, everyone else has turned in the papers, you guys.”

Kirisu Mafuyu, who was patting the table, looked at the people in front of him with a stern gaze.

Everyone looked at her stern gaze and couldn’t help shrinking their heads.

“We’re still trying to solve the problem.”

Someone secretly complained in his heart.

“Classmate Luo Zhen, just sit there, don’t move.”

Looking at Luo Zhen who was sitting there, Kirisu Zhendong took a deep breath.

During this time, she has been deliberately avoiding Luo Zhen, but she always has to face Luo Zhen.

At this time, she finally walked to Luo Zhen’s side and gently leaned down to take Luo Zhen’s roll away.

Her heart was pounding when she took the roll, and she breathed a long sigh of relief when she took the roll.

“Then Shinnomiya-san, goodbye.”

Luo Zhen, who got up, looked at the four palaces Kaguya behind him and said with a slight smile.

“Classmate Luo Zhen, goodbye.”

Listening to Luo Zhen’s triumphant words, Shinomiya Kaguya’s face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said.

Watching Luo Zhen step out, many students in Class A watched him leave with envy.

There were even many female classmates, looking at his departing back, all with light in their eyes.

You know, as the proud sons of heaven, this is the first time they face Luo Zhen.

The previous entrance exam may have been his luck, but this time, looking at such a complicated test paper, he was able to hand in the paper in advance.

This makes them admire immensely.

Of course, no one knows about Kaguya’s gritted teeth in secret.


Out of class, Luo Zhen looked at the empty campus, walked directly to the lobby on the first floor, and took out a bottle of drink from the vending machine.

With the bottle of sparkling water in hand, Rozen sat on a bench on campus.

At this time, Luo Zhen looked at the Estes card in his hand and fell into deep thought.

When exactly will Esders awaken?



Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the hanging watch on the podium was still a little self-satisfied.

There is still a minute to go.

But by this time she had already done most of it.

I have to say that this exam paper is too challenging.

Even Shinomiya Kaguya was quite stunned.

“Okay, students, start turning in the test papers.”

Seeing that the time was up, Kirisu Shinfuyu stood on the stage and said.

The students who handed over sighed, and even the silver royal travel was quite frowning.

For the examination of the famous Hidechiin school. He also saw it with his own eyes.

No wonder people talk about it.


At this moment, the alarm bell of Shuzhiyuan School suddenly rang.

“Notice, please all teachers and students emergency evacuation, notice, please all teachers and students emergency evacuation.”

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