
And this is the combat power released for the first time.

The first time I put on the monster enhancement suit, I can reach this level.

With a little training in the future, I am afraid that I will have the opportunity to reach more than 95%.

And what level is more than 95% in the expeditionary force?

The answer is, captain level!

Yabai Mina, the captain of the third expeditionary force, which is known as the strongest in the defense army, has released more than 95% of her combat power.

And Yabai Mina is already a legend in the defense army.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens in the future, Chen Mu will also become a legend.

Everyone present also witnessed the birth of a legend today!

Thinking of the height that Chen Mu may reach in the future.

Many people look at him with admiration unconsciously.

This is how Japanese people are.

Their nature is to worship the strong.

However, there are exceptions.

That is Shinomiya Chikoru. The look in her eyes when she looked at Chen Mu was full of envy and jealousy. She was shocked that Chen Mu had such a high talent. She was also jealous of why such a high talent was not in me.

However, that was all.

Even if Shinomiya Chikolu was unhappy, she would not really do anything to Chen Mu.

At most, she would complain in her heart, why did it have to be this person.

In the eyes of the crowd, some were shocked, some were jealous.

Chen Mu had an indifferent expression, and he didn't care about the so-called 61% of the released combat power.

This number may be very high, but that's all.

The power of a mere monster.

How can it compare to the strength of the Body of Steel!

The Body of Steel is Chen Mu's biggest golden finger.

He must be crazy, so he didn't develop the Body of Steel, but instead developed the so-called"released combat power".

His brain is not sick to this extent...

Chen Mu's indifference was seen as a great general's style. He could remain calm in the face of such a big thing.

His psychological quality was too strong!

However, soon Xiao Qimu's beautiful voice broke the silence in the field.

"Hibino Kafka, liberating the power...0%???"

Xiao Konogi's beautiful voice was full of doubts and puzzlement.

She really couldn't understand why this happened?

Even for ordinary people, their liberation combat power would at least have a number. Even if it was lower, there would be a liberation combat power of a few tenths.


This has never happened in the world.

As the person involved, after hearing that his liberation combat power was only 0%,

Hibino Kafka was dumbfounded.

No, why the hell are you doing that!

Hibino Kafka could accept that he was not a genius, and he had been mentally prepared for this.

But you can't be 0%, even if you just give a few percent, he can accept it!

When Hibino Kafka doubted his life.

Others also came back to their senses from the shock at this time.

Then, they laughed at Hibino Kafka.

Although no one was stupid enough to go up and ridicule directly.

But the joke in the laughter was not concealed.

It almost made Hibino Kafka, a middle-aged uncle, unable to hold back.

Unlike others, Chen Mu did not look down on Hibino Kafka because of his liberation combat power.

So what if it was 0%?

It's just that he can't use the power of the monster enhancement suit.

But Kafka Hibino has a monster in his body.

And it's the most powerful monster, a big monster-level monster.

This power is much more terrifying than a mere monster enhancement suit.

Even once Kafka Hibino completes the monster transformation. I'm afraid that all the people present combined may not be enough for Kafka to beat with one hand.

This is the power of the"protagonist" halo.

However, Chen Mu did not take the initiative to show his goodwill because of this.

Monster No. 8?

Man of Steel, boy!

With a Man of Steel, Chen Mu does not need to show goodwill to anyone.

The talent test session ended quickly.

After everyone adapted to the monster enhancement suit.

Soshiro Hoshina also walked in and said with a smile:"Since everyone is already familiar with the power of the monster enhancement suit"

"So, let’s start the final test!"

"The third round of assessment is called practical assessment!"......

"Huh? Let's go fight monsters now?"

"real or fake?"

"I fight monsters?"

"Can you win?"


Faced with these questions, the deputy captain Soshiro Hoshina still had a squinting expression.

He said in a calm tone:"We will win!"

Looking at this scene, Chen Mu always had an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Did you go to the wrong set?

Also, when will I be able to stop laughing when I see this sentence?

I'm afraid I have to wait until Teacher Wu is resurrected.

Unfortunately, he has traveled through time, so even if Teacher Wu is resurrected in the future, he won't be able to see it.


Back to the topic.

Leading a group of newcomers to the top of a building.

Under their feet was an uninhabited urban area.

This was the venue for the third round of assessment for the newcomers.

"Your final examination will be conducted here"

"In this urban training ground, there are many monsters kept in captivity by the defense forces."

"As for the specific number, it is probably 1 main beast and 36 other beasts."

"These monsters caused a total of 16 casualties in Hachioji last year."

"All you have to do is use the weapons in your hands to destroy all these monsters."

"In order to understand your performance, there will be a drone that will follow you throughout the process."

After listening to the content of the assessment, many people became nervous.

Although everyone joined the expeditionary force for the purpose of killing monsters.

But when you really have to face the monsters and fight with them.

It is inevitable to feel afraid.

After all, they are monsters.

The horror of monsters has long been deeply rooted in everyone's bones in this era.

Who has not witnessed the destruction of monsters several times?

But now that things have come to this, it's too late to be afraid.

To retreat at this time means giving up.

It's not easy to get here, naturally no one wants to give up easily.

You can only encourage yourself not to be afraid.

It's just a monster, just do it!

Shinomiya Chikolu, at this time, also came to Xu Xiu

"Hey, wanna compare?"


"Let's compete in hunting monsters. How about a bet?"

Chen Mu said nothing, just looked at Shinomiya Chikoru.

And Shinomiya Chikoru also showed a devilish smile.

"Let's bet on who will kill the beast in the end. The winner can make the loser do one thing unconditionally."

Looking at the confident Shinomiya Chikolu,

Chen Mu smiled.

You are very brave to challenge me.

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