In the night sky of Fuyuki City...

The eight-legged divine horse with a leisurely look was flying in the air, moving forward at a leisurely pace.

Although she looked silly in human form, she called it: top wisdom!

The poetic drama smelled the scent of the same kind of"idiot" from Irisviel!


She wanted to bring this woman together with her master!...

Alice sat sideways in front, her face pale and she dared not open her eyes.

Fearing the loss of gravity, she leaned tightly into Zhao Ziqing's arms.

This unique way of flying was her first experience in her life.

"Don't be afraid, I won't throw you down"


"Don't you want to overlook the night view of this city?"

"If you miss this opportunity, you won't have another chance next time."

Zhao Ziqing comforted the trembling Irisviel.

"night view..."

Alice murmured tremblingly.

With Zhao Ziqing's encouragement, she dared to open her eyes a little and overlook the night view below.

The hazy city buildings under the night sky were like clouds.

Those dazzling lights corresponded to the stars in the sky.

Looking down from the sky, it was a sea of clouds and a land paved with stars.

Alice was stunned.

In her limited and short life, she had never seen such a magnificent view!

She raised her little hand absentmindedly and crossed the night sky above. The bright stars seemed to be close at hand!

"So beautiful..."

Irisviel sighed with mixed feelings.

Being able to see this beautiful scenery with her own eyes while she was still alive was not a waste of her life.... at the same time...

On the other side of the world...

The angry Kenneth turned into a desktop cleaning master and swept all the books on the table to the ground!

His face was extremely gloomy, and his chest was heaving violently because of anger!

A few minutes ago...

The letter from the church informed him of the bad news!

Due to some external factors...

The Holy Grail War, which was originally scheduled for a year later, was held ahead of schedule!

He had to go to Fuyuki City within a week to participate in the ceremony!

"The local magician really doesn't know the rules!"


"He is worse than a bandit!"

Kenneth cursed angrily, venting his anger!

Right now, he had prepared almost nothing, not even a Holy Relic!

What difference would it make if he participated in the Holy Grail War in this state?


In order to participate in this Holy Grail War!

To add a brilliant chapter to his magician resume!

He paid a great price to get this place!

If he quits...

All the hard work I put in is just a waste of money....

He himself would also be branded as a coward for running away from the battlefield!

This was the greatest shame that Kenneth, as a child prodigy, could not accept!

"no solution anymore..."

"I can only use the [Round Table Fragments] to take a gamble."

Kenneth opened the drawer with a gloomy look and looked at the gift box inside.

This was a gift given to him by a lecturer in the Spiritual Department not long ago.

If the Round Table Fragments are used as [Holy Relics], there is a high probability that a powerful Servant can be summoned!

The twelve Knights of the Round Table who followed [King Arthur] in the legend!

At this point,

Kenneth can only take a gamble on his luck!...

The other side...

In the campus dormitory of the clock tower...

A skinny black-haired boy was lying on the table, thinking about his life....

A beautiful young man with white hair passed by him.

"Weber, there is an email for you."

"It was sent from abroad."

The boy placed a box in front of his best friend.

"Melvin, are you mistaken?"

Weber looked at the box in front of him and looked at his friend in confusion.

"But your name is written on it."

The white-haired boy called Melvin shrugged and returned to his seat.

Only his best friend was left, staring at the package in his hand in a daze.


Weber murmured the strangely pronounced city name.

He took a step back cautiously and carefully opened the outer package.

The prank he imagined did not happen.

In front of him, there was only a card and a box containing the [cloak fragment]....

【Do you know the legend of the Holy Grail?】

【Come to Fuyuki】

【All your confusions will be answered here.】...

The three short lines of words on the card look very strange no matter how you look at them!

"What kind of prank is this?"

Weber complained angrily.

Just as he was about to discard the card in his hand, this ordinary card burned by itself!

The blazing flame left a mysterious rune in the air!


Weber, who was tricked, fell to the ground in fear.


"How dare you scare me!"

"I'll go investigate now!"

"Holy Grail, Fuyuki, you all wait for me!"

The embarrassed Waver clenched his fists in shame and anger, and spoke harshly....

The last Master of this Holy Grail War has officially entered the battlefield!


Zhao Ziqing.

Tōsaka Tokiomi. Kotomine

Kirei. Waver Velvet.

Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald.

The [Holy Grail War] centered around these six Masters is about to begin!...

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