
The Tosaka Family's Residence...

Sakura choked with sobs and cried, not wanting to be separated from her parents


"Bad uncle is not a bad person"

"He will protect you!"

Xiaolin helped her sister drag the suitcase and comforted her....

The sound of galloping horses rang out from the street.


"Could it be that young lady?"

Tosaka Tokitoki looked at the clock in the living room and thought in a low voice in surprise.

With transportation so convenient today, why is she still using a horse-drawn carriage?

It seems...

The other party should come from a very old family that respects tradition!...

The moment the door opens...

The scene that appeared in front of everyone shocked them!

It was a pumpkin carriage pulled by three white unicorns!

Dreamy butterflies, with colorful lights, surrounded the carriage!

This fantasy-filled [pumpkin carriage] seemed to come from the fairy kingdom in the fairy tale world.

Even the driver of the [pumpkin carriage] was a cute and lovely female fairy with butterfly wings on her back!

"This! This is...?"

Tōsaka Tokiomi opened his mouth in shock, muttering in disbelief.

He had only seen such a fantasy carriage in fairy tales!

The wife beside him had already covered her mouth in shock.


"Sakura! Look!"

"It's the legendary Unicorn!"

Tousaka Rin pointed at the three white unicorns, her face cheering with joy.

She wanted to rush over to touch them, but was pulled back by Tousaka Tokiomi!


Sakura was also stunned , she stood there blankly, staring at the pumpkin carriage....

Even in the fairy kingdom, there is no such creature as the [Unicorn].

But Morgan used the white mane dropped by the [Eight-legged Divine Horse].

Through forbidden magic, he cultivated this unique tribe.

They have human wisdom, can run in the air, and travel thousands of miles a day!

In the fairy kingdom ruled by Morgan, only nobles can have mounts!

Just when the Tosaka family was still in shock, the female fairy driving the [Pumpkin Carriage] waved her butterfly wings and landed in the courtyard of the Tosaka family.

"I am here to greet Miss Sakura on the orders of His Majesty.

The fairy explained her purpose in a soft voice.

She smiled at Sakura and bowed respectfully.

"Oh my god..."

"That young lady is so generous!"

"But this carriage is speeding on the street, which should be a bit inappropriate!"

Tosaka Tokiomi frowned and asked tentatively.

A magician must hide himself and cannot let ordinary people know about his existence!

The other party has broken the rules by driving such an ostentatious carriage, which is not allowed!

"You don't have to worry about this."

"This carriage is a gift from His Majesty to Miss Ying."

"It is engraved with the highest level of [Cognitive Interference], which ordinary people cannot see."

The fairy explained gently.

"turn out to be...That's it..."

When Tōsaka Tokiomi heard this, he was completely stunned.

He could no longer imagine the value of this carriage!

"Miss Sakura, please follow me."

"His Majesty is at the mansion, waiting for you to come over and see him."

The fairy walked to Sakura's side and helped her pick up the suitcase.

"Good boy..."

"Sakura, are you going to the fairy tale kingdom?"

"Is your teacher the Queen of the Fairy Kingdom?"

Xiao Lin happily grabbed her sister's hand and asked her enviously.

"Fairy Lady..."

"Will I be able to see my family again in the future?"

Sakura asked the fairy in a low voice with panic in her eyes.


"I am Miss Sakura's personal attendant."

"If Miss Sakura misses home, she can always come back."

The fairy smiled gently and answered Sakura's question.


She leaned over and gestured for invitation


Sakura reluctantly raised her head, looked at her parents, and then looked at her sister.

She took a firm step and walked towards the pumpkin carriage.

The colorful butterflies flying in the air floated in front of the carriage and turned into steps.

The girl stepped on the steps turned into butterflies and boarded the carriage with her family's farewell.

"Mr. Tosaka, I will take my leave now."

The fairy flapped her butterfly wings, flew up from the ground, and landed on the pumpkin carriage again.

She gently waved the reins.

The three unicorns took steps at the same time, stepping on the void and flying towards the sky!

Watching her sister leave.

Xiaolin's eyes were full of envy.

She pointed at the natural pumpkin carriage and looked at her father with hope.

【Make one for me!】

The magical pumpkin carriage is the dream of millions of girls!


Tohsaka Tokiomi sighed bitterly.

Not to mention the Tohsaka family, even the Clock Tower probably couldn't do it!

That level of existence has surpassed the upper limit of modern magic!

Calling it a [Noble Phantasm] is probably not an exaggeration!...

"Sakura's teacher is so kind to her."

Mrs. Toosaka breathed a sigh of relief, feeling happy for her daughter.


"Sakura's future is definitely limitless"

"Perhaps that is a realm that even we can only look up to."

Tōsaka Tokiomi also smiled and sighed, full of expectations for his little daughter.... at this time...

On the streets of Fuyuki City...

Matou Kariya, wearing a hood, carefully concealed himself.

Following the instructions in the text message, he finally arrived at a rental house.




He knocked hard on the door according to the code in the text message.


Door opens from inside...

A man reeking of alcohol rushed out of the house and hugged Matou Kariya while sobbing!

"Kariya! You're finally back!"

"The Matou family was taken away!"

"It’s gone! Everything is gone!"

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