The moment the Fantasy Life simulation qualification was used, a golden virtual screen appeared in front of Zhao Ziqing.

This was a virtual screen that only he could see.

Even the Lion King, who was less than half a body away from him, did not notice anything unusual....

【How difficult would you like this simulation to be?】

【Simple: A life of great wealth and honor】

【Ordinary: An ordinary life】

【Difficulty: A life full of fantasy】

【Note: Choosing different difficulty levels will affect the final rewards!】...

"Option 3: Difficult!"

Zhao Ziqing saw the system prompt and gave an order in his mind.

He needed strength, at least strength that was not inferior to that of a Servant!

Only in this way!

Can he be the one who laughs last in the [Fourth Holy Grail War]!

Just after Zhao Ziqing made his choice, a new round of options soon appeared again....

【All living beings have their own destiny】

【What kind of persona do you want to have?】

【The Son of Luck"Jin": You are the one who is blessed by heaven's luck】

【Lord of the Planes"Purple": You are the master of this world】

【You are just a mortal in this world.】

【Note: This choice will directly determine your future achievements.】...

"Option 1: Son of Luck!"

Zhao Ziqing made a decisive decision.

The system provides the highest level of rewards.

Zhao Ziqing has come into contact with the highest level, which is the [Gold] reward!

Faced with such a choice!

Choosing the [Golden Option] will definitely not be wrong!

After making the decision, a new option emerged again!...

【The destiny of the heavens surrounds you】

【The fantasy world welcomes your birth】

【What background would you like to be born into?】

【Savior"Jin": You are entrusted with the important mission of saving the stars】

【Being a King"Purple": You are a natural born king, with noble bloodline】

【Knight Family"Blue": Your dream is to become a knight】

【Note: This choice will affect your entire life, please choose carefully!】...

"Option 1: Savior!"

Zhao Ziqing continued to recite in his heart, licking his dry lips.

The son of destiny, the savior.

There seemed to be an unknown force guiding him to make a choice.

These two [golden options] will definitely complement each other and bring unexpected magical effects!


A new round of options appears again......

【Race will determine your upper limit】

【A significant impact on the future】

【What is your ethnicity?】

【Human"Blue": You are a natural original and the most perfect human being】

【Fairy"Blue": You are a fairy, born with powerful abilities】

【Monster"Purple": You are a wandering monster, a disaster born for revenge】...

"Option 1: Human..."

Zhao Ziqing thought of himself and decisively chose human.

The reason was very simple.

When this [The Sims] was over, he would get all the power in the simulation!

Fairies or monsters.

It was very likely that after the fusion, there would be a certain degree of interference to the body or soul!

This was what he did not want to see.

Therefore, choosing the human race was the safest option!...

【You may not know this when you are young.】

【An unexpected childhood encounter may change the trajectory of your life】

【What do you want your adventure to be?】

【Ancient Ruins"Purple": Ancient ruins that have been covered in dust for a long time may contain some kind of heritage】

【Kendo Heritage"Purple": The heritage left by a swordsman is the skill you have practiced since childhood】

【The River God of Another World"Gold": Young hero, honesty will bring you unexpected rewards】...

"Option 3: Otherworldly River God..."

Zhao Ziqing made a quick choice.

His intuition told him that the random chance of the river god would change the course of the story.

It would bring him unexpected special gains, allowing this simulated life to go further!...

【The Master's selection is complete!】

【World matching successful!】

【Current world: Lostbelt - Fairy Round Table Area!】...


Zhao Ziqing couldn't hold it back when he saw his simulated life!

The corners of his mouth twitched as he realized that he had made the wrong choice!


That is a country dominated by fairies!

The humans in that world are just created life forms!

They only have a life span of thirty years, are infertile, and are weak!

But even so, humans still retain their imagination and creativity!

This is an excellent quality that the fairies in the Fairyland cannot possess!

Because of this!

Only the creativity that humans possess can bring happiness to fairies!

But fairies are extremely cruel to humans and take pleasure in killing humans!

As humans......

Being born in that dark world is simply a horror story!...

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