On the streets late at night...

"Master, are you really not considering the [Sacred Relic]?"

After learning of the Master's thoughts, the Lion King asked worriedly


"Since there is no suitable [Holy Relic】"

"It's better to bet on your own luck value!"

Zhao Ziqing smiled confidently.

In the panel listed by the system, his luck value is beyond the standard!

With the bonus effect of [Son of Luck], he feels that he has great potential!

"Is it too risky?"

"How about going to find [Tosaka Tokiomi] and threatening him to hand over the holy relic?"

The Lion King frowned, and a dangerous idea came into his mind.

"His [Relic] may not be suitable for me"

"I've made up my mind"

"This matter is settled."

Zhao Ziqing rarely showed his tough side.


At the next moment!

A powerful wave of magic power shook Zhao Ziqing's body!

At the same time he noticed it, the Lion King also felt it!


The Lion King, holding a bunch of snacks, was about to step forward to protect her master.

But Zhao Ziqing raised his hand to stop her from moving forward.

"You can't do it!"

Zhao Ziqing turned around and gave the Lion King a look.

"Could it be?"

The Lion King's pupils trembled slightly, and she obviously noticed it!

She was very familiar with this magical fluctuation!


The Servant rushing towards this side!

It was herself who became a [Heroic Spirit] in this time and space!...

"Let me do it, this is a great opportunity to test my strength"

""Lion King, what do you think?"

Zhao Ziqing was eager to try.

After fusing the Heroic Spirit Card, he hadn't fought seriously yet!


"The other party is a servant after all!"

"And still...she..."

The Lion King flatly refused. She couldn't bear to see her master take risks.


"Because it's her, you can't do it."

"Because once they fight, she will recognize you."

"By then, countless troubles will inevitably be involved."

"The situation will be very unfavorable to us."

Zhao Ziqing looked deeply at the Lion King and sighed with complex feelings.


The Lion King sighed and closed his eyes guiltily.

She also knew that she must not reveal her identity.

Once other masters and servants knew her identity, they would be especially wary of her! It would be almost impossible to trick them out of the city and kill them with a treasure!

And what would be the consequences of fighting in the city!

You can imagine the shocking scene of a comet hitting the city!

Just thinking about that scene would make people shudder!... at this time...

Irisviel, who had left the Tohsaka family, was riding in a black luxury car to a resting place.

Unlike the declining Tohsaka family, the Einzbern family is a famous family of magic that has been passed down for thousands of years.

The family even gave birth to the"Third Magician"!

The family has strong financial resources and has private castles all over the world!

Fuyuki City...

As the main battlefield of the Holy Grail War...

In the back hills of this city, there is naturally a castle that is convenient for living!...

The blonde girl sitting in the passenger seat sensed a powerful wave of magic power!

That level of magic power was beyond the level that a magician could achieve!


At least one Servant was moving nearby!

"Stop the car!"

The girl ordered.

The maid in charge of driving respectfully parked the black luxury car on the street.

"Ellie, it's time to fight."

"Are you ready?"

The girl turned around and looked at the white-haired woman behind her.


"I'm fine."

"Saber, just go ahead and fight."

"No matter what happens, I will be your best backup!"

Although she clenched her fists because of fear, Irisviel still did not retreat.

The reason was simple.

Through the intelligence currently obtained by the [Einzbern] family.

Among the masters who have appeared, only two are suspected to be summoned in advance!

One is Kotomine Kirei.

He is suspected to be the master of Assassin [Assassin Class].

It's just that he disguised himself very well, and there is no definite evidence at present.

In addition, with the protection of the [Church], it is impossible to test him.

And the other one!

Is the unidentified Zhao Ziqing!

No one knows where he is from!

From his surname, it can be judged that he is from a big country in the East!

But the head of the Tosaka family said that he used Nordic magic!


This mysterious guy is the biggest destabilizing factor in the Fourth Holy Grail War!

It was based on this point that the great grandfather of the Einzbern family issued the order to purge!

It is very likely!

The enemy that Saber is going to face is the target of this trip!...

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