Unprecedented despair turned into a life-threatening sickle, resting on Matou Zouken's neck.

The deadly breath that seemed to be tangible made his body tremble like a sieve, and he was already sweating profusely.

"This gentleman, I don't know why you visit me so late at night...."

Matou Zouken bowed respectfully, his words full of flattery.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the lion king's cold snort.


The Lion King snorted in disgust.

The pure light element turned into a spinning star wheel, gathering at her fingertips.

The king, who was determined to kill, was waiting for the attack order from the master!

""Get started!"

Zhao Ziqing's voice sounded from behind the Lion King.


"It seems that you want to fight me!"

Matou Zouken's expression was ferocious, and he angrily knocked the ground with his cane.

Light blue ripples spread from under his feet and quickly spread to the entire courtyard.


A shrill buzzing sound rang out throughout the courtyard....

The terrifying [Winged Blade Insects] gathered into a gray sea of insects and attacked from all directions!

"You don't know how to live or die!"

The Lion King scolded with contempt. The old bug was already on the verge of death, but he was still playing tricks.

She raised her left hand majestically, and the golden star wheel swirled around the tip of her index finger, expanding to several meters long!

The spinning golden star wheel flew out dense light blades!

In less than a blink of an eye, the sea of winged blade insects that attacked were cleared at the speed of light and turned into corpses scattered all over the ground!

"How is it possible!"

Matou Zonken was horrified and let out a hoarse and piercing roar.

Before he could play a new trump card, the rapidly rotating golden spiral had already swallowed him up!

Countless rays of light turned into tiny blades of light, cutting Matou Zonken's body!

The first thing to fall off was the bloody skin.

Then came the small pieces of muscle tissue.

Then came the blood threads attached to the bones.

In the golden spiral, Matou Zonken was being cut into pieces!

Time seemed to have slowed down hundreds of thousands of times, and every second felt like a year!


"Five hundred years!"

"My obsession, how can...!"

Matou Zouken screamed miserably, and he shed tears of blood in despair.

In the end, in the brilliance of the golden spiral, he turned into ashes and dissipated in the wind....


【You successfully killed: Matou Zouken!】

【You changed the plot!】

【Obtain reward: additional command spell authority!】...

Item Description

Name: Additional Command Spell Permission

Level: Epic [Gold]

Type: Restoration Item

Description: The number of Command Spells is increased to six. Every 24 hours, one Command Spell is restored....

"What is this?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhao Ziqing's eyes.

He didn't expect that after killing the old bug, he would get such a reward.

You know, the function of [Command Spells] is not just to command servants!

Whether it is used for combat enhancement or assistance, it is a convenient ability!

Even if the servant is seriously injured, it can be healed with the Command Spell!

When necessary, it can even perform miracles such as [Space Transfer]!

In a way, it is just like a [Cheat]!...

"Lion King, destroy this place."

Zhao Ziqing sat on the horse and issued a new order.


The Lion King smiled with satisfaction, with a look of approval in his eyes.

If the grass is not cut off at the root, it will cause trouble in the future.

The best way...

The house of the Matou family must be wiped off the planet!

To prevent this cunning old man from having any more tricks up his sleeve!

One minute later...

A master and a servant rode on the golden horse and left the house of the Matou family.

As the two left, a huge golden spiral light gun broke through the clouds in the night sky from the universe outside the planet.

From tens of thousands of meters in the air, it smashed vertically towards the Matou family's mansion!

When the light gun touched the ground, a dazzling white light rose from the earth, making the whole city as if day had come again!

The light was close to the surface of the earth, purifying everything in the world.

Whether it was buildings or corpses, they were all reduced to ashes!

After a long time......

A deafening sound suddenly rang out from the ruins!

The spreading heat wave shattered the glass within a radius of more than ten kilometers!

Most of Fuyuki City was paralyzed by circuits and communication barriers!

The one-kilometer radius of the location where the Matou family was located had turned into a bottomless pit!

And this...

It was just a casual attack from the Lion King!

It was far from the tip of the iceberg of his true strength!

If I had to describe it, it was like crushing a bug with your fingers!...

Directions to the station...

The square suddenly turned into daytime, leaving the father and daughter standing there in a daze!

""Father, it's dawn!"

The young Sakura pointed at the golden sky with her little hand and said in a sweet and innocent voice.


"It's not dawn!"

"That place is!"

Tosaka Tokiomi said in shock.

But his next words were drowned out by the explosion that resounded through the sky!

If he remembered correctly,...

That location... seemingly...

It is the direction of the Matou family....

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